The CIP Data Block: A New Layout for New Realities Karl Debus-López Chief, U.S. Programs, Law, and Literature Division ALA Midwinter Conference, Chicago IL January 31 st, February 1 st 2015
The CIP Data Block: A New Layout for New Realitiesp.2 Why change the CIP Data Block? Recommendations at the 2013 Summer CIP Advisory Group meeting Resource Description & Access (RDA) implementation CIP E-books Program Review utility of card layout
The CIP Data Block: A New Layout for New Realitiesp.3 CIP Data Block Review and Survey Committee of experts formed September 2013 Determined that there was a need to survey a broad range of stakeholders Dates of Survey (May 1 - June 1, 2014) Committee reviewed results (June – December 2014) Recommended data elements to retain, remove, and add Recommended new layout
The CIP Data Block: A New Layout for New Realitiesp.4 CIP Data Block Committee Members: Karl Debus-López, Chief, U.S. Programs, Law, and Literature Division, Library of Congress, Chair of the CIP Advisory Group Lynn Fields, Director of Technical Services at Southern Illinois University Edwardsville, ALCTS Representative to the CIP Advisory Group Marilyn McCroskey, Professor of Library Science and Head of Cataloging, Missouri State University, AASL Representative to the CIP Advisory Group Rebecca Mugridge, Associate Director for Technical Services and Library Systems at University at Albany, SUNY Regina Romano Reynolds, Director, U.S. ISSN Center, Library of Congress Caroline Saccucci, Dewey Program Manager and Acting CIP Program Manager, Library of Congress Camilla Williams, CIP Program Specialist, Library of Congress David Williamson, Cataloging Automation Specialist, Library of Congress Michele Zwierski, Manager, Database Management/Resource Sharing, Nassau Library System
p.5 Quick Summary: Results of the CIP Data Block Survey
The CIP Data Block: A New Layout for New Realitiesp.6 What kind of library or organization do you work in? (420 respondents)
The CIP Data Block: A New Layout for New Realitiesp.7 Size of collections
The CIP Data Block: A New Layout for New Realitiesp.8 Titles cataloged per year
The CIP Data Block: A New Layout for New Realitiesp.9 Number of Cataloging Staff
p.10 The CIP Data Block How is it used?
The CIP Data Block: A New Layout for New Realitiesp.11 As a primary source of cataloging data
The CIP Data Block: A New Layout for New Realitiesp.12 Refer to the CIP data block
The CIP Data Block: A New Layout for New Realitiesp.13 Manually transcribe CIP data block
The CIP Data Block: A New Layout for New Realitiesp.14 Transcribe the complete CIP data block
The CIP Data Block: A New Layout for New Realitiesp.15 Transcribe parts of the CIP data block
The CIP Data Block: A New Layout for New Realitiesp.16 Most commonly transcribed parts of the CIP data block ISBN61% Series statement55.8% Dewey classification number55.6% Title and statement(s) of responsibility51.8% Library of Congress Subject Headings50.9% Name headings50.4%
The CIP Data Block: A New Layout for New Realitiesp.17 Non-CIP data block elements added locally Publishing information52.6% Pagination and size52.6% Summary44.2% Form/genre terms32.5% Additional LC subject headings29.8% Local subject headings28.5% Sears subject headings26.6% Audience level25.2% Table of Contents18.4% BISAC headings 2.4% Do not add any elements 22%
p.18 CIP Data Block Changes Recommended by the Committee
The CIP Data Block: A New Layout for New Realitiesp.19 CIP Data Block Elements to Retain: Names and Titles MARC field Main Entry 1XX Uniform Title - Primary Access Point 130 Uniform Title – Foreign Title 240 Uniform Title – Commonly Known Title 240 Title Statement 245 Varying Form of Title 246 Relationship Designators 7XX
