Room 208 Welcome to Homeroom. 1. Find your assigned seat. (Look for your envelope or see Ms. Seymour.) 2. See Ms. Seymour for your locker combination. 3. Find your locker. Go try it. 4. Take your seat when the bell rings.
Room 208 Homeroom Expectations 1. Be On Time 2. Be Respectful 3. Sit in Assigned Seat 4. Stay in Assigned Seat 5. No Talking During Announcements 6. Wait to be dismissed.
September 2, Ms. Seymour for your seat number. On the cart. 2. Sit in your assigned seat. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Today : 1. Welcome to 6 th Grade Science! 2. Attendance 3. Activities at a Glance (board) 1. Science Room Tour 2. Classroom Rules/Procedures 3. HW- write in assignment book. Have book stamped. 4. Names on Popsicle Sticks 5. Review classroom rules/procedures 6. Wait to be dismissed.
Materials for Today-Sept 2, Pen/Pencil 2. Assignment Book: HW-due by Thursday September 4 1. Signed Classroom Rules and Procedures sheet. 2. Science Notebook (bought, made, or used with plenty of paper)
Daily Classroom Procedures Your science class will follow the following format each day. Welcome Attendance Activities At A Glance Board Materials, Activities, & Homework Essential Skills Specific Learning Goals and Objectives Behavior Expectations Success Criteria
Advisory Sept 2, 2014 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Today : 1. Welcome to 6 th Grade Advisory. 2. Sit anywhere for now. (you will be assigned a seat later) 3. We will go to Ms. Peck’s room. 1. Attendance –seat numbers. 2. Room 3. Advisory Classroom Rules/Procedures 4. Questions? 5. Work on Something quietly/read 6. Wait to be dismissed.
Room 208 Break See Ms. Seymour for your assigned seat. 1. Be On Time 2. Be Respectful 3. Sit in Assigned Seat 4. Stay in Assigned Seat and Desk 5. Read, Talk Quietly, Have your Snack. 6. If you need to leave the room (Bathroom/Drink/Locker), You must sign out and take the pass. 6. At the end of break, throw away your trash and get ready for pd. 4
September 3, 2014 Materials: Pen/Pencil Classroom Rules and Procedures packet- we are continuing/reviewing/adding information
September 3, Find your seat number. (Same as yesterday) Sit in your assigned seat ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Today: Essential Skills: You will be able to: C-5 Demonstrate Understanding of Concepts (classroom rules and procedures concepts) Learning Goals: To follow specific teacher given instructions (as compared to creating your own instructions) Learning Objectives: Students should be able to: 1. To review Rules and Procedures (muscle memory) 2. To earn your first Science Star Relevance: Question-Why should you spend time demonstrating that you understand the classroom rules and procedures? Success Criteria: Name 3 Expectations and/or rewards/consequences. HW: Have Science notebook and have Classroom rules and procedures sheet signed by Thursday
Write on Class Rules and Procedures sheet Activity in Room 208 Is Not an extension of outside recess, the gym, the art rooms, library, or hallway social time. Is time to see Ms. Seymour for help, get work that you need, work on Science work only. Is for Science Extension
Review of Classroom Rules and Procedures Bingo Materials: Rules and Procedures packet/Graph paper/Pen/pencil 1. Make a grid on your graph paper. 5 inches by 5 inches. (Each square is 1 inch by 1 inch) 2. Write a classroom rule/procedure/reward/ consequence in each square 3. Wait for further instructions. Make your bingo chips ( 4 by 4 inch chips. Save your chips.-put in envelope. Put in pencil case.) Expectations: Review Bingo-At times talking. At times Quiet
Review of Classroom Rules and Procedures Bingo Rules Get 5 squares in a row and earn a star. Say “Bingo” and wait for Ms. S to see your board. Read the words from the board Once a person wins, keep your squares on your board until you win. Once you win, clean your board and begin to play again.
September 4, 2014 Materials: Pen/Pencil Classroom Rules and Procedures packet Science Notebook
Today: Welcome, Attendance, Activities Board! Essential Skill~ You will be able to: 1. C-5 Demonstrate Understanding of Concepts (classroom rules and procedures concepts) Learning Goals: To follow specific teacher given instructions (as compared to creating your own instructions) Learning Objectives: Students should be able to: 1. To review Rules and Procedures (muscle memory) 2. To earn your first Science Star Relevance: Question-Why should you spend time demonstrating that you understand the classroom rules and procedures? Success Criteria: Name 3 Expectations and/or rewards/consequences. September 4, 2014
Write the Following on the first page of your Science Notebook. Science Notebook Expectations: Date each entry. Title each entry. Keep work neat. Keep work in order. Do not add pages. Listen for entry instructions (i.s.-complete sentences, bullet points, incomplete sentences, letters…) Bring notebook to class everyday.
