Team Up With Formal Education for Maximum Impact March 28, 2012 Memphis, TN Presented by Ruth Hambleton
Program Title & Funding Transitioning Farm Assets Risk Management Agency Risk Management Education & Outreach Partnership Program Partnership Award No. 11-ie ($26,000) Southern Illinois University at Carbondale, College of Ag Annie’s Project-Education for Farm Women
Program Background Average age of principle farm operators for the Southern region of Illinois is 57 years. Students were requesting information about transitioning into their family farm businesses. The classroom was too formal to present the topic in the an appropriate manner.
Transitioning Farm Assets Two-Part Seminar offered in partnership with Farm Management ABE 350 in the Fall of 2011 Seminars were presented a week apart ( Nov 8 & 15) Evening hours of 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. each evening
Transitioning Farm Assets Four Proposed Outcomes: 1. College students will be able to contribute to the family discussions about transitions. 2. Local farm families will find a resource in their college. 3. Student helper gains experience in program planning & implementation. 4. Student gains skills in program evaluation.
Transitioning Farm Assets Target Audience: Students returning to their family farms Farm families in the area preparing for transitioning issues. Incentives: Students received extra credit equivalent to one exam (had to write a paper) Parents/grandparents of students were invited to attend free of charge.
Topics & Presenters First Evening Topic—Family Communications Presenter—Jim Endress
Topics & Presenters Second Evening Topic—Nuts & Bolts Presenter—David Goeller
Specific Issues Female students were feeling a little “dissed” by their families as not capable of taking on farming responsibilities. Generational issues specific to style of keeping records/gathering information. Timing of transitioning management decisions And/or assets of machinery and land. Sons bringing in new spouses to farming
From Students Papers
Program Advantages Great meeting environment Longer time to present than 50 minutes Creates opportunities for generational audiences to interact/share experiences & concerns Convenient for students Welcoming and purposeful for adults
Program Challenges Bureaucracy! Doing something different
Thank you! And now your questions & discussions Ruth Hambleton Retired Extension Educator, Farm Business Management & Marketing University of Illinois Extension President Not for Profit Annie’s Project Founder of Annie’s Project—Education for Farm Women N White Swan Lane Woodlawn, IL Phone (618) Cell (618) Fax (618)