The CIP Data Block: A New Layout for New Realitiesp.20 CIP Data Block Elements to Retain: Description MARC field Edition Statement 250 Series Statement 490 Authorized Access Point for Series 8XX General Note 500 Retain, except when it only has“Includes Index” Bibliographic Reference Note 504 Contents Note505 Retain, only if the record is a multi-part set Summary 520 Retain only for juvenile and young adult fiction Audience Note 521 Language Note 546
The CIP Data Block: A New Layout for New Realitiesp.21 CIP Data Blocks Elements to Retain: Identifiers, Subjects, and Classification MARC field Identifiers Library of Congress Control Number (print+electronic) 010 ISBN (print +electronic) 020 Subjects Library of Congress Subject Headings 6XX Medical Subject Headings (MESH) 6XX Classifications Library of Congress Classification Number(print + electronic) 050 NLM Classification 060 Dewey Decimal Classification Number 082
The CIP Data Block: A New Layout for New Realitiesp.22 CIP Data Block Elements to Remove All fields included within the bibliographic record will still be present in the MARC record for the title, even if they do not appear in the CIP Data Block. MARC field Names and Titles Uniform Title -- Collective Title 240 Author Affiliations 245 Description Physical description (pages cm) 300
The CIP Data Block: A New Layout for New Realitiesp.23 New CIP Data Block Elements MARC field Description Publisher Name, Place and Publication Date 264 Subjects BISAC Headings 650_7 Genre/Form terms 655_7 Layout Link to a permanent URL (LCCN Permalink) in LC Catalog 010 Use a combined layout incorporating print and electronic data elements if the title is published in both print and electronic formats
p.24 The CIP Data Block A possible new layout
The CIP Data Block: A New Layout for New Realitiesp.25 General Recommendations for New Layout Include labels for data elements where possible Names, Titles, Description, Identifiers, Subjects, Classifications Provides clarity on the nature of the data element Assists catalogers who use the CIP Data Block for cataloging in determining where data elements should appear in bibliographic records Combine print and electronic data elements into one CIP Data Block Reduces confusion by publishers as to which CIP Data Block to use Librarians and other users of the CIP Data Block will have complete information on all formats of the title Makes sense as many titles are published in both formats Include a URL Permalink that when selected would take the user to the Library of Congress catalog where a bibliographic record for the title could be downloaded Link will allow libraries to retrieve a complete bibliographic record in electronic format to use in their online catalogs Reduce manual transcription where errors could arise Encourages use of the LC online catalog by libraries worldwide
The CIP Data Block: A New Layout for New Realitiesp.26 QR Codes: Broad support to add to the CIP Data Block Investigate the ability to include a QR code in the CIP Data Block that when scanned would take the user to the record in the LC Catalog.
The CIP Data Block: A New Layout for New Realitiesp.27 Current CIP Data Block Layout Benjamin, Tina, author. Let's dig in the garden / Tina Benjamin. pages cm. -- (Let's go outdoors!) Includes index. ISBN (pbk. book) -- ISBN (6 pack) – ISBN (library bound) 1. Gardening--Juvenile literature. I. Title dc
The CIP Data Block: A New Layout for New Realitiesp.28 Proposed New Layout for the CIP Data Block Names: Benjamin, Tina, author. Title: Let's dig in the garden / Tina Benjamin. Description: New York : Gareth Stevens Publishing, 2015 | Let's go outdoors! Identifiers: LCCN | ISBN (pbk. book) | ISBN (6 pack) | ISBN (library bound) Subjects: Gardening--Juvenile literature. Classification: LC Classification: SB457.B | DDC 635--dc23 LC record available at
