HES-HKS & KaoS meeting Toshi Gogami 5/June/2012 Hall-C.


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Presentation transcript:

HES-HKS & KaoS meeting Toshi Gogami 5/June/2012 Hall-C

Contents Schedule ENGE+SPL

Schedule 6-8 Now 移動 + 休み

Geometrical information for coding 1.2 degree

ENGE + SPL Sieve Slit Collimator (Pole) Check DATA of Reference plane  Give Dr.Han codes

TOSCA calculation of ENGE+SPL 1.3D-CAD  Step file 2.Step file  Modeller 3.Model conductors 4.Further step for calculation… SPL ENGE Modeller

JLabHallA Please update

Bucking coil

Summary and To do Summary – TOSCA calculation Modeling of SPL + ENGE – GEANT4 code of SPL+ENGE Coding is in progress To do – TOSCA calculation SPL current density SPL + ENGE (rough mesh) Scaling factor study comparing to measurements – GEANT 4 code of SPL + ENGE Check data at reference plane – Matrix tuning (Beginning of June - ) mtune – Cross sections of Λ,Σ 0 and 12 Λ B g.s. Efficiencies (Trigger, Tracking, DAQ, K + selection, Burned effects, absorption, decay….) – 明日、旅に出ます

END 花兄園のプリ ン