Using Technology purposely with Juniors You have iPads, computers and Interactive Whiteboards in your classroom/centre and you have students that know more than you! How can you use this technology purposefully in your classroom? Your students might know more than you! How can you use their knowledge to help inform teaching and learning? © Jacqui Sharp 2013
5 year olds are coming to school with no keyboard or mouse skills… …but they can swipe!
Keyboarding Year O-1 Thumbs only on the space bar Hold the mouse correctly Single click and Double click mouse Keep mouse on mat Click on items Click and drag items Can recognise some letters on Keyboard Can use the 'Magic Line' Year O-1 Thumbs only on the space bar Hold the mouse correctly Single click and Double click mouse Keep mouse on mat Click on items Click and drag items Can recognise some letters on Keyboard Can use the 'Magic Line'
Keyboarding on the iPad 2 hands 3 fingers on each hand 2 hands 3 fingers on each hand
Beginning of the day activities IWB Other resources
Class Dojo Class Management Behaviour Modification Task Completion
werpoint-motivating-writing-tip.html Or use an iPod Touch or iPad to take a photo. Insert into Keynote or Comic Life. Copy the images from Google. projector-into-learning- centre.html
Comic Builder Comic Builder: Use any of the lego comic sites to make comic strips us/ComicBuilder/FramePage.aspx us/ComicBuilder/FramePage.aspx builder/my-comics/ us/ComicBuilder/FramePage.aspx us/ComicBuilder/FramePage.aspx builder/my-comics/ Kerpoof Kerpoof: make a poster, make a book, make a movie Class Wiki Class wiki: the class or group writing page might have games that support the learning intentions
Book Creator Pic Collage Book Creator: Publish your story using photos, movies, your own voice. Pic Collage: Find pictures on the internet or from the photo album. Make a collage of them and then add your published writing. Kidspiration Kidspiration: Publish your writing using the symbols and pictures or draft your writing and then send to Pages for more editing
Reading with a buddy Taking turns Listening to ourselves reading Correcting our mistakes Reading with a buddy Taking turns Listening to ourselves reading Correcting our mistakes Technology available as a choice Sock Puppets Puppet Pals Easi- Speak
Technology available as a choice Audio book Interactive Books
ComicLife Comic Life: Create character descriptions, show the different parts of the story Garageband Garageband: Record your voice reading your book on Garageband, then add music for mood, and sounds for effects rding-audiobooks-as-guided-reading.html rding-audiobooks-as-guided-reading.html Class wiki: the class or group reading page might have games or books to read i.e. for+Juniors for+Juniors Class Wiki Paint & Create Paint & Create: create drawings of characters, settings, parts of the story
Reading Choices Download from acqui/reading- labels
Maths Games Maths tumbles IWB Learning Centre IWB Learning Centre Teaching & Learning Sessions Teaching & Learning Sessions
How to make an ILC s
Maths Workshops
Screen Chomp Screen Chomp: use this app as part of your lesson, show how you solved 2 + 3, draw a red Triangle, show me 3 lots of 2 etc Number Rack Number Rack: use this app as part of your lesson, show me 22, 10 takeaway 3 etc Number Pieces Number Pieces: use this app as part of your lesson, show me how you can expand 54 Also available on computer Number Pieces Number Rack GeoBoard
Digital Toolkit
Writing Toolkit ComputeriPad/iPod TouchOther Tools Drafting Publishing
Writers Toolkit ComputerOnlineiPad/iPod TouchOther Tools Drafting Publishing
Points to remember Get them to show you how It is ok for kids to experiment It is ok for you to experiment Let the students use the technology Make them an option for learning Set directed tasks When you are planning, think about if a device could be used Use the devices in tumbles Use PowerPoint or Word any other application to teach from Use apps on iPads to teach from Let students use iPads as a learning tool in group lessons Use the devices in your teaching lessons
References (2007). ICT Teaching and Learning. Retrieved September 30, 2013, from (2011). classroommanagementandelearning - home - Wikispaces. Retrieved September 28, 2013, from ). LiteracyandICT - home - Wikispaces. Retrieved September 30, 2013, from (2010). mathsandelearning - home - Wikispaces. Retrieved September 30, 2013, from (2012). Junior Wikis - Coolschoolwikisandblogs - home - Wikispaces. Retrieved September 30, 2013, from (2013) Junior Management and Resources – home – Wikispaces. Retrieved September 30, 2013, from