8/29/20151 Docket Z (Easter Mountain, LLC) A Request to Rezone 556 Acres From RU-4 to SR-2 Cochise County Board of Supervisors October 25, 2011
Z (Easter Mountain, LLC) 556 acres – J6 Ranch 2 miles south J-6/ Mescal I-10 Interchange Request to rezone: RU-4 to SR-2 Proposed range of residential units after rezoning: 278 for residential subdivision 371 if conservation subdivision option This map shows the Applicant’s concept of 14 neighborhoods 50% will be preserved as Open Space
2.5 miles to Benson City Limit Parcel # H Interstate 10 South J-6 Road Pima County Line State Land Location Map National Forest Service Lands
Support/Protest Map Legend Green: Public Lands Blue: Support (9,900 acres) Pink: Protest (725 acres) J-6 Ranch Pima County PLUS: 105 Parcel Owners in Pima County 1 mile 2.25 miles
Public Comment Protest against: 1.Potential for exclusive use of public lands 2.Increased density 3.Additional demand on groundwater 4.Increased demands on infrastructure 5.Potential for traffic congestion 6.Noise and pollution 7.Wildland/urban interface threats Support for: 1.Organized/planned development instead of lot splits 2.Stewardship of historical and beautiful area 3.Water Company instead of wells 4.Water conservation measures and recharge 5.Economic Development 6.Proper light restrictions 7.Integration of Smart Growth Policies
Water RU-4 Zoning, 139 Lots Ac-Ft/year (4.10 Ac-Ft per Well/Lot) 7,854 Ac-Ft/Year (Exempt Well, 35 gpm) RU-2 Zoning, 278 Lots 91.7 Ac-Ft/year (0.33 Ac-Ft per lot) RU-2 Zoning with Density Bonus, Conservation Subdivision, 371 Lots Ac-Ft/Year (0.33 Ac-Ft per lot) The calculated water usage/projections for the proposed RU-2 Zoning do not account for other water recharge and conservation measures that will be incorporated as part of this development as outlined in the Sustainability Plan, these water conservation strategies consists of: Septic Tank Recharge Hot Water Re-circulating System No Evaporative Cooler Stormwater Recharge/Retention Basins Empirita Water Company Assured Water Supply Certificate: 427 Ac-Ft per year 2008: 6.37 Ac-Ft (30 Customers, 0.26 Ac-Ft/year per account) 2009: 6.54 Ac-Ft (29 Customers, 0.22 Ac-Ft/year per account) 2010: 7.82 Ac-Ft (32 Customers, 0.21 Ac-Ft/year per account)
Access to the National Forest A major element of 2007 denial for rezoning by the Commission Access across and to public lands is critical to the use, management, and development of those lands and adjoining private lands (per Cochise County Comprehensive Plan) NFS and AZFG have proposed, in writing, an alternate access road in the 50’ buffer zone on the east side of the parcel
Staff Recommendation: Conditional Approval Factors in Favor of Approval: Planning and Zoning Commission sent forward with recommendation of conditional approval (5-1) August, 2011 Meets 11 of 12 Rezoning Criteria per Regulations Bulk of surrounding Parcel Owners support Factors in Favor of Denial: A doubling of density may be considered incompatible with surrounding development The public access to the Forest Lands has not been resolved 191 Parcel Owners in Cochise County and 105 Parcel Owners in Pima County Protest
Support/Protest Map Legend Green: Public Lands Blue: Support (9,900 acres) Pink: Protest (725 acres) J-6 Ranch Pima County PLUS: 105 Parcel Owners in Pima County 1 mile 2.25 miles
P&Z Commission recommended Approval with the following conditions: 1.The Applicant shall provide the County with a signed Acceptance of Conditions and a Waiver of Claims form arising from ARS Section signed by the property owner of the subject property within thirty (30) days of Board of Supervisors approval of the rezoning or the approval of the rezoning may be deemed void; and 2.It is the Applicants' responsibility to obtain any additional permits, or meet any additional conditions, that may be applicable to the proposed use pursuant to other federal, state, or local laws or regulations; and 3.The Applicant will submit a subdivision plat within one year, with a phasing plan for all future development. All construction to be completed within 10 years or a length of time as determined by the Board of Supervisors. If these conditions are not met, the Board of Supervisors may revert the zoning of any portions of the parcel that are not subdivided back to the RU-4 District; and 4.The Applicant will work with the Arizona Fish and Game, the National Forest Service, and Cochise County to develop Public Access through the parcel to the Public Lands, which surround portions of the eastern, southern, and western edges of this parcel, to be reflected on all future subdivision plats.
Staff recommends Approval with the following amended conditions 1.The Applicant shall provide the County with a signed Acceptance of Conditions and a Waiver of Claims form arising from ARS Section signed by the property owner of the subject property within thirty (30) days of Board of Supervisors approval of the rezoning or the approval of the rezoning may be deemed void; and 2.It is the Applicants' responsibility to obtain any additional permits, or meet any additional conditions, that may be applicable to the proposed use pursuant to other federal, state, or local laws or regulations; and 3.The Applicant will submit a subdivision plat within one year from the date of approval, with a phasing plan for all future development. All subdivision plats will reflect a minimum of 50% open space and the use of building envelopes. All construction will be completed within 10 years or a length of time as determined by the Board of Supervisors. If these conditions are not met, the Board of Supervisors may revert the zoning of any portions of the parcel that are not subdivided back to the RU-4 District; and 4.Prior to submitting the first subdivision plat, the Applicant must demonstrate that either on-site or off- site multi-purpose (vehicular, pedestrian, equestrian, etc) legal access to adjacent federal lands has been provided. If access is on-site, it will be reflected on all future subdivision plats; and 5.The Applicant shall adhere to the Declaration of Covenants, Conditions, Restrictions, and Easements for J-6 Ranch, dated June, 2011 and the Sustainability Plan, dated September, 2011, both prepared by the Planning Center and attached as Exhibit B to the Zoning Ordinance.