Mechanical Diagnosis and Therapy of the Lumbar spine Prepared by: Mrs. Jawaher Al-aqeel
Objective McKenzie technique History Centralization Phenomena Classification Assessment Treatment
History McKenzie concentrate on repetitive movement in order to centralise pain
Causes of LBP SIJ dysfunction Disc pathology Facet joint Inflammation Disability Other causes
Centralisation Phenomenon As a result of performance of certain repeated movement or adapted certain position radiating pain, is made to move away from the periphery and towards the midline of the spine
McKenzie Classification
McKenzie Classification Postural: Prolonged end range stress on normal structure (e.g,sitting posture)
McKenzie Classification Dysfunction End range stress or over stretching of shortened structure.
McKenzie Classification Derangement Anatomical disruption and displacement within motion segments (I.V.D)
Derangement Syndrome Age Onset of pain Cause Location of pain Worse Better
Derangement Syndrome Examination Acute deformity M.V.T loss Repeated. Move= P.D.M Pain changes Better or worse Rapid change
Assessment History: Occupation Posture Off work Symptoms
Assessment Examination Posture Movement loss Test Movement Static test Neurological Conclusion
Treatment Reduction of derangement Maintain reduction Restoration of function Prophylaxis
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