USPCON: Configuration Data Maintenance Maintains district data for the payroll set-up information, identification numbers, period closing dates, benefit account flags, check information, and payroll processing information.
EMIS reporting ID: S
PRGRED : Pay Group Maintenance Purpose is to divide employees into logical groups, or like work schedules, to apply mass changes to employee information, process payrolls, and generate reports.
CALTYPED - Used to create, modify, or delete calendars. REMEMBER, job calendar type must be established here before CALMNT and CALRPT programs are run. CALMNT - Used to add, modify, or copy and mass change calendars. CALTYPED, CALMNT, CALRPT: CALTYPED, CALMNT, CALRPT: Job Calendar Type, Maintenance, and Report Programs
CALRPT - Produces a report showing job calendars which have been created.
DEDNAM: Deduction Name Allows deduction company information to be added, modified, deleted, or viewed. Used to print deduction company addresses on deduction checks. Used to determine how often the deduction company is to be paid. Deduction company information is setup based upon deduction type.
DEDNAM DEDNAM: Deduction Types ADOP - Adoption Assistance ANN - Annuity ANSERS - Annuitized SERS Retirement ANSTRS - Annuitized STRS Retirement BBSERS - Annuitized SERS Buy Back BBSTRS - Annuitized STRS Buy Back CHILD- Child Support CITY - City Tax
DEDNAM DEDNAM-(continued) Deduction Type DD - Direct Deposit DPCARE-Dependant Care- (Complete Description in Manual) FED - Federal Tax MEDFIC - Medicare/FICA Tax MSA - Medical Savings Account –(Complete Description in Manual) OH - Ohio State Tax OSDI - Ohio School District Income Tax PUMF - Board Pickup Medicare/FICA
DEDNAM:(continued) Deduction Type PUSERS - Board Pickup SERS Retirement PUSTRS- Board Pickup STRS Retirement REG - Regular Deduction SB - Savings Bond SERS - Regular SERS Retirement ST - Other State Tax STRS - Regular STRS Retirement
DEDNAM- Deduction Name Once a Deduction Type is selected, a Deduction Code is necessary. Deduction Codes must be three digits in a range of There are restricted Deduction Codes for certain Deduction Types. They are:
DEDNAM DEDNAM- Restricted Deduction Codes FED, Federal Tax OH, Ohio State Tax SERS, Regular SERS Retirement STRS, Regular STRS Retirement ANSERS, Annuitized SERS Retirement ANSTRS, Annuitized STRS Retirement
DEDNAM- Restricted Deduction Codes continued) PUSERS, Board Pickup SERS Retirement PUSTRS, Board Pickup STRS 692 and MEDFIC, Regular Medicare/FICA tax 694 and PUMF - Board Pickup Medicare/FICA Tax
DNAMRPT DNAMRPT- Deduction Name Report Creates reports of deduction company data as entered through USPRPT/DEDNAM.
MAPPING MAPPING- Account Mapping for Benefits and Leave Mapping allows you to control what accounts to charge for BRDDIS and LEVPRO purposes.
MAPRPT MAPRPT- Account Mapping Report Report listing account mapping information. Original and map into account.