Mike Saunt 18 th May 2011
Agenda Savings through Channel Shift Improved service – web and call centre Satisfaction – Localism / Collaboration
Who is this guy?
Who is this guy? This may be a bit of a curve ball I don’t work in government Publish data on the web Work in the private sector for Councils and the Police (that’s me on the left)
Best example of Channel Shift...
Best example of Channel Shift Hands up!
Savings through reduced calls...
Savings through reduced calls? This is well known but... Three channels for customer contact Face to Face - average of over £7 per contact Telephone Enquiry - average of around £4 per contact Web site - average of about £0.27 per contact
Savings through reduced calls? Won a 2010 National eGovernment Award Effective marketing and take up History 2008 onwards Common enquiry regarding Refuse and Recycling Changed from single to multi collections General Waste Recycling Garden Waste Received grants for Recycling promotion Every piece of printed literature had web address
Savings through reduced calls? Originally only available via ‘My South Tyneside’ My South Tyneside Alerts for day alterations i.e. Bank Holidays, Snow etc
March > Jan 2009 Why does this save money?
April 2008 Why does this save money?
May 2008 Why does this save money?
June 2008 Why does this save money?
July 2008 Why does this save money?
August 2008 Why does this save money?
September 2008 Why does this save money?
October 2008 Why does this save money?
November 2008 Introduced REFUSE / RECYCLING Why does this save money? Refuse & Recycling dates available online
December 2008 Why does this save money?
January 2009 Why does this save money?
February 2009 Constantly 1500 or more LESS calls Why does this save money?
Why does this save money? What can we see from these graphs? November – people can see via website but not sure December – starting to gain more trust January – have trust ( hasn’t told them anything wrong!) February – as January So back to the numbers Reduction from of around 3000 calls to * (£4 - £0.27 = £3.73) = £3,730 PER MONTH or 1500 * (£4 - £0.27 = £3.73) = £5,595 PER MONTH
Now available integrated within the site Savings through reduced calls? South Tyneside Council
Improved service – web, back office and contact centre
Key Benefits Highways Fault Reporting Potholes Material on highway Tree issues Map based reporting for CRM and Public websites Substantial savings and efficiencies Improved interface between Contact Centre and the service Improved customer service delivery at lower cost Convenience through ‘do-it-online’, self-serve fault and incident reporting Reduced issues logged, less calls etc
Key Benefits CRM front end
Key Benefits Website front end Cambridgeshire County Council
Channel Shift?
Summary Integration of 3 systems Website Contact Centre CRM Back office Highways system Benefits Less issues logged to back office Less calls by customers Integrated with CRM for ‘tracking’ of case Geographic analysis for pro-active action i.e. Predict where Flytipping will occur and alter routes
Satisfaction – Localism and Collaboration
Power to the people! Well nearly...
Objective Deepcut Barracks MOD training barracks Mystery regarding deaths of 4 soldiers in early 2000’s Planning Policy consultation MOD leaving in 2013 Council wanted more informed feedback on proposals
Business Drivers Collaboration and feedback Address the ‘Localism’ Agenda Delivering initiatives such as the ‘Big Society’ Self-service approach Helping citizens to act for themselves Promoting ‘shared services’ Working across organisational boundaries Supporting the ‘Information Economy’ Move to ‘data democracy’ and greater transparency Improved customer service Less Paper and staff data entry!
Consulting Citizens Surrey Heath – Deepcut Consultation
Summary 3 examples of ‘Channel Shift’ Lots of ways to ‘do’ Channel Shift Some cashable – reduced calls, better service, less paper! Some transparency – consultation and collaboration Keep thinking of how you can make your data available