Took jobs that men often had…factories, etc. Earning paychecks, gaining experience Rosie the Riveter
Still economically and socially segregated separate living quarters from white soldiers. Tuskegee Airmen
Rationing: economic control by limiting the use and purchase of goods. Ex. Butter, nylon, rubber, etc. Victory gardens: producing own food in effort for the war.
Office of War Information: encourage support for the war. radio, print, and movies.
War bonds generated money for the war G.I. Bill money given to soldiers while serving in the army.
Baby boom high increase of birth rates right after the war (1950s) Today called the “baby boomers”
Pearl Harbor led to fear of disloyal Japanese Americans living in the states. They were put into internment camps temporary imprisonment FDR signed an Executive Order enforcing this
Targeted more than Germans Why? Racism lack of political power Isolated from American culture
You may choose to either write about KEY events in a newspaper article, such as battles, atomic bomb, pearl harbor, Hitler, baby boom, etc. You are a Japanese- American who just was removed from their home. You are to write a postcard back to your friends describing your horrible experience. Use the information provided to help you. Must contain no less than 3 facts from packet.
Nazi (Germany) Party Attempt to exterminate (kill) gypsies disabled Gays Jewish community Genocide
Nuremburg Laws Policies/laws to ensure a pure Aryan race denied German citizenship to Jews Segregation from rest of Germany population denied marriage between Jews and non –Jews
Kristallnahct (night of broken glass) night of acts of violence towards Jews Many killed and arrested Businesses broken into
Concentration camps Where groups of people were confined in harsh conditions Forced labor that benefited Hitler’s Third Reich (his army)
Death Camps sole purpose was to die and “cleanse” the races. Largest death camp Auschwitz, Poland.
FDR responds buy establishing the War Refugee Bar that sends the Red Cross over to Europe to save the Jews. America then liberates, or frees, the camps from German rule after the war is over. A RESULT OF THIS WAR IS THAT AMERICA NOW OFFICIALLY RECOGNIZES ISRAEL(A JEWISH NATION) AS A NATION.