I NDIANA C ENTER FOR B IOLOGICAL M ICROSCOPY (ICBM) M ARKETING P LAN Presented by: Hoa Vo Siva Vadlamannati Nikhil Singh
A GENDA Overview Scope of project Project goal Methodology Key Finding Deliverables Key Next steps
A BOUT ICBM World-class center for biomedical microscopy Founded in 1996, under grant by NIH and the Lilly Endowment 70+ NIH supported IU Researchers and many other investigators from Indiana life science community Data has appeared in 235+ publications State-of-the-art imaging equipment and great facility staff services (consultation, training, experimental assistance)
P ROJECT O VERVIEW Key questions: Why revenue is declining? What can we do to serve more than just department researchers? What can we do to capture the growing trend of research grants for Indiana Life Science community? Key challenges: Lack of marketing capability and resources Current cost structure and threat of rising cost How do we act within current grant resources ICBM – MBA Kelley joint-project to help identify root cause for revenue decline and find opportunities, from that, develop Marketing Strategy to drive ICBM growth
P ROJECT S COPE Identify different user groups and select target groups Understand what are really important to targeted customer groups Redefine current ICBM brand equity and product offering Recommend a marketing strategy to drive growth in usage and revenue
S ITUATION A NALYSIS Declining revenues and usage have led to low profitability
M ETHODOLOGY Surveys New User survey and current user survey Focus Group Based on current users Comparative study Caltech – Biomedical Imaging Center Vanderbilt University – VUIIS Pittsburgh – Center for Biological Imaging Stanford University – Cell Science Imaging Facility UC Berkeley – Biological Imaging Facility Synthesizing research on marketing Seven week timeframe
K EY F INDINGS – C URRENT U SER Current customer base represents good experience spectrum Need different marketing message Need different level of support and service Good loyalty Scope for improvement Need to identify why customers moved Incentives to repeat Rewards for loyalty
K EY F INDINGS – CURRENT USER Allow user to specify their needs and tell them about the offering that will meet their needs Have support staff for quality service. Internship Make facility cost competitive
K EY F INDINGS – N EW U SER Need to create awareness Find customer segment who are not aware Big potential Identify ambassadors Referral program Group Discounts
D ELIVERABLE Final recommendation proposal package will include: Customer analysis Competitive analysis Strategic targeted user groups – short term vs. long term Reframed value proposition for the targeted segment Change in product offering, scope of services Change in price mix Communication plan Message Key channels Promotion plan / Direct marketing campaigns Overall 12 month plan with budget estimation
N EXT S TEPS Synthesize data from surveys Consult with industry experts Develop marketing strategy Final present to ICBM
I MPLEMENTATION P LAN Begin tours/visits to ICBM Customer Outreach (continuing) Now (Feb 2012) May 2012 Aug 2012 Nov 2012 Feb 2013 Complete Survey Website Redesign Feeback Sessions Seminars/Courses (continuing) Data Collection Phase Data Collection Phase Implementation: Education Implementation: Education Implementation: Redesign Implementation: Redesign Implementation: Engagement Implementation: Feedback Loop Implementation: Feedback Loop