The CIP Data Block: A New Layout for New Realitiesp.29 Example 1: Current CYAC Summary Napoli, Donna Jo, Hidden / Donna Jo Napoli. -- First edition. pages cm Companion book to: Hush. Summary: When a marauding slave ship captures her sister, Melkorka, eight-year-old Brigid is lost at sea but survives, disguised as a boy, and sets out to rescue Melkorka, and as the years pass she becomes a woman, reputed to be fierce enough to conquer a man, but desirous only of reuniting with her family. Includes bibliographical references. ISBN (hardback) -- ISBN (invalid) (ebook) [1. Voyages and travels--Fiction. 2. Princesses--Fiction. 3. Conduct of life--Fiction. 4. Coming of age--Fiction. 5. Sex role--Fiction. 6. Sisters--Fiction. 7. Middle Ages--Fiction. 8. Europe--History--10th century--Fiction.] I. Title. PZ7.N15Hid 2014 [Fic]--dc
The CIP Data Block: A New Layout for New Realitiesp.30 Example 1: Proposed CYAC Summary, BISAC Subject Headings, LCCN Permalink and QR Code Names: Napoli, Donna Jo, Title: Hidden / Donna Jo Napoli. Description: First edition. | New York : Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers, | Companion book to: Hush. | Summary: When a marauding slave ship captures her sister, Melkorka, eight-year-old Brigid is lost at sea but survives, disguised as a boy, and sets out to rescue Melkorka, and as the years pass she becomes a woman, reputed to be fierce enough to conquer a man, but desirous only of reuniting with her family. | Includes bibliographical references. Identifiers: LCCN | ISBN (hardback) | ISBN (ebook) Subjects: [Voyages and travels--Fiction. | Princesses--Fiction. | Conduct of life--Fiction. | Coming of age--Fiction. | Sex role--Fiction. | Sisters--Fiction. | Middle Ages--Fiction. | Europe--History--10th century--Fiction.] | JUVENILE FICTION / Fairy Tales & Folklore / General. (BISACSH) | JUVENILE FICTION / Social Issues / Adolescence. (BISACSH) | JUVENILE FICTION / Girls & Women. (BISACSH) Classification: LC Classification PZ7.N15Hid 2014 | DDC [Fic]--dc23 LC record available at
The CIP Data Block: A New Layout for New Realitiesp.31 Pilkey, Dav, author. Ricky Ricotta's mighty robot vs. the naughty nightcrawlers from Neptune / story by Dav Pilkey ; art by Dan Santat. pages cm Summary: By flipping the pages, the reader may view animated illustrations that follow Ricky Ricotta, a small mouse, his giant flying robot, and his annoying cousin Lucy, as they battle the nightcrawlers from Neptune that are invading through a wormhole. ISBN (hc) -- ISBN (pb) -- ISBN (invalid) (ebk) 1. Ricotta, Ricky (Fictitious character)--Juvenile fiction. 2. Mice--Juvenile fiction. 3. Robots--Juvenile fiction. 4. Heroes--Juvenile fiction. 5. Cousins--Juvenile fiction. 6. Worms--Juvenile fiction. 7. Neptune (Planet)--Juvenile fiction. [1. Mice--Fiction. 2. Robots--Fiction. 3. Heroes--Fiction. 4. Cousins--Fiction. 5. Worms--Fiction. 6. Neptune (Planet)--Fiction.] I. Santat, Dan, illustrator. II. Title. III. Title: Ricky Ricotta's mighty robot versus the naughty nightcrawlers from Neptune. PZ7.P63123Rsk dc Example 2: Current CYAC Summary and Varying Form of Title field
The CIP Data Block: A New Layout for New Realitiesp.32 Names: Pilkey, Dav, author. | Santat, Dan, illustrator. Title: Ricky Ricotta's mighty robot vs. the naughty nightcrawlers from Neptune / story by Dav Pilkey ; art by Dan Santat. Other titles: Ricky Ricotta's mighty robot versus the naughty nightcrawlers from Neptune. Description: New York, NY : Scholastic Inc., | Summary: By flipping the pages, the reader may view animated illustrations that follow Ricky Ricotta, a small mouse, his giant flying robot, and his annoying cousin Lucy, as they battle the nightcrawlers from Neptune that are invading through a wormhole. Identifiers: LCCN | ISBN (hc) | ISBN (pb) | ISBN (ebk) Subjects: Ricotta, Ricky (Fictitious character)--Juvenile fiction. | Mice--Juvenile fiction. | Robots--Juvenile fiction. | Heroes--Juvenile fiction. | Cousins--Juvenile fiction. | Worms--Juvenile fiction. | Neptune (Planet)--Juvenile fiction. | [Mice--Fiction. | Robots--Fiction. | Heroes--Fiction. | Cousins--Fiction. | Worms--Fiction. | Neptune (Planet)--Fiction.] Classification: LC Classification PZ7.P63123Rsk 2015 | DDC dc23 LC record available at Example 2: Proposed CYAC Summary field and Varying Form of Title
