Homes that don’t cost the earth A consultation on Scotland’s sustainable housing strategy
Why a Sustainable Housing Strategy? Climate change, Energy Efficiency Action Plan, fuel poverty targets Warm homes, lower energy bills, low carbon jobs Homes Fit for the 21 st Century New funding opportunities
Where we are in 2012 Significant improvements in energy efficiency since 2007 More than six out of ten homes rated ‘good’ by 2010 – up from 55% in ,400 + free/subsidised loft or cavity wall measures since 2008 (CERT figures) More than 700,000 households offered advice and assistance since 2009 (U/HIS)
Our vision for 2030 ‘Warm, high quality, affordable, low carbon homes and a housing sector that will help to establish a successful low carbon economy across Scotland’
Sustainable Housing Strategy - themes A national retrofit programme Standards Financial market transformation New build market transformation Skills and training
A national retrofit programme A plan to upgrade Scotland’s housing stock, tackle fuel poverty and cut carbon An area-based approach to cover all of Scotland in 10 years Delivery role for local councils, building on Universal Home Insulation Scheme and making the most of Green Deal and ECO Potential investment c.£200m per annum
The role of Standards New homes – energy standards, sustainability labelling Existing homes (social housing) – new energy efficiency standard Existing homes (private sector) – do we need an energy efficiency standard? If so what, when and how?
Improving housing quality Links between house condition, energy efficiency and fuel poverty Do we need a new housing quality standard – beyond the tolerable standard? Do the powers in the Housing (Scotland) Act 2006 need strengthened?
Energy efficiency standard for social housing (EESSH) Going beyond the EE element of the SHQS Social landlords can lead the way, drive down costs and demonstrate good practice In many cases, shouldn’t need significant financial investment beyond that expected for SHQS
Financial market transformation We want to see a market premium on warm, high quality, low carbon homes Greener homes save money, but the market doesn’t value the income saved or generated This in turn affects consumer perceptions How we perceive, value and behave in our homes needs to change
New build market transformation Growing demand from increasing household numbers = opportunities for investment and innovation Projections suggest 450,000 new homes needed by 2033 Scotland could lead market in new design and construction techniques Opening up export opportunities in Europe and beyond
Skills and training New jobs in construction and retrofit New skill requirements – a flexible and adaptable workforce Need to retain specialist, traditional skills for historic properties
Next steps Further consultation events Consultation closes – 28 September Independent analysis of responses Further discussion at Sustainable Housing Strategy Group Final strategy - around end 2012
All responses welcome ! Closing date : 28 September