United Way Communications, Marketing and Messaging June 30, 2011
UW_Template_ Agenda Communications – The changing landscape – Trust Message and messaging Message platform Incorporating key messages in public communication
Communications Trust UW_Template_ Q. I am going to read you a list of institutions. For each one, please tell me how much you TRUST that institution to do what is right. On a 9- point scale where one means that you ―DO NOT TRUST THEM AT ALL ‖ and nine means that you ―TRUST THEM A GREAT DEAL, how much do you trust [INSERT] to do what is right? (Top 4 Box) Informed Publics ages in 22 countries and the U.S.
Communications Trust UW_Template_ Q. When a CEO makes business decisions for his or her company, which stakeholder SHOULD BE most important to a CEO’s business decisions? Informed Publics ages in 22 countries.
Communications Trust UW_Template_
Communications The Changing Landscape UW_Template_ Direct to multi-channel Programs to partnerships Shareholders to stakeholders Communications is now about public engagement
United Way Message and Messaging October 28, 2010
Communications Effective Messages M=EC 3 UW_Template_
Communications Effective Messages M = EC 3 Message = Emotion Credibility Contrast Connection UW_Template_
10 Communications Effective Messages Two or Three Brief Accurate Simple Vivid, colorful language Facts Statistics (sparingly) Examples Anecdotes Experts
UW_Template_ Communications In Telling Your Story, Remember That “News” is: Something different today than yesterday. Surprising, unexpected, or counterintuitive. The first, biggest, most comprehensive. Raising new issues, problems, solutions. Linked to what’s already in the news. Intriguing to your neighbor.
United Way Message Platform October 28, 2010
UW_Template_ Communications
Communications Coherent Messages UW_Template_ Lee Scott President and CEO “Save Money; Live Better” Leslie Dach EVP Corp & Gov Affairs “From jobs to health care and the environment, we play a role in society : helping people save money so they can live better.” Doug McMillon Sam’s Club CEO “ Sam’s Club lowers the cost of doing business for small business, so our members can save money and live better.” Eduardo Castro-Wright President Wal-Mart, US “Wal-Mart’s merchandise, affordability and convenience help our customers save money and live better lives.” Linda Dillman EVP, Benefits “By getting more value for our health care dollar we save people money and help them live better, healthier lives.” Mike Duke, Vice Chairman, WMT Int’l “No matter the culture or language, Wal-Mart’s mission is universal: saving people money so they can live better.” Susan Chambers EVP, People Division “ Wal-Mart associates have the opportunity to build careers and to create better lives for themselves and their families.” John Agwunobi Pres., Prof. Services “Business has a role to play in offering health care solutions that help people save money and live better, healthier lives.”
Communications Message Platform UW_Template_
Communications Message Platform UW_Template_
Communications Contact Wilhelm “Bill” Meierling tel ext. 283 cell skype wilhelm.meierling UW_Template_
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