Drill Complete the following chart and answer the three questions at the bottom of the paper. M T W Th F Items Purchased Daily Stamps Total Stamps
Directions: Imagine the cafeteria has instituted a new payment program. You receive a stamp book with 100 stamps a week to purchase your lunches. Using the menu, complete the table by listing what you would eat each day of the week. Then tally the daily stamps used. Sandwich 15 stamps Hamburger 20 stamps Juice Hot dog Pasta Salad 10 stamps Yogurt Milk Bottled Water 5 stamps Piece of Fruit
Drill: Answer the first question on Mobilizing the Home Front handout.
Mobilizing the Home Front Analyze cartoons in order to explain the methods used by the government to prepare the country for World War II. Mobilizing the Home Front
I. Building a Military In 1940, Congress passed the Selective Service and Training Act- enacted the draft 1st peace time draft ever in US history From 1940-1947 over 10,000,000 men had been drafted
II. Supplies Needed Government created the War Productions Board. It’s purpose was to make sure there were enough supplies for the war Converted factories to makes sure there was enough supplies Car factories made tanks and airplanes Soft drink factories filled shells with explosives
III. Ending the Depression Demand for war materials improves the economy Businesses were hiring more, farmers had a better market prices Gross Domestic Product rose rapidly Personal income grew by 110%
IV. Paying for the War Deficit increased by over $175 billion Deficit Spending is when the government spends more $ than it brings in with taxes Passed the Revenue Act of 1942- tripled the number of people who paid income taxes Sold liberty bonds- enabled the government to borrow from the public
Exit Pass Describe two efforts of government mobilization for World War II.
V. Curbing Inflation and Consumption Inflation was a huge problem Production of war materials meant fewer consumer goods Created the Office of Price Administration Fought inflation by setting prices and increasing interest rates Reduced consumption through rationing: limiting the distribution of certain goods like meat, sugar, and gasoline
VI. Civilians do their Part Government created the Office of Civilian Defense- purpose to teach civilians how to help with the war effort Organized scrap drives- recycling metal that could be used for the war Encouraged people to grow victory gardens Organized blackouts incase of a bombing attack
VII. Building Morale The Office of War Information was created to handle propaganda to unify the country to favor the war. Worked with Hollywood to produce war friendly films
Exit Activity: War Cartoons For each of the following cartoons decide if what agency would have wanted the cartoon made and how you know. Agencies: War Industries Board, Office of Civilian Defense, Office of Price Administration, US Treasury (War Bonds), IRS (Taxes)
Cartoon A
Cartoon B
Cartoon C
Cartoon D
Cartoon E
Drill Maryland has passed a law limiting the number of teenagers allowed to go into a drug store, like CVS, to 3 at a time. What is the motivation for this law? Is this law justifiable for the common good of the people? Why or why not? HW: Supreme Court case Korematsu v. US.
Minorities on the Home Front Describe the impact of the war on different minorities in order to understand the new opportuniies and hardships faced by each group. Minorities on the Home Front
Jigsaw Activity Each member of your group will be assigned a group. Read the section in the textbook about that group. Women pg. 456-457 African American pg. 458-459 Mexican Americans 462-463 Japanese Americans 454-455 Record notes on the group in your chart about the given topics When everyone is done present your notes to your group.
Individual Directions Read your section from the Hist. Alive textbook. Take notes on your groups- explain the terms in your portion of the chart.
Exit Activity Write an acrostic poem describing opportunities (and lack of opportunities). Write the word opportunities vertically on a sheet of notebook paper Write on sentence next to the letter O: “Openings in defense plants give women new confidence and freedom” For each subsequent letter, write a sentence that describes the opportunities or lack of opportunities – 3 letters per group