Shaped-beam Technology™ from brightLeaf the Power of simplicity
Concentrating Photovoltaics (CPV): A Sound Legacy Developed for NASA in the mid-1970’s by Sandia Labs and Spectrolab (a Boeing Subsidiary). CPV cell efficiency>40%, going to 50% in next year. Conventional PV efficiency declines 15-30% on hot sunny afternoon, CPV 5-10%. Reduces chip volume by %. brightLeaf’s proprietary technology minimizes CPV complexity and cost with maximum efficiency.
Compare Traditional PV and CPV = CPV PV
The Power of 1000 suns? W/in² of exhaust W/in² on brightLeaf’s cell =
Parabolic Collectors
Fresnel lens collectors
Only Two Functional Parts brightLeaf’s proprietary technology: Non-parabolic Collector
brightLeaf’s proprietary technology: Auto-aligning geometry
brightLeaf’s proprietary technology: No Gaps, No Shadows™ Sun-eye view
Greater Complexity = Greater Co$t
The Potential of CPV and Shaped- Beam Technology™ Industry-wide –Cell efficiency will reach 50% in near term brightLeaf –Independent tracking modules for flexible configuration –Generate power from waste heat Goal -- Cost parity with utility electricity without government support
Executive Team Douglas Kiesewetter, MBA – President –Founder of three companies of >$100 MM valuation, two >$50 MM James Vander Mey, PhD – EVP/CTO –Founded two successful high-tech companies, Integral Data Systems and Intellon, which sold in 2009 for >$300 million Michael Despres – VP Manufacturing –25+ years experience in metal fabrication management John Virden – VP Sales and Marketing –USNA graduate with 25+ years of marketing experience including IBM, AT&T and various start-ups
PV Market 2009 Global $40 BN; US $3+ BN 2010 US expected growth rate >50% US residences are 25-30% of total PV market US Markets with shortest paybacks –Quality of Insolation- AZ, CA, CO, HI, NV –State Incentives- CT, IN, MA, NJ, NY
Market Strategy Maximum Cost Avoidance –Residential, Light Commercial & Industrial –Rural Electric Co-ops –Niches »Military »Remote Telecoms »Agriculture »Third World
Competition All other CPV companies target 1+ MW utility-grade installations Conventional PV –brightLeaf 20-25% lower cents/kwh initially; 60-80% lower with higher manufacturing volumes Utilities –With credits & rebates, brightLeaf lower cost in 75% of US –Within 2 years, brightLeaf lower cost without subsidies
Base Case Revenue & Income Manufacturing Margins 70-75% YearVolumeRevenueNet After-tax Income (MW)($ MM) $0.8($2.0) $8.0$ $18.8$ $39.5$ $75.0$ $124.0$46.1
Investment $3 MM of 5-year,12% debentures ($100K min. block) Projected Closing Date September 30, 2010 Warrants for 25% equity when principal fully repaid Projected Secondary Offering after full year of profitability -- fund product and market development -- repay debentures -- establish higher equity valuation
Return (Base Case) Simple Payout – 24 Months Internal Rate of Return – % 5.5 Yr. Cash on Cash Return – $35:1
Downside Protection Asset Support –Cash Balances –Equipment (85% of cost) –Accounts Receivable (75% face value) –Inventory (25% of cost) Value of Asset Support (Base Case) -- Average coverage years one & two – 78% of net investment –Maximum exposure – 44% of net investment -- Coverage >100% of net invested from Q forward -- Term of Exposure – 20 months
Shaped-beam Technology™ from brightLeaf the Power of simplicity