The Design of JUnit Yonglei Tao. Test-First Development  An essential element in eXtreme Programming (XP)  Test is written before the code  As an executable.


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Presentation transcript:

The Design of JUnit Yonglei Tao

Test-First Development  An essential element in eXtreme Programming (XP)  Test is written before the code  As an executable and standalone component  Includes the input and checks the result  Can run with an automated support  Developers need to understand the interface and functionality of a component first

JUnit  A free framework for unit testing  Written by Kent Beck & Erich Gamma  Helps the developer create and run individual and groups of test cases  Allows test cases to be self-checked  Allows to run test cases when changes are made

An Example Class class Money { private int amount; private String currency; public Money(int amt, String cur) { amount= amt; currency= cur; } public int amount() { return amount; } public String currency() { return currency; } public Money add(Money m) { return new Money(amount() + m.amount(), currency()); } public boolean equals(Money other) { return amount == other.amout && currency.equals(other.currency)); }

A Test Case public class MoneyTest public void testConstructor() { Money m1= new Money(12, "USD"); Money m2= new Money(14, "USD"); assertTrue ( !m1.equals(null) ); assertEquals ( m1, m1 ); assertEquals ( m1, new Money(12, "USD") ); assertTrue ( !m1.equals(m2) ); }

More Test  Code a little, test a little, code a little, test a public void testAdd() { Money m1= new Money(12, "USD"); Money m2= new Money(14, "USD"); Money expected= new Money(26, "USD"); Money result= m1.add(m2); assertTrue ( expected.equals(result) ); }

Design Issues for JUnit  A tool for unit testing  Need to run test methods written by individual programmers  Need to work with test classes involving different test methods  Need to work with individual test cases as well as collections of test cases

The Command Pattern  Problem  Need to issue a request for an object without knowing anything about the operation being requested or the receiver of the request  Need to support undo, redo, and callback  Solution  Encapsulate a request as an object  Delegate its intended functionality to the responsible object

Command Class Hierarchy

Participating Objects nt Client

Consequences  Extend class Command for each of the commands  Let it be responsible for executing itself  Let it keep info needed for undoing/redoing  Support undoable operations as well as to queue or log users’ requests  Also callback  Adding or removing a command doesn't affect the client code

The Template Method Pattern  Problem  How to defer decision on details of an algorithm  How to allow a step in an algorithm to vary  Solution  Let a method in a superclass defines the skeleton of an algorithm with its varying and unvarying parts  Let subclasses override the varying parts in order to add their specific behavior at points of variability

An Example of the Template Method

An Example (Cont.) public class Account { public void Transaction() { A(); B(); C(); } public void A() { … } public void B() { … } public void C() { … } … } public class SavingsAccount extends Account { public void C() { … } … } public class JuniorAccount extends Account { public void A() { … } … }

Applicability  The template method should be used  To implement the invariant parts of an algorithm once and let subclasses implement behavior that can vary  When common behavior among subclasses should be factored and localized in a common class to avoid code duplication  To control subclass extension  The template method defines hook operations  Subclasses can only extend these hook operations

Use of the Pattern in C++, Java, …

Consequences  Most commonly used  An important pattern for framework and class library design  Inverted control structure  Parent class calls subclass methods  Important to denote which methods  Must overridden  Can / Can not be overridden

The Adapter Pattern  Problem  How to resolve incompatible interfaces or provide a stable interface to similar components with different interfaces  Solution  Convert the original interface of a component into another interface, through an intermediate adapter object  Also known as Wrapper


The Composite Pattern  Problem  How to allow clients to treat individual objects and compositions of objects uniformly  Solution  Organize objects into a tree structure that represents an aggregation hierarchy


GUI Windows and Elements How does the window hold and deal with the different items it has to manage?

Using the Composite Pattern

// Component implements default behavior for widgets when // Button, Menu, TextArea, and WidgetContainer override // Component methods as needed class WidgetContainer { Component[] myComponents; public void update() { if ( myComponents != null ) for ( int k = 0; k < myComponents.length(); k++ ) myComponents[k].update(); } Composite (Cont.)