The CIP Data Block: A New Layout for New Realitiesp.33 Example 3: Current Primary Access Point and Audience Note U-X-L encyclopedia of science. UXL encyclopedia of science. -- Third edition / [edited by] Amy Hackney Blackwell ; Elizabeth Manar, project editor. 10 volumes cm Revision of: U-X-L encyclopedia of science. -- 2nd ed. -- ©2002. Contents: volume 1. A-Asp -- volume 2. Ast-Cat -- volume 3. Cav-Dia -- volume 4. Die-E -- volume 5. F-Hig -- volume 6. Hiv-Ma -- volume 7. Me-O -- volume 8. P-Red -- volume 9. Rei-S -- volume 10. T-Z. Includes bibliographical references and index. Audience: Ages ISBN (set : hardback : alk. paper) -- ISBN (vol. 1 : alk. paper) -- ISBN (vol. 2 : alk. paper) -- ISBN (vol. 3 : alk. paper) -- ISBN (vol. 4 : alk. paper) -- ISBN (vol. 5 : alk. paper) -- ISBN (vol. 6 : alk. paper) -- ISBN (vol. 7: alk. paper) -- ISBN (vol. 8: alk. paper) -- ISBN (vol. 9: alk. paper) -- ISBN (vol. 10: alk. paper) -- ISBN (invalid) (ebook : set) -- ISBN (invalid) (ebook : set) 1. Science--Encyclopedias, Juvenile. 2. Technology--Encyclopedias, Juvenile. I. Hackney Blackwell, Amy, editor. II. Manar, Elizabeth P., editor. III. Title. Q121.U dc
The CIP Data Block: A New Layout for New Realitiesp.34 Example 3: Proposed Primary Access Point and Audience Note Names: Hackney Blackwell, Amy, editor. | Manar, Elizabeth P., editor. Title: UXL encyclopedia of science. Other titles: U-X-L encyclopedia of science. Description: Third edition / [edited by] Amy Hackney Blackwell ; Elizabeth Manar, project editor. | Farmington Hills, Mich. : UXL, a part of Gale, Cengage Learning, [2015] | Revision of: U-X-L encyclopedia of science. -- 2nd ed. -- c2002. | volume 1. A-Asp -- volume 2. Ast-Cat -- volume 3. Cav-Dia -- volume 4. Die-E -- volume 5. F-Hig – volume 6. Hiv-Ma -- volume 7. Me-O -- volume 8. P-Red -- volume 9. Rei-S -- volume 10. T-Z. | Includes bibliographical references and index. | Ages (provided by UXL, a part of Gale, Cengage Learning). Identifiers: LCCN | ISBN (set : hardback : alk. paper) | ISBN (vol. 1 : alk. paper) | ISBN (vol. 2 : alk. paper) | ISBN (vol. 3 : alk. paper) | ISBN (vol. 4 : alk. paper) | ISBN (vol. 5 : alk. paper) | ISBN (vol. 6 : alk. paper) | ISBN (vol. 7: alk. paper) | ISBN (vol. 8: alk. paper) | ISBN (vol. 9: alk. paper) | ISBN (vol. 10: alk. paper) | ISBN (ebook : set) | ISBN (ebook : set) Subjects: Science--Encyclopedias, Juvenile. | Technology--Encyclopedias, Juvenile. | JUVENILE NONFICTION / Science & Nature / General (see also headings under Animals or Technology). (BISACSH) | JUVENILE NONFICTION / Reference / Encyclopedias. (BISACSH) | JUVENILE NONFICTION / Science & Nature / History of Science. (BISACSH) Classification: LC Classification Q121.U | DDC 503--dc23 LC record available at
The CIP Data Block: A New Layout for New Realitiesp.35 Example 4: Current Audience Note Andronik, Catherine M., author. Copernicus : genius of modern astronomy / Catherine M. Andronik. pages cm. -- (Genius scientists and their genius ideas) "Originally published as Copernicus : founder of modern astronomy, revised edition, in 2009." Audience: Grades 4-6. Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN ISBN Copernicus, Nicolaus, Juvenile literature. 2. Astronomers--Poland-- Biography--Juvenile literature. 3. Astronomy--History--Juvenile literature. I. Title. QB36.C8A dc