Today: Welcome, Attendance, Activities Board! Essential Skill~ You will be able to: 2. IR-1 Recognize individual motivations, emotions, interests, values and strengths. Learning Goals: To follow specific teacher given instructions (as compared to creating your own instructions) Learning Objectives: Students should be able to: 1. Understand and articulate your strengths and interests as a student Relevance: Question-Why should you spend time recognizing our strengths and making goals for ourselves? Success Criteria: Name at least 3 goals for the year. September 4, 2014
September 5, 2014 Materials: Pen/Pencil Science Notebook
Today: Welcome, Attendance, Activities Board! Essential Skill~ You will be able to: 2. IR-1 Recognize individual motivations, emotions, interests, values and strengths. Learning Goals: To follow specific teacher given instructions (as compared to creating your own instructions) Learning Objectives: Students should be able to: 1. Understand and articulate your strengths and interests as a student Relevance: Question-Why should you spend time recognizing our strengths and making goals for ourselves? Success Criteria: Name at least 3 goals for the year. September 5, 2014
My Questionnaire! – Choose 10 to answer 1. What are the three most important things I should know about you? 2. What are things you are really good at? 3. What are you most proud of? 4. What is the favorite thing you did this summer? 5. What have you most loved learning (even if not in school)? Why? 6. What’s your favorite thing to do when you’re not in school? 7. What is the best book or books you have ever read? 8. I think 6th grade will be…. 9. What do you love about school? 10. Some things I really want to work on this year in 6th grade are…. 11. What are things you cannot wait to do this year? 12. I learn best when the class is….
Partner Talk For 2 minutes, share with your neighbor. For 2 minutes, your neighbor shares with you. = Total of 4 minutes You may ask questions during each presentation. Then we share with the class!
September 8, 2014 Materials: Pen/Pencil Science Notebook Class inspectors today Lab Refreshers today
Today: Welcome, Attendance, Activities Board! Essential Skill~ You will be able to: 2. IR-1 Recognize individual motivations, emotions, interests, values and strengths. Learning Goals: To follow specific teacher given instructions (as compared to creating your own instructions) Learning Objectives: Students should be able to: 1. Understand and articulate your strengths and interests as a student Relevance: Question-Why should you spend time recognizing our strengths and making goals for ourselves? Success Criteria: Name at least 3 goals for the year. September 8, 2014
Goal Setting List Goals in your notebook List your goals for the school year. Personal Social Academic Physical
Today: Welcome, Attendance, Activities Board! Essential Skill~ You will be able to: 2.IR-7 Work, communicate and contribute effectively with others. Learning Goals: To follow specific teacher given instructions (as compared to creating your own instructions) Learning Objectives: Students should be able to: 1. Determine their role in the group Relevance: Question-Why should we learn to work, communicate and contribute effectively with others in this Science class? Success Criteria: Being able to work with your group and every one in your group work with you. September 8, 2014
Scrap Tower You will be working with your team! You will be given materials to build a freestanding tower (*optional challenge - to hold a weighted item off the ground.) You will be given minutes. The team with the highest freestanding tower wins the challenge. Careful planning, identifying roles and responsibilities as well as creative thinking are essential for this exercise. Feel free to use scrap paper to
Expectations 1. Everyone participates. 2. You must stay with your group-drifting to another group disqualifies you to earn a star. 3. If your group finishes early, report back to your seat and work on something independent and silently. 4. Tower is freestanding. Not taped to floor or bucket.
Class Birthday Line up Line up in a straight line side-by-side. Your task is to get in order of your birthdays. The challenge is that you cannot talk at all. This exercise is great for improving communication and leadership skills.
Photo Finish Your small group will have to try and cross the line at exactly the same time. If one person is out of sync, then you must start over again. Concentration, listening and communication are essential for this fun challenge.
