United States History Review Semester 2. Who is Andrew Johnson? 1st President in US History to get impeached Personally disliked.


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Presentation transcript:

United States History Review Semester 2

Who is Andrew Johnson? 1st President in US History to get impeached Personally disliked

What are Jim Crow Laws? Laws that were put in place to keep Southern society segregated - the separation of blacks and whites in society

What is Plessy V. Ferguson? In 1896 made segregation legal “Separate but Equal”

Key Constitutional Amendments Abolition of Slavery Equal Protection under the law Prohibition Black males could vote Women could Vote

Who was Andrew Carnegie? Captain of Industry One of the richest men in the United States Cornered the market on steel

What are labor unions? Groups of workers attempting to get change at the workplace Tactics Used: Strikes, Collective Bargaining

What is the American Federation of Labor? Led by Samuel Gompers Used collective bargaining Used strike as a tool to achieve success

What is the Progressive Movement? Reforming American society Reforming business Reforming government

Who was Teddy Roosevelt? No nonsense reformer Reforms big business Aims to break up large monopolies known as trusts

What is the Jungle? Book written by Upton Sinclair Written based on observations of Chicago Meatpacking industry

Who is Jane Addams? She was a progressive reformer Set up Hull House in Chicago- a settlement house that catered to the needs of immigrants

Who was WEB DuBois? Powerful intellectual Felt that rights and equality needed to gained right now Promoted agitation within society

Who was Booker T. Washington? Promoted the idea of working in the workforce Slowly but surely gaining rights and respect

Who are the muckrakers? Journalists during the Progressive period Investigative reporters who exposed horrors of the Industrial Age

What is the Cuban Revolt in 1890? Cuba revolts against Spain US joins in to take advantage of Spain losing Cuba Sympathetic to American business interests in Cuba

What is yellow journalism? Over exaggerate news stories Fake news stories Helps to gain support for Spanish- American War

What led to US involvement? USS Maine was sunk off of the coast of Cuba

What does the US gain? The US gained territories of Puerto Rico and Guam

How did the Philippines react to America intervention? Open rebellion that led to their eventual independence from Spain and then America

Why Imperialism in America? Looking to expand power politically and economically Ideas of Manifest Destiny

Why did the US enter WWI? Germany continued to sink US ships Zimmerman Note

What are the Fourteen Points? A plan to maintain peace throughout the world to avoid further wars

What is the League of Nations? Peace keeping organization set up after WWI Did not include the US because membership would likely lead to American foreign policy being influenced by others

What is the Treaty of Versailles? Peace treaty that ended WWI One of the causes of WWII Placed all the blame as well as debt on Germany for WWI

What is isolationism? Foreign Policy of the US which sought to stay out of the affairs of the rest of the world

What is the 19th Amendment? Women gained the right to vote Led by Susan B. Anthony and other influential women’s rights leaders

What is Prohibition? Made illegal the sale and manufacture of liquor It was widely ignored by the people Led to bootleggers and illegal manufacture and sale of liquor

What does it mean to buy on margin? Pay 10 percent of the value of stock you want Pay 1000 now for worth of stock You still owe the 9,000 for the purchase Just like gambling

What is the Bonus Army? Came to nation’s capital to protest peacefully They refused to budge Hoover sent in troops to disband the army which led to the deaths of children

Who was Franklin Delano Roosevelt? Elected to the presidency in 1932 to deal with problems of unemployment, lack of money and food Reformer who promoted government intervention to solve America’s problems

What did he do in first 100 Days? Closed banks and inspected them Alphabet Soup - title given to legislation passed during the first 100 days

What is the New Deal? Develops Social Security This was aided at helping older Americans Money provided to live on after retiring from work or unable to work anymore

What ended the Great Depression? Massive industrialization during World War II ended the depression Many males went to war Many women enter the workforce

What is the Lend-Lease Act? Providing our allies with weapons during World War II Leads to America becoming economic superpower

How many times was FDR elected? Only US President elected to four terms as president Leads to presidential term limits after his death

Who were the Allied Powers during World War II? Britain France United States Russia

Who were the Axis Powers? Italy Germany Japan

What is Pearl Harbor? Bombing of US by the Japanese Causes US entrance into WWII Known as the “day that will live in infamy”

What is Japanese Internment? Forced movement of Japanese Americans into camps

What did Americans face at home during WWII? Buying of war bonds Increased opportunities for women Food rationing

What is the D-Day Invasion? Allied invasion of France Turning point in the defeat of the Germans in Europe

What is Island Hopping? Strategy used by the US to win the war in the Pacific with the Japanese

What is the Manhattan Project? Project used to develop the atomic bomb

Who dropped the Atomic Bomb? United States drops the atomic bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki

What is the Truman Doctrine? Policy of containment of Russia after World War II Keep communism from spreading to other locations

What was the Marshall Plan? Helping to rebuild nations after the war To prevent the spread of Communism Used effectively in Japan and Western Germany