Consequences  Make the client simple  Make it easy to add new kind of components and remove existing ones  Make the design general and reusable  Using the pattern when  To represent part-whole hierarchies of objects  Clients to be able to ignore the difference between compositions of objects and individual objects

Design of JUnit  Serve as a framework within which developers can write and run tests  Easy to learn and to use  Create tests that can be performed as needed  Someone other than the original author has to be able to execute the tests and interpret the results  Creating test cases is expensive and the framework has to enable reusing them

1. Getting Started  How to run test cases that are written by individual programmers?  Allow to run tests in a graphical user interface or on the command-line  Make manipulating tests easy

The Command Pattern  Separating a request for executing a command from its execution  User interaction object vs. domain object  Allowing to invoke different implementations of a command through the same interface

Pattern Implementation public abstract class TestCase implements Test { private final String fName; public TestCase(String name) { fName= name; } public abstract void run(); … }

2. Defining Tests  How to give the programmer a convenient “place” to put their test code?  Need a common structure to all tests  Set up test data, run some code against the data, check results, and then clean up the data

The Template Method Pattern  Define the skeleton of an algorithm in an operation, deferring some steps to subclasses  Let subclasses redefine certain steps of an algorithm without changing the algorithms’ structure  Allow the programmer to consider how to write the test code without worrying about how to run it  Execution of this sequence remains the same for all tests, no matter how the testing code is written

Pattern Implementation public class TestCase implements Test { private final String fName; public TestCase(String name) { fName= name; } public void run() { setUp(); runTest(); tearDown(); } protected void runTest() { } protected void setUp() { } protected void tearDown() { } }

3. Reporting Results  How to collect test results?  Need to capture what did and did not work after the test has run  Tests usually work – only need to record the failure and a highly condensed summary of the successes

The Collecting Parameter Pattern  Add a parameter to the method and pass an object that will collect the results from that method  JUnit distinguishes between failures and errors  Failures are anticipated and checked for with assertions  Errors are unanticipated problems

Pattern Implementation public void run (TestResult result) { result.startTest(this); setUp(); try { runTest(); } catch (AssertionFailedError e) {// capture failures result.addFailure(this, e); } catch (Throwable e) { // capture errors result.addError(this, e); } finally { tearDown(); } }

Class TestResult public class TestResult extends Object { protected int fRunTests; protected Vector fErrors, fFailures; public TestResult() { fRunTests= 0; fErrors = new Vector(); fFailures = new Vector(); } public synchronized vid startTest (Test test) { fRunTests++; } public synchronized void addError(Test test, Throwable t) { fErrors.addElement(new TestFailure(test, t)); } public synchronized void addFailure(Test test, Throwable t) { fFailures.addElement(new TestFailure(test, t)); } }

4. Handling Different Test Cases  How to run test cases that are implemented as different methods in the same class?  A test case class may implement many different methods, each defining one test case such as testMoneyEquals or testMoneyAdd  Need to make all test cases look the same from the point of view of the invoker of the test

The Adapter Pattern  Converting the interface of a class into another interface that clients expect  Using a class adapter requires to implement a subclass for each test case – too much burden on the tester  So use pluggable selector as default implementation of method runTest() in an anonymous adapter class

Pattern Implementation protected void runTest() throws Throwable { Method runMethod= null; try { runMethod= getClass().getMethod(fName, new Class[0]); } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) { assertTrue("Method \""+fName+"\" not found", false); } try { runMethod.invoke(this, new Class[0]); } // catch InvocationTargetException & IllegalAccessException }

5. Dealing with One and Many  How to run a single test case and report its result in a TestResult as well as run a group of test cases and report their results?  Need to support suits of suits of suits of tests

The Composite Pattern  Allowing clients treat individual objects and groups of objects uniformly

Class TestSuite public class TestSuite implements Test { private Vector fTests= new Vector(); public void run(TestResult result) { // delegates to its children for (Enumeration e= fTests.elements(); e.hasMoreElements(); ) { Test test = (Test) e.nextElement();; } } public void addTest(Test test) { fTests.addElement(test); } }
