Solar Probe Plus FIELDS ICU/FSW Peter R. Harvey Dorothy Gordon –ICU Will Rachelson – FSW Dec 1, 2012.


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Presentation transcript:

Solar Probe Plus FIELDS ICU/FSW Peter R. Harvey Dorothy Gordon –ICU Will Rachelson – FSW Dec 1, 2012

Main Electronics Package (MEP) Development Interface Concept with Spacecraft Needs an ICD Internal Electrical Concept Being Revised for RFS Working on Box Mechanical Specifications Basic Concept Uses Board Slices (similar to MAVEN) Board Size Must be Common Among all Boards Mass Estimate Used THEMIS-sized Boards (6”x9”)  AEB (THEMIS) is adding floating supplies, reducing 6 to 5 channels, RB interface, 3D+  ICU (MAVEN) adding 3DPlus Flash memory, reducing SRAM, will fit in 6x9” format.  DFB (THEMIS) has to add circuitry and needs smaller A/D’s to fit. The smaller A/Ds need radiation testing (in the works at LASP). Possibly use “SideCar” chip  MAG (MAVEN) is expanding heater filtering, will fit in 6x9”.  RFS will be less than a single board, replacing 2-board HFR-TNR.  TDS (STEREO) is expected to fit in 6” x 9” footprint ICU/FSW

Instrument Control Unit (ICU) Development Intend to Use MAVEN Heritage Design (ColdFire IP) Extending Flash Memory from 8 GB to 32 GB Reducing SRAM from 3 MB to 2 MB (512KB x 32) or less Removing Interface Logic from 8 instruments to 5 MAG will Re-Use Interface Hardware and Software from MAVEN DFB will Re-Use Interface Hardware and Software from MAVEN RFS will use the MAVEN messaging protocol. TDS may use the MAVEN messaging protocol (TBD) AEB will Re-Use Interface Logic from RBSP May need to add Deployment controls Based upon MAVEN performance, CPU clock should be reduced ICU/FSW

ICU Breadboard (daughter card not shown)

Flight Software (FSW) Development FSW Development Plan is Complete SPF_FSW_001 & NHB_7150 compliant Have Code Warrior Development License, 2 Workstations at SSL Have ColdFire IP Core License Breadboard built (MAVEN design) and operating Priorities: [1] Derive Flow Down & Traceability of Requirements in SPF_FSW_002 [2] Determine DPU memory size which will set the board size [3] Determine DPU processor speed which will set the power required ICU/FSW






Program : MAVEN Processor : 16 MHz Coldfire IP, Language: C Memory : 32K PROM, 256K EEPROM, 3 MB SRAM, 8 GB Flash Requirements: 273 SLOC : ~3777 in 11 modules (Boot), in 19 modules (Op) RTS, LMs, Moments: ~5500 SLOC Test Software: 245 Scripts/Programs, more than SLOC Major Functional Requirements: – Command Reception & Distribution – 381 commands, 32 Hz execution rate – Relative Time Command Sequences – 64 4Hz processing each – Engineering Housekeeping Telemetry – 13 APIDs, 28 Tables – On-Board Limit Monitoring, Fault Response – 128 limits checked at 4 secs – Real-Time Data Collection and Telemetry – 2.4 Mbps in, up to 37 kbps telemetry – Archive Data Collection and Playback – 4 Mbps read/write concurrent – Data Compression - ~360 kbps on Real-Time and Archive Playback packets – Controllers for Six Science Instruments – 66 APIDs, 17 LUTs – High Voltage Controls – 6 HV Ramps concurrent – Attenuator Controls – 5 Actuators, 3 Automatic, All Concurrent – Fault Protection – 8 Alerts, 6 Enables, 3 Apertures, 3 HV, 3 Power Switches ICU/FSW

Program : FIELDS Processor : 8 MHz Coldfire IP, Language: C Memory : 32K PROM, 256K EEPROM, 2 MB SRAM, 32 GB Flash Requirements: tbd SLOC : tbd DATABASES: RTS, ATS, LMs, DFB, RFS Major Functional Requirements: – Command Reception & Distribution – tbd commands, 32 Hz execution rate, 6 Hz input rate – Relative Time Command Sequences – Up to 64 4Hz processing each – Engineering Housekeeping Telemetry – Up to 16 APIDs, Up to 32 Tables – On-Board Limit Monitoring, Fault Response – Up to 128 limits checked at 4 secs – Real-Time Data Collection and Telemetry – tbd Mbps peak, up to 512 kbps telemetry – Archive Data Collection and Playback – 4 Mbps read/write concurrent – Data Compression - ~360 kbps on spectra only – Controllers for Science Instruments – tbd APIDs, 1 Look Up Table – High Voltage Controls – none – Attenuator Controls – none – Fault Protection – none ICU/FSW

AEB Module Requirements: Command AEB DACs and Preamp Biasing Relays Telemeter State of AEB DACs and Preamp Biasing Relays Perform Periodic Ibias Sweeps (Rate Selectable) Modify IBIAS currents based upon either [1] solar distance or [2] Absolute time DEP Module Requirements: Command Antenna Stepper Motors Out or In to Target Length Telemeter Position for Each Antenna Store Antenna Positions in Non-Volatile Memory RFS Module Requirements: Command RFS configuration using LUT Telemeter RFS engineering data Accumulate RFS Spectra Reduce RFS Spectra in programmable frequency bands Generate Separate RFS Survey and Archive Telemetry ICU/FSW

DFB Module Requirements: Configure DFB using LUT Route Commands to DFB Send Time and Mode Selection to DFB Receive Messages from DFB Transfer CCSDS packets to Survey/Archive Compression already applied by DFB MAVEN performance < 1msec/second, 3msec when loading LUT MAG Module Requirements: Route Commands to MAG1 or MAG2 Send Time to both MAG1 and MAG2 Receive Messages from MAG1 and MAG2 Average data over 2^N samples for Survey, 2^ M samples for Archive Reduce to 8-bit delta-modulated mode when enabled and possible Transfer CCSDS packets to Survey/Archive MAVEN performance <1msec/second/MAG ICU/FSW

TDS Module Requirements: Route Commands to TDS Send Time to TDS Receive Messages from TDS Transfer CCSDS packets to Survey/Archive Compression already applied by TDS Compression applied by ICU SCI Module Requirements (for discussion): Combine “Burst” information from DFB, TDS, RFS, MAG, S/C Transmit “Burst” data back out to DFB, TDS, RFS, MAG, S/C RFS could identify peaks in spectra and provide to TDS or DFB RTS, ATS Databases Requirements (for discussion): RTS, ATS scripts 4Hz Up to 64 concurrent scripts RTS and ATS are stored in EEPROM Should we have Solar Distance based Scripts? ICU/FSW



Technical  Where do the deployment controls go? On ICU board?  Who will develop the algorithm for determining “interesting” data? Schedule  Early delivery of GSE for TDS ICU/FSW