Classroom Rules
NO eating in my classroom. Unless you have enough for everyone! Drinks… you may have water bottles in the lab, but please recycle them when finished! Gum will be allowed as long as it does not become a problem.
Attendance: Make-up work is your responsibility. I DO NOT accept late work! You will have one day make-up for each day missed as stated in the handbook. Late Work
Cell Phones are NOT allowed in my classes. Please leave them in your locker. If I see or hear your cell phone, or suspect you of being on your phone, it will be taken and given to Mr. Eucker.
I record all tardies and follow the handbook guidelines. A tardy is when you are not in the room when the bell rings.
I will report eligibility every week. Keep track of your own grades in case of a discrepancy. Check your Parent-Connect account on a regular basis. ◦ If you have a question about a grade, please see me immediately.
You must have your agenda book in order to leave or come to my room. If you need to come to my room to work, you must get your passbook signed before the hour you wish to come in.
I expect you to act in a mature manner in my class. Have respect for me and your classmates.
Aside from the usual and obvious, please refrain from using language that is unbecoming. Such as the word “Sucks”.
Remember, you are using the computers under the guidelines of the district Acceptable Use Policy. Internet Use: Students may use the Internet when they have finished their work. NO GAMES unless they are educational. YouTube…..should be used only for educational purposes.
Storm Drills – 3 short bell rings ◦ Go downstairs to the hallway outside of the cafeteria. ◦ Sit along the lockers, away from doors and windows.
Fire Drills – Long Bells ◦ Exit to the right, down the stairs ◦ Proceed to the PRACTICE football field, find your FOURTH Hour teacher for attendance. ◦ DO NOT stay with your current class unless the drill is during your fourth hour
Weighting of Grades Consumer EducationMarketing Homework35 percentHomework25 percent Article Summaries10 percentTests35 percent Quizzes10 percentProjects40 percent Tests25 percent Job Shadowing project 20 percent Computer Applications IAccounting Technique20 percentStudy Guide-Questions and Drills10 percent Timings30 percentStudy Guide—Mastery and Challenge30 percent Class Work50 percentTests40 percent Automated assignments20 percent