What do you call a Vela student that makes sure they are always on time to class? A ….
1) Be on time. 2) Students that are late will not be allowed to enter classrooms. 3) Tardy students will meet at the pyramid area to receive a tardy slip. 4) Students must have a tardy slip or note from the office to enter class after the tardy bell.
Interaction Teachers, lead a brief discussion and ask for ideas about what students can do in order to avoid receiving a tardy.
1)Walk quickly when going to your next class. NO RUNNING! 2)Don’t “wait around” for other classes to dismiss. 3)Don’t stop and talk with friends. Instead say, “Hey, let’s walk & talk at the same time.” 4)Use the bathroom and drink water quickly. 5)Don’t loiter (hang out) in the bathrooms or hallways. 6)Use lunch and other social times to visit with friends, NOT during passing periods.
Plan your route. Avoid any entanglements. Don’t be distracted. Have all materials for morning classes prior to lunch. After lunch, carry all supplies for afternoon classes.
QUESTION #I a) He should ignore Veronica and head straight to class. b) He should go over and ask her how her basketball game went last night. c) He should smile and wave back and then go straight to class. Jacob is on his way to Science class. As he closes his locker, he see his friend, Veronica, waving at him. Veronica is standing by her locker which is in the opposite direction as Jacob’s Science class. What is the BEST course of action Jacob can take?
QUESTION #2 a) Melody should ask her friend Belinda to take her materials to class for her. b) Melody should carry all of her materials for her morning classes prior to lunch. c) Melody should not worry, because she can borrow materials from someone in class. Melody knows that it will be difficult to come back to her locker after leaving band class and still be on time to History class. What is the BEST way Melody could plan ahead?
Be punctual. Encourage others to get to class. Be prepared to work when tardy bell rings. Don’t linger or waste time. If you are late, quickly meet in pyramid area. Be efficient. Obvious, huh?
Teachers will be correcting and issuing warnings the first week of school. After that…Written Tardy Slips will be issued and appropriate consequences administered. 7 th & 8 th Grade: The 2 nd week of school, tardy round-up will be in effect. 6 th Grade: The 3 rd week of school, tardy round-up will be in effect.