Lab Safety In your Science Notebook, write the date and title “Lab Safety” Think- for 2 minutes and write as many lab safety rules as you can. Pair-share your rules with your partner. Add rules if you can think of more. Share-You will share your answers with the class. Class will add to their list Short video:
Write in Science Notebook Group Activities Reflection Sept. 8, 2014 What did you enjoy in working in a group? (I enjoyed….. What did you not enjoy when working with a group? (I did not enjoy…) What recommendations would you give to your fellow group members? (I recommend that my fellow group members…..) What recommendations do you think your group members would give you? (My group members would most likely recommend me to….) Do you think we will be doing many group activities in Science Class this year? (yes or no)
September 9, 2014 Materials: Pen/Pencil Science Notebook
Today! Pd 4- Finish Bday Line up Pd 7 and 8- Scrap Tower Finish Lab Safety and Equipment start Partner and Group work in notebook/ Short Video Clips Sound on projector not working, so you’ll be moving closer to the board to hear. – (twice.) Maybe new packet
September 9, 2014 Today: Essential Skills: C-7: State Implications and Consequences Learning Goals: Lab Safety Lab Equipment Learning Objectives: Students should be able to: 1. Know specific lab safety instructions. 2. Know the names and uses of equipment. Relevance: Question-Why should we know and act on lab safety?
Lab Safety In your Science Notebook, write the date and title “Lab Safety” Think- for 2 minutes and write as many lab safety rules as you can. Pair-share your rules with your partner. Add rules if you can think of more. Share-You will share your answers with the class. Class will add to their list Short video: What rules did we miss? Add them after watching the video.
Lab Equipment First-short video: Pay attention to the equipment that you see: In your Science Notebook, write the date and title “Lab Equipment” Pair-With your table, see if you can identify the items in your tray. Draw a picture of each and label it. Share- Share answers with the class
New Packet! With your group or a partner of your choosing at your table, work on pages 3,5, & 6. Be prepared to share. We are going over these in class.
September 10, 2014 Materials: Pen/Pencil Science Notebook-Open to Lab Safety/Equipment section (Sept 9, 2014).
Your Task… In New Packet- Complete pgs. 3,5,6 May work with someone from your group only- at your desk or your given group’s room location. We will go over this in class. If you finish early- read a book.
September 10, 2014 Today: Essential Skills: C-7: State Implications and Consequences Learning Goals: Lab Safety Lab Equipment Learning Objectives: Students should be able to: 1. Know specific lab safety instructions. 2. Know the names and uses of equipment. Relevance: Question-Why should we know and act on lab safety?
September 10, 2014 Today: Essential Skills: C-3 Gather Information and Organize Data Learning Goals: Scientific Method Learning Objectives: Students should be able to: 1. Identify the questions you need to answer an the problems that you need to solve Relevance: Question-Why should we have an order to do our lab experiments?
September 11, 2014 HW: Start studying for next Thursday’s Quiz. Materials: Pen/Pencil Equipment/Safety/Observation packet Pds. 1 and 4- open to pg. 7. and PT’s. Pds 5,7,8- open to pg 6 Science Notebook-for later in class Needed today: Stampers Class Inspectors
Your Task… PT Lab. We are working through this with group and the class. We are skipping #’s 13 and 14.
Your Task… In New Packet- Complete pgs. 3,5,6 May work with someone from your group only- at your desk or your given group’s room location. We will go over this in class. If you finish early- read a book.
September 11, 2014 Today: Essential Skills: C-7: State Implications and Consequences Learning Goals: Lab Safety Lab Equipment Learning Objectives: Students should be able to: 1. Know specific lab safety instructions. 2. Know the names and uses of equipment. Relevance: Question-Why should we know and act on lab safety?
September 11, 2014 Today: Essential Skills: C-3 Gather Information and Organize Data Learning Goals: Scientific Method Learning Objectives: Students should be able to: 1. Identify the questions you need to answer an the problems that you need to solve Relevance: Question-Why should we have an order to do our lab experiments?
September 12, 2014 Materials: Pen/Pencil Equipment/Safety/Observation packet Science Notebook
Your Task… PT Lab. We are working through this with group and the class. We are skipping #’s 13 and 14.
September 12, 2014 Today: Essential Skills: C-7: State Implications and Consequences Learning Goals: Lab Safety Lab Equipment Learning Objectives: Students should be able to: 1. Know specific lab safety instructions. 2. Know the names and uses of equipment. Relevance: Question-Why should we know and act on lab safety?
September 12, 2014 Today: Essential Skills: C-3 Gather Information and Organize Data Learning Goals: Scientific Method Learning Objectives: Students should be able to: 1. Identify the questions you need to answer an the problems that you need to solve Relevance: Question-Why should we have an order to do our lab experiments?
