What you “look” like at the credit bureau What creditors see when they pull up your records
Credit report This is simply a record of your personal financial transactions/credit history. Think of it the same way as a report card from school tracks your grades and success
Credit Score Remember the 4 C’s of credit? Collateral Capitol Capacity Character These are all factored and considered into your Credit Score
When is my credit report pulled up? Anytime you apply for a type of loan, or loan product! Creditors actually purchase your report from the credit bureau and review it in order to make a decision on whether or not to give you a loan, and or determining the loan terms
Surprising places that look… Land lords Cell phone companies Employers
Who are the Credit Bureaus? Three main credit reporting agencies in the U.S.A: Equifax, Experian and TransUnion These are regionally located, west coast, east coast and mid west.
When Can I Look at My Credit Score? You are allowed to view your credit once a year, for free, without penalty. Personally requesting this DOES NOT hurt your score, however, too many creditors accessing your credit can ruin your score
Keys to Building a Good Credit Score Pay your bills on time Save your money; savings account Be choosy about credit cards and loans you take It is better to maintain a low balance on a card and pay it off consistently than to not have any balance
Ways To Hurt your Credit Score Making late payments-ONE late payment can hurt your score Writing bad checks Maintain high balances on credit cards and loans Changing credit cards frequently; transferring balances
What If Your Credit Report Contains An Error? This can happen, sometimes by a mistake or if fraud has taken place. Contact the credit bureau and ask an agent to investigate the error; they are required by law to correct anything that is a mistake…this can take awhile, but is important to be proactive about.
Tips For Securing Credit Get a credit card from the bank where you already have a savings and checking account Apply for a store credit card; Gap, Old Navy. These are easier to obtain than major bank cards If you are renting an apartment with friends, get a utility in your name and PAY it!
Did You Know? Read and consider this section on page 52