Human Factors Brian Russell
Human Factors Things about people we need to consider when designing products and environments
Physiological factors Physical limitations How the body moves Hand/eye coordination Strength Size Stamina
Anthropometrics The study of human measurements Numerous data available Need to be selective Match target group
5th-95th percentile Ignore the extremes Top 5% and bottom 5% taken out Consider the rest as a normal range Be selective – tallest for doors, shortest for chairs?
Ergonomics Efficiency - people to their products Efficiency - people in their working environments Comfort Ease of use Safety…
Ergonomes Ergonomes are models of people in normal proportions Sometimes they are full size and sometimes to scale They help designers make decisions about sizes, positioning etc.
Working triangles Most efficient working spaces: Reach envelope Production lines Kitchens Offices
Adjustment Many products need to adjust to different sizes: Cycles Car seats Office chairs Clothing…
Psychological factors How we taste How we smell How we feel How we see How we hear
How we taste Sweet Sour Bitter Salty Spicy Bland…
How we smell Enjoy Disguise Pleasant Unpleasant…
How we feel Textures Grip Shape Temperature Comfort…
How we see Colour Moods Identity Information Analogue/digital Lighting levels Field of vision…
How we hear Sound Feedback Noise reduction Relaxing Warning
Sociological factors Personal space Access Toilets Cleaning/maintenance Safety Disability Transport
Personal space We live and work in groups but need: our own space privacy
Disability We are all disabled at some times in our lives Sometimes temporary Sometimes very mild For some people a serious disability is there for life
Access Many products cause access problems Medicines Food and drinks Transport
Special groups Elderly Disabled Children Athletes Vegetarians Diabetics Religious groups…
Coping with physical disability Wider doorway Lower sink/bath Handrails Alarms
Health & safety How easy to swallow? What temperature does skin burn? How much can we safely lift? How close do uprights need to be on a child’s cot? What materials are toxic? Risk Assessment
Stereotypes Similar age? Similar values? Similar beliefs? Similar lifestyles? Similar size range?
Different values/beliefs Religious Cultural Moral Social
Social issues Trying to copy the catwalk models Size Zero is not “normal” “Normal” is a very large range
Exclusive design Targeted at a narrow range of people: Young Wealthy Female…
Inclusive design An impossible aim? Suitable for all Inexpensive to purchase Inexpensive to run
Research and testing Find out as much about the user as you can before you start Products should be easy to use and easy to understand Consumer trials needed Human factors are the most important ones!