360° View of Sustainable Work Environments Group 14 Engineering & Ampajen Solutions
Integrated Design / O+M Planning & Preparation Never too early! Green Champions “Trickle Down” It starts with the team!
For Existing Buildings, Current Facility Requirements (CFR) Consultant Generated = Bad Not Generated = Bad Arbitrary Targets = Bad A FMs tool for communicate existing conditions Base Building Systems/Building Limitations Sole Sourced Vendors Company Culture and Programmatic Needs Owner’s Project Requirements
Identify Strategies that Achieve Sustainability Goals Upfront Design team’s responsibility Use CFR as a reality check (O&M staff’s responsibility) Make this a Living Document for the Life- Cycle of your Building OPR/CFR Best Practices
The importance of transportation Urban location advantages Benefits of telecommuting – it’s not all about emissions! Sustainable Site Management The snow removal challenge Reduced emissions from site maintenance The “F” word… Fertilization! Sites
Living with low flow Hot water, piping, maintenance (soaps and solids) Irrigation Plantings Technologies Be a drip! Water
Show Me The Money! Water Space TypeLow Flow Aerators Low Flow Shower Heads Low Flow Flush Valves Water Efficient Irrigation Systems Performance Assumptions 2.2 to 1.5/1.0 GPM 2.5 to 1.5 GPM 3.0 to 1.6 GPM It Depends Office2 years2 – 4 years4 – 8 years Multi-Family<1 year1 – 2 years3 – 4 years Assumes 80% efficient DHW Plant
Go Cheap or Go Big (Hint: Plan for Both) Energy
Energy – RCx 2.0, or MBCx
Good Fit for any Building with a BAS Start with the Budget you have Under a few thousand to get started (one time fee) Group14 preferred vendor: SkySpark by SkyFoundry Like RCx, should be less than two year payback Energy - MBCx
ENERGY STAR evolving Regression/Cost Avoidance based software tools can be very powerful Energy – Utility Data Management
Energy – Utility Data Management (DHA Case Study) ReportAction Electric Heating Use, by addressWork order to remove space heater High Electricity Baseload, by address Energy Manager/Maintenance Supervisor Investigates High Summer Gas Use, by addressEnergy Manager/Maintenance Supervisor Investigates Exceeds allowable irrigation water use Call Irrigation Management Vendor Kgal/SF VarianceEnergy Manager/Maintenance Supervisor Investigates Btu/DD/SF Variance (Winter Heating), by address Work Order to Functionally Test Unit, reset thermostat high limit Continuous Commissioning Fault Detection Central Plant work order Deficiency noted during M&V Inspections Work order to address deficiency
Energy – Go Big/Deep Retrofit Consider all Major Capital Improvements over Next Several Years Informed by Whole Building Analysis Considers Reputation/Market Position Paired with Financial Planning Multi-Stage Project, with Specified “Triggers”
Green Cleaning & Recycling Next…composting! Waste audits Materials & Waste Management
Waste audits (cont.) Materials & Waste Management FINAL RESULTS Total Weight of Waste by Type % of Waste Stream Total Volume Diverted % DivertedWaste Type % %Glass % %Aluminum % %Mixed paper % %Corrugated Cardboard % %Plastics % %Food waste % %Other waste % %Total
Repurposing space – what about comfort and ventilation? ASHRAE 62.1 – what’s your status? New office layouts and acoustics Indoor Environment
Audience Forum Thank you!