Identifying Sources of Supply During Disaster Relief Efforts U. S. General Services Administration May 2, 2006
Topics that will be covered: Reviewing the FEMA Action Request Form (ARF) Understanding the Stafford Disaster Relief & Emergency Assistance Act Identifying small businesses to meet socio-economic goals Using GSA Schedules e-Library, GSA Advantage!, GSA Global Supply, DoD Emall, CCR, NIB and the Internet to identify sources of supply Sourcing documentation for the Contracting Officer Federal Supply Service U. S. General Services Administration
Basic Resources Take your laptop when you deploy Know your Lotus Notes Remote Mail Password Take your cell phone and charger Take a calculator U. S. General Services Administration Federal Supply Service
Review of the Action Request Form (ARF) Has FEMA Operations approved the form? Is the quantity of the what is required identified? Is a complete delivery address provided? Are there multiple delivery locations? Is there a point of contact on the ARF, if you have questions? Federal Supply Service U. S. General Services Administration
Other Factors to Consider Adult and Baby Diapers –What sizes are needed? –How many diapers come in a box? Shower Trailers –How many shower heads are in the trailer? –How many showers can the head provide in a 24-hour period? –Are showers private with doors to each unit? –Are sinks in the individual units? –Is potable water, soap, towels, and black water disposal included? –Is an attendant included in the cost to keep the unit clean? Federal Supply Service U. S. General Services Administration
Stafford Disaster Relief & Emergency Assistance Act (as amended by Public Law , Oct. 30, 2000) USE OF LOCAL FIRMS & INDIVIDUALS (Sec. 307): “ In the expenditure of Federal funds for debris clearance, distribution of supplies, reconstruction, and other major disaster or emergency assistance activities which may be carried out by contract or agreement with private organizations, firms, or individuals, preference shall be given, to the extent feasible and practicable, to those organizations, firms, and individuals residing or doing business primarily in the area affected by such major disaster or emergency. This section shall not be considered to restrict the use of Department of Defense resources in the provision of major disaster assistance under this Act.” Federal Supply Service U. S. General Services Administration
H.R. 4979: Local Community Recovery Act of 2006 Signed by President on 4/20/06, clarified preference for local firms in the award of certain contracts for disaster relief: Contracts may be awarded based on a specific geographic area (Current law requires, to the greatest extent possible, that contracts and awards be given to organizations, firms and individuals “residing or doing business primarily in the area affected by a disaster or emergency”) Federal Supply Service U. S. General Services Administration
Identifying Businesses in the Affected Area Query GSA Schedules e-Library, GSA Advantage, GSA Global Supply, DoD Emall, CCR, and the Hurricane Contracting Information Center website to see what sources are available. Sort vendors in Advantage! by city and state. Query the links on the and website to identify other sources of supply. Federal Supply Service U. S. General Services Administration
GSA’s e-Commerce Tools GSA Advantage! GSA Global Supply Schedules e-Library e-Buy Federal Supply Service U. S. General Services Administration
Manufacturers are always at the bottom of the page
About e-Buy An online Request for Quote (RFQ) System Only Multiple Award Schedule (MAS) vendors on Advantage! may participate Allows Federal buyers to obtain quotes and issue orders to MAS vendors Designed especially (but not exclusively) with service procurements in mind Federal Supply Service U. S. General Services Administration
copier services
What the Contracting Officer Needs List every source you contact on a piece of paper. Note the company name, point of contact, and ask for a telephone number that you can call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. If the company has the required commodity or service available for immediate shipment put a check mark in front of the company name. If the company does not have the commodity or service available put an X in front of the company name. Federal Supply Service U. S. General Services Administration
What the Contracting Officer Needs Get the company to fax a quote to ESF 7 to the FEMA fax number where you are located. Another option is to get the company to send you an to your GSA account. Ask the company to state in the quote if the commodity is available for immediate shipment. Give all the documentation from your research to the Contracting Officer so they can award the contract and include the research in the contract file. Copy your research and put it in the sourcing file, in case another requirement comes in for the same commodity or service. Federal Supply Service U. S. General Services Administration
Question & Answer U.S. General Services Administration Federal Supply Service