The CIP Data Block: A New Layout for New Realitiesp.36 Names: Andronik, Catherine M., author. Title: Copernicus : genius of modern astronomy / Catherine M. Andronik. Description: Berkeley Heights, NJ : Enslow Publishers, Inc., [2015] | Genius scientists and their genius ideas | "Originally published as Copernicus : founder of modern astronomy, revised edition, in 2009." | Grades 4-6 (provided by Enslow Publishers, Inc.). | Includes bibliographical references and index. Identifiers: LCCN | ISBN | ISBN Subjects: Copernicus, Nicolaus, Juvenile literature. | Astronomers--Poland— Biography--Juvenile literature. | Astronomy--History--Juvenile literature. Classification: LC Classification: QB36.C8A | DDC dc23 LC record available at Example 4: Proposed Audience Note
The CIP Data Block: A New Layout for New Realitiesp.37 Example 5: Current Language Note Art Institute of Chicago. What may come : the Taller de Gráfica Popular and the Mexican political print = Lo que puede venir : El Taller de Gráfica Popular y el grabado político mexicano / Diane Miliotes. -- First edition. 39 pages : illustrations ; 22 x 25 cm In English and Spanish. Published in conjunction with an exhibition of the same title organized by the Art Institute of Chicago and presented July 4-October 12, Includes bibliographical references. ISBN (paperback) 1. Taller de Grafica Popular (Mexico City, Mexico)--Exhibitions. 2. Lithography, Mexican--Mexico City--20th century--Exhibitions. 3. Linoleum block-printing, Mexican--Mexico City--20th century-- Exhibitions. 4. Lithography--Illinois--Chicago--Exhibitions. 5. Linoleum block-printing--Illinois-- Chicago--Exhibitions. 6. Art Institute of Chicago--Exhibitions. I. Miliotes, Diane Helen, author. II. Art Institute of Chicago. What may come. III. Art Institute of Chicago. What may come. Spanish. IV. Title. V. Title: Lo que puede venir : El Taller de Gráfica Popular y el grabado político mexicano. NE544.6.T34A ' dc
The CIP Data Block: A New Layout for New Realitiesp.38 Example 5: Proposed Language Note Names: Art Institute of Chicago. | Miliotes, Diane Helen, author. | Art Institute of Chicago. What may come. Title: What may come : the Taller de Grafica Popular and the Mexican political print = Lo que puede venir : El Taller de Grafica Popular y el grabado politico mexicano / Diane Miliotes. Other titles: Lo que puede venir : El Taller de Grafica Popular y el grabado politico mexicano Description: First edition. | Chicago : Art Institute of Chicago, | In English and Spanish. | Published in conjunction with an exhibition of the same title organized by the Art Institute of Chicago and presented July 4-October 12, | Includes bibliographical references. Identifiers: LCCN | ISBN (paperback) Subjects: Taller de Gráfica Popular (Mexico City, Mexico)--Exhibitions. | Lithography, Mexican— Mexico City--20th century--Exhibitions. | Linoleum block-printing, Mexican--Mexico City--20 th century--Exhibitions. | Lithography--Illinois--Chicago--Exhibitions. | Linoleum block-printing— Illinois--Chicago--Exhibitions. | Art Institute of Chicago--Exhibitions. | ART / Prints. (BISACSH) | ART / Caribbean & Latin American. (BISACSH) | ART / Art & Politics. (BISACSH) | ART / History / Modern (late 19th Century to 1945). (BISACSH) Classification: LC Classification NE544.6.T34A | DDC ' dc23 LC record available at