Your Task… PT Lab. We are working through this with group and the class. We are skipping #’s 13 and 14.
September 12, 2014 Today: Essential Skills: C-7: State Implications and Consequences Learning Goals: Lab Safety Lab Equipment Learning Objectives: Students should be able to: 1. Know specific lab safety instructions. 2. Know the names and uses of equipment. Relevance: Question-Why should we know and act on lab safety?
September 15, 2014 Materials: Pen/Pencil Equipment/Safety/Observation packet- pg. 9 Science Notebook
September 15, 2014 Today: Essential Skills: C-3 Gather Information and Organize Data Learning Goals: Scientific Method Observations and Inferences Learning Objectives: Students should be able to: 1. Identify the questions you need to answer an the problems that you need to solve 2. Recognize the difference between observations and inferences Relevance Statement: Science is about making observations, connections, making guesses…. We need to understand how to make observations and inferences.
Today! Finish Scientific Method Scenario (& worksheet if your class received one.) Observation and Inferences notes and practice Lab. (finish today or tomorrow…) Go over Get star.
Lab Vocab Prediction: To tell something before it happens. Inference: Forming a conclusion based on observations. Observation: Any information that we gather by using our senses. Experiment: An activity designed to test a hypothesis. Control: The part of an experiment that serves as a standard. Variable: Any factor in an experiment that could affect the results and is therefore tested separately.
In your notebook- Scientific Method What are the steps of the Scientific Method? What does each step mean? (3 minutes to work with your partner.)
Scientific Method: Pretty Red Heads Like Animal Crackers Purpose- What does the Scientist want to know more about? Research - Gather Information Hypothesis:-an educated guess of the answer: usually an “if-then” sentence. Experiment: step by step experiment designed to test the hypothesis and collect data Analysis-describe what you noticed about the data Conclusion: was the hypothesis correct or incorrect
Scientific Method Practice. Work through pg. 9 in packet, and front and back of Dr. E McSquare sheet. May work with someone from your group only- at your desk or your given group’s room location. We will go over this in class. If you finish early- read a book.
Observations Observation: recognizing and noting some FACT to gather information. You make observations using your five senses. Can be: Qualitative: factual descriptions that do not use numbers. Ex. John has blue eyes Quantitative: - factual descriptions that do use numbers. Ex. John has 2 eyes.
Inferences Inferences: a possible explanation or guess about an observation. Ex: you leave the movie theater and see the ground is wet so you infer that it rained.
Observation and Inference Practice- We will go over the instructions, and then you may work with a partner at your table to finish the sheets. Go over as a class. Start short Observation and Inference lab.
September 16, 2014 Materials: Pen/Pencil Equipment/Safety/Observation packet- pg. 10 Science Notebook-Observations and Inference Notes
September 16, 2014 Today: Essential Skills: C-3 Gather Information and Organize Data Learning Goals: Observations and Inferences Graphing! Learning Objectives: Students should be able to: 1. Recognize the difference between observations and inferences Relevance Statement: Science is about making observations, connections, making guesses…. We need to understand how to make observations and inferences.
September 16, 2014 Essential Skills: C-5: Demonstrate Understanding of Concepts Learning Goals: Line graphs and Bar Graphs Learning Objectives: Students should be able to: 1. To know the difference between a line graph and bar graph. 2. To know how to create a correct graph with appropriate titles. Relevance: Graphs are used often in Science. Why?
Today! Finish Observation and Inferences practice Finish Observation and Inference Lab. Go over Get star. Start Graphing Notes Graphing Practice
September 17, 2014 Materials: Pen/Pencil Equipment/Safety/Observation packet- Science Notebook- Mini White Board and your expo markers
September 17, 2014 Essential Skills: C-5: Demonstrate Understanding of Concepts Learning Goals: Scientific Method, Lab Safety, Lab equipment, Obs and Inferences Learning Objectives: Students should be able to: Scientific Method, Lab Safety, Lab equipment, Obs and Inferences Relevance: Reviewing for tomorrow’s quiz
Today! Review! Review with Ms. Seymour Safety Equipment Scientific Method Observation and Inferences Review with partners/tablemates Be prepared to share
September 19, 2014 Materials: Pen/Pencil Equipment/Safety/Observation packet-to be turned in. put in bucket. Science Notebook-to be checked
September 19, 2014 Essential Skills: C-5: Demonstrate Understanding of Concepts Learning Goals: Scientific Method, Lab Safety, Lab equipment, Obs and Inferences Learning Objectives: Students should be able to: Scientific Method, Lab Safety, Lab equipment, Obs and Inferences Relevance: Quiz today
Today! Quiz Independent and Silent Turn in NB Check Work on something silently when finished.
