MICROSOFT IN EDUCATION Anthony Salcito General Manager US Education
Empower people to realize their social and economic potential by enabling access to quality education experiences for all through technology
Enabling Relevant, Personalized, and Engaged Learning Giving Educators Greater Insight and More Time Supporting Agile, Efficient and Connected Education systems Nurturing Powerful Communities of Learning Extending the Reach of High-Quality Education to All
Need for highly educated and technically proficient workers to fuel our economy US is demographically overshadowed by India and China Need to adequately educate our citizens for new types of work Education in math and science is key to maintaining a competitive workforce in the global economy
Teachers are not adequately trained Curriculum/content disconnected with technology Assessment not aligned to teacher desktop Special funding used to acquire Metrics driven by the what (pc/student ratio, connected classrooms) Fear/Uncertainty/Doubt Generates Questions How do I use? How do I teach with technology? How do we sustain investment? How do we determine value/impact? How do we connect content?
How do I deliver personalized, adaptive, immersive learning? How can I connect with my learners and parents in a rich way? How can I excite my students with content and projects? How can my students leverage content that’s available worldwide and in real-time? How do I update my school and classroom to reflect new ways to learn, collaborate, use information? Technology is a part of the answer.
What are you trying to create? Creating Common Vision Who are you creating it for? Know Thy Customer How will you organize your work? Define Scope What process will discipline your effort? Disciplined Methodology What factors are critical for success? Establish Common Language What assets are required to support your success factors? Remember… Less is More
stage 1stage 2stage 3stage 4stage 5stage 6 I ntrospection I nvestigation I mplementation I nclusion I nnovation I ntrospection 6 i Development Process © Establish Pedagogy Methodology Culture Success Metrics Benchmarks Review and Identify Best Practice Innovation Research Advisory Board SWOT Process Engage Community Key Leaders Government Partners Determine Personnel Building IT Architecture Act Training Readiness Launch Reflect, Review and Adjust
Relevant, Personalized Experiences Students Facilitation,Collaboration Involvement, Accountability, Support Achievement, Productivity. Efficiency Teachers Parents Admins
Infrastructure and Access Tools and Services Data Driven Accountability and Transparency Content 21st Century Educator and Student Development
Infrastructure and Access Tools and Services Data Driven Accountability and Transparency Content 21st Century Educator and Student Development Infrastruture and Access Tools and Services Data Driven Accountability and Transparency ContentContent 21 st Century Educator and Student Development Identity Management Identity Management Unified Communications Unified Communications Data Interoperability Data Interoperability Virtualization Virtualization Learning Portal Learning Portal 1:1 Access and Green Computing 1:1 Access and Green Computing Integrated Productivity Applications Integrated Productivity Applications Integrated Social Networking Tools / Integrated Social Networking Tools / Education Analytics Education Analytics Business Intelligence Business Intelligence Learning Portal Learning Portal SCORM Compliant Resources SCORM Compliant Resources Semblio Semblio MS Learning MS Learning IT Academy / MSDNAA IT Academy / MSDNAA Career Forward Career Forward Education Competency Wheel Education Competency Wheel MS Institute MS Institute Title 1 Funds Education Technology Funds (E2T2) State Stabilization Funding
Microsoft’s US Partners in Learning Program was awarded the 2009 NGA Public- Private Partnership Award, recognizing the company for our commitment to education and our support of demonstrating innovation and thought-leadership throughout the country.
Management Cybernetics: an outgrowth of the cybernetics scientific field, it rigorously examines the management of organizations from a systems perspective. An early scientist in management cybernetics, Anthony Stafford Beer ( ), made a significant contribution to the field of Organization Development with his brilliantly succinct description of the “The Three Functions of Leadership”. The 3-part Model Creating the Future Nurturing Identity Managing the Present Creating the Future Nurturing Identity Managing the Present
PC Architecture DOS Spreadsheets Word Processors PC Mid 80s Internet Mid 90s Applications Late 80s-Mid 90s Web Apps Mid 00s -... Today Speech/Writing Communications & Collaboration Web Services MouseGUILANs Protocols: Loosely Coupled APIs: Tightly Coupled XML/SOAPHTTP/HTMLSMTP Clients Web Browsers Waves Of Innovation
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Spaces Mobile Mail SkyDrive® Office Live Workspaces SharedView Messenger Calendar Alerts Plus even more services in beta… Password: *******
Extend Office Anywhere Access Share & Collaborate The online extension to Microsoft Office for home, work and school
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