The CIP Data Block: A New Layout for New Realitiesp.39 Example 6: Current Language Note The complete Harley 2253 Manuscript / edited and translated by Susanna Fein with David Raybin and Jan Ziolkowski. volumes cm. -- (Middle English texts series) Harley's contents are presented according to booklet structure; the grouping of seven booklets to make the Harley manuscript's full 140 leaves seems to have happened when the scribe was alive. For the Latin texts, Jan Ziolkowski provided translations of those obscure works; for translations of French, David Raybin has been a collaborator; initially, there was another collaborator for the French portions of MS Harley 2253, Barbara Nolan, who before her death, had drafted English versions of some fabliaux, the translation of Gilote and Johane. Includes bibliographical references and indexes. Multilingual text in Middle English, Anglo Norman, and Latin along with translations of each. ISBN (pbk. : alk. paper) -- ISBN (pbk. : alk. paper) -- ISBN (pbk. : alk. paper) 1. English literature--Middle English, Anglo-Norman literature. 3. Latin literature, Medieval and modern--England. 4. Middle Ages--Literary collections. 5. Manuscripts, Medieval--England--London. 6. British Library. Manuscript. Harley I. Fein, Susanna Greer, editor, translator. II. Raybin, David B., translator. III. Ziolkowski, Jan M., translator. IV. Consortium for the Teaching of the Middle Ages. V. British Library. Manuscript. Harley VI. British Library. Manuscript. Harley English. VII. Title: Harley 2253 Manuscript. PR1120.C '001--dc
The CIP Data Block: A New Layout for New Realitiesp.40 Example 6: Proposed Language Note Names: Fein, Susanna Greer, editor, translator. | Raybin, David B., translator. | Ziolkowski, Jan M., translator. | Consortium for the Teaching of the Middle Ages. | British Library. Manuscript. Harley | British Library. Manuscript. Harley English. Title: The complete Harley 2253 Manuscript / edited and translated by Susanna Fein with David Raybin and Jan Ziolkowski. Description: Kalamazoo, Michigan : Published for TEAMS (The Consortium for the Teaching of the Middle Ages) in Association with the University of Rochester by Medieval Institute Publications, | Middle English texts series | Harley's contents are presented according to booklet structure; the grouping of seven booklets to make the Harley manuscript's full 140 leaves seems to have happened when the scribe was alive. | For the Latin texts, Jan Ziolkowski provided translations of those obscure works; for translations of French, David Raybin has been a collaborator; initially, there was another collaborator for the French portions of MS Harley 2253, Barbara Nolan, who before her death, had drafted English versions of some fabliaux, the translation of Gilote and Johane. | Includes bibliographical references and indexes. | Multilingual text in Middle English, Anglo Norman, and Latin along with translations of each. Identifiers: LCCN | ISBN (pbk. : alk. paper) | ISBN (pbk. : alk. paper) | ISBN (pbk. : alk. paper) Subjects: English literature--Middle English, | Anglo-Norman literature. | Latin literature, Medieval and modern--England. | Middle Ages--Literary collections. | Manuscripts, Medieval--England--London. | British Library. Manuscript. Harley Classification: LC Classification PR1120.C | DDC 820.8'001--dc23 LC record available at
The CIP Data Block: A New Layout for New Realitiesp.41 Example 7: Current Foreign Title Nakamura, Momoko, [Onna kotoba wa tsukurareru. English] Gender, language and ideology : a genealogy of Japanese women's language / Momoko Nakamura, Kanto Gakuin University. p. cm. -- (Discourse Approaches to Politics, Society and Culture, ISSN ; v. 58) "The Japanese version of this book, Onna kotoba wa tsukurareru [Constructing Women's Language], came out in 2007 and received the 27th Yamakawa Kikue Award, which recognizes outstanding research in women's studies, and I was invited to speak about Japanese women's language by universities, women's organizations, teachers' unions and government agencies all over Japan." Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN (hb : alk. paper) -- ISBN (invalid) (ebook) 1. Japanese language--Sex differences. 2. Japanese language--Social aspects. 3. Women-- Japan--Languages--History. 4. Japanese language--Sex differences--History. I. Title. PL698.W65N ' dc
