WHO ARE WE? An Industrial Engineer : Natalia OLMO SIRVENT A Biologist : Jaime Julio GOMEZ ALAMAN WE DO: An Environment Project
Greenmoney Specialized in Environmental Management and Rural Tourism
THINK! What’s easier for you to go up a mountain? Go running foward right to the wall or use your intelligence and find new ways? Probably the second one, with more intelligent management you’ll save time, money, and energies.
OUR AIM: Making clients save money Respecting the environment Promoting Rural Tourism
WHAT DO WE DO? A NEED: Joining Environment with benefits (SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT) WHY? We want you to save money We work in an intelligent way We think there’s a best way to progress We believe in a new kind of tourism
Because we are a company… We present our short-run objectives. We look for: Current performance Competition Increasing market share
ABOUT ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PROBLEM Environmental Management RISKS IMPACTS SOLUTION Saving money Respecting Environment
METHODOLOGY II Risks Matrix Leopold Matrix
ABOUT RURAL TOURISM New kind of tourism Different lifestyle Relax Special Services Placed in prefabricated wood-made Norwegian houses
WHY THIS HOUSES? Cheap Good looking Ecological Hospitable Very related with the landscape
HOW DO WE CONNECT E&T? We want two things: Getting benefits Improving Environmental behavior Environmental Management Rural Tourism Benefits Client
AT THE BEGINNING… - Lending of the electronic bank (low interest)ING DIRECT - Money from Natalia and Jaime - Structural Funds from EU
IF WE CONTINUE… 1 st YEAR: We are only dedicated to Environmental Management 2 nd YEAR: With Environmental Management benefits we use part of them and EU helps to finance our own RURAL TOURISM company. 3 rd YEAR: We earn more money. We use the Rural Turism company to earn more clients for Environmental Management.
HOW DO WE GET BENEFITS? Good prices A good relationship between our workers We improve our rural tourism services with benefits from Environmental Management All kind of clients We have some offers We get a different and competent company which is based in his client interests and worried by his problems
COMPETITIVENESS Product Quality Our reputation(with friendly workers) There are not many opened companies which work in such a lot of environmental problems Technological Skills
HOW CAN THE CLIENT CONTACT ? We offer: Contact by Internet Contact by Contact by phone Contact by fax
CUSTOMER S PERSPECTIVE Individual people Companies All kind of people worried by the union between Environment and money People who’s looking for holidays
COSTS of the Environmental Management FIX COSTS: Phones Renting of the apartment in Valencia(Spain) Electricity Interest of the lending Workers Variable costs Transport (different kinds)
COSTS of Rural Tourism Fix COSTS Water, electricty, phone Workers Materials used Variable COSTS: Some workers like (physioterapists or workers for seasons) Food Providers
Incomes Environmental Management: Projects Rural Tourism: Clients per night + Services + 30%Physiotherapist
STAFF Natalia Olmo Industrial Engineer Jaime Gomez Biologist Environmental Management Lawyer Representativ e Jaime Gomez Jaime Gomez Jaime Gomez Jaime Gomez
STAFF II Natalia Olmo Industrial Engineer Jaime Gomez Biologist Rural Tourism Cooker and cleanning service Maintenance Physiotherapist Jaime Gomez Jaime Gomez Jaime Gomez Jaime Gomez
THANKS FOR YOUR INTEREST (Call us, You won’t regret it) GREENMONEY