The CIP Data Block: A New Layout for New Realitiesp.42 Example 7: Proposed Foreign Title Names: Nakamura, Momoko, Title: Gender, language and ideology : a genealogy of Japanese women's language / Momoko Nakamura, Kanto Gakuin University. Other titles: Onna kotoba wa tsukurareru. English Description: Amsterdam ; Philadelphia : John Benjamins Publishing Company, [2014] | Discourse Approaches to Politics, Society and Culture, ISSN ; v. 58 | "The Japanese version of this book, Onna kotoba wa tsukurareru [Constructing Women's Language], came out in 2007 and received the 27th Yamakawa Kikue Award, which recognizes outstanding research in women's studies, and I was invited to speak about Japanese women's language by universities, women's organizations, teachers‘ unions and government agencies all over Japan." | Includes bibliographical references and index. Identifiers: LCCN | ISBN (hb : alk. paper) | ISBN (ebook) Subjects: Japanese language--Sex differences. | Japanese language--Social aspects. | Women--Japan--Languages--History. | Japanese language--Sex differences--History. Classification: LC Classification PL698.W65N | DDC ' dc23 LC record available at
The CIP Data Block: A New Layout for New Realitiesp.43 Example 8: Current – Genre/Forms terms are not present Bobrow, Warren. Apothecary cocktails : restorative drinks from yesterday and today / Warren Bobrow. pages cm ISBN (spiral bound) 1. Cocktails. 2. Elixirs. I. Title. TX951.B '4--dc
The CIP Data Block: A New Layout for New Realitiesp.44 Example 8: Proposed Genre/Form Terms Names: Bobrow, Warren. Title: Apothecary cocktails : restorative drinks from yesterday and today / Warren Bobrow. Description: Beverly, MA : Fair Winds Press, Identifiers: LCCN | ISBN (spiral bound) Subjects: Cocktails. | Elixirs. | COOKING / Beverages / Bartending. (BISACSH) | COOKING / Beverages / Wine & Spirits. (BISACSH) | Cookbooks. (lcgft) Classification: LC Classification: TX951.B | DDC '4--dc23 LC record available at
The CIP Data Block: A New Layout for New Realitiesp.45 Example 9: Current Print CIP Data Block Layout Clarke, Jim (James J.) Soul-centered : spirituality for people on the go / Rev. Jim Clarke, PhD. pages cm Includes bibliographical references. ISBN (pbk. : alk. paper) -- ISBN (invalid) (ebook) 1. Christian life--Catholic authors. 2. Spiritual life--Catholic Church. 3. Spirituality--Catholic Church. I. Title. BX C '82--dc
The CIP Data Block: A New Layout for New Realitiesp.46 Example 9: Current Electronic CIP Data Block Layout Clarke, Jim (James J.) Spirituality for people on the go / Rev. Jim Clarke, PhD. 1 online resource. Includes bibliographical references. Description based on print version record and CIP data provided by publisher; resource not viewed. ISBN (E book) – ISBN (invalid) (print) 1. Christian life--Catholic authors. 2. Spiritual life--Catholic Church. 3. Spirituality--Catholic Church. I. Title. BX '82--dc
The CIP Data Block: A New Layout for New Realitiesp.47 Example 9: Combined Layout Print + Electronic Names: Clarke, Jim (James J.) Title: Spirituality for people on the go / Rev. Jim Clarke, PhD. Description: New York : Paulist Press, 2015 | Includes bibliographical references. Identifiers: LCCN (print) | LCCN (ebook) | ISBN (pbk. : alk. paper) | ISBN (ebook) Subjects: Christian life--Catholic authors. | Spiritual life--Catholic Church. | Spirituality— Catholic Church. Classification: LC Classification BX C (print) | LC Classification BX (ebook) | DDC 248.4'82--dc23 LC record available at
p.48 The CIP Data Block Next Steps
The CIP Data Block: A New Layout for New Realitiesp.49 Next Steps Input from stakeholders (February - July 2015) Receive feedback from libraries and publishers Move forward on updating the CIP Data Block elements and layout based on final feedback received (Tentative Date: January 1, 2016) If you have comments, please
p.50 Thank You!