September 19, 2014 Materials: Pen/Pencil Science Notebook- new page for Graphing Notes
September 19, 2014 Essential Skills: C-5: Demonstrate Understanding of Concepts Learning Goals: Line graphs and Bar Graphs Learning Objectives: Students should be able to: 1. To know the difference between a line graph and bar graph. 2. To know how to create a correct graph with appropriate titles. Relevance: Graphs are used often in Science. Why?
Graphing Notes COMPONENTS OF GRAPHS Title: The main idea of the graph; Explains what the graph shows. Good example: The effect of x axis on y axis. Bad example: The Line Graph Horizontal Axis (x-axis): Runs from left to right; The manipulated variable (independent variable). Vertical Axis (y-axis): Runs from top to bottom; The responding variable (dependent variable). Legend/Key: Indicates the meaning of the symbols, colors, or patterns used.
Graphing Notes Line Graph: Shows patterns and trends in the data (usually over time) and have several sets of data plotted on them to easily show a comparison.
Graphing Notes Bar Graph: Uses bars to compare items, especially averages and totals.
Independent and Dependent Variables Independent Variable: The variable that is changed by the experimenter in order to measure the impact of the change on one or more Dependent Variables. -X axis Dependent variable: dependent variable is the observed result of the independent variable being changed -Y axis
Draw table in your notes. Label the Independent Variable side. Label the Dependent Variable?
Your Task Complete Graphing Practice # 1 and 2 with table mate(s) Show Ms. S. If it is done well (complete, neat lines), continue with graph 3 or 4. Complete graphs from sheet. Staple graphs to sheet. Turn in.
September 22, 2014 Materials: Assignment book-HW: Notes for Ch. 1, section 1 Pen/Pencil Science Notebook- Graphing Notes Graphing Practice Sheet
September 22, 2014 Essential Skills: C-5: Demonstrate Understanding of Concepts Learning Goals: Line graphs and Bar Graphs Learning Objectives: Students should be able to: 1. To know the difference between a line graph and bar graph. 2. To know how to create a correct graph with appropriate titles. Relevance: Graphs are used often in Science. Why?
Today! Visit Ms. S’s webpage. See where to get your vocab and notes. (tomorrow-online textbook.) Review Graphing Notes-questions using sticks. Continue with Graphing Practice. Get #’s 3 and 4. Copy outline for graph.
September 23, 2014 Materials: Maybe assignment book? If you don’t finish the Graphing # 1,2, & 3. Pen/Pencil Science Notebook-New page for SQ3R Text book, pg. 16.
September 23, 2014 Essential Skills: C-5: Demonstrate Understanding of Concepts Learning Goals: Line graphs and Bar Graphs Learning Objectives: Students should be able to: 1. To know the difference between a line graph and bar graph. 2. To know how to create a correct graph with appropriate titles. Relevance: Graphs are used often in Science. Why?
Today! Online textbook registration (bring your assignment book to write your username and password.) Time to work on something else (Graphing). Start Ch. 1, section 1 in Earth’s Waters SQ3R Reading.
September 24, 2014 Materials: Pen/Pencil Science Notebook-New page for SQ3R Text book, pg. 16.
September 24, 2014 Learning Goals and Thinking Skills: You will be able to: T-3. Organize, apply, produce, and communicate knowledge accurately and creatively. Learning Objectives: You should be able to: *Give examples of how people and other living things use water. * Identify how earth’s water is distributed among salt and fresh water sources. Learning Goals: To make personal water use changes that will save our water. Relevance: Why would an entire 6 th grade unit be dedicated to studying water?
SQ3R Notes Survey- the section Question- Write each main title (greenish title) and question in left column. Write a minimum of one question. Read-together as a group. Recite- (answer your question in the right column.) Review
SQ3R Ch. 1, Section 1 Sept 24, 2014 How is Water Important? *How Do People Use Water? write question Water and Living Things write question Water on Earth write question Answer Question (after we read)
Water Conservation videos Why waste today when you can save for tomorrow. Water Conservation Commercial: Don’t Waste Water: Save Water: ~~~~~~~~~ Home water saving tips: Energy Conservation for kids:
September 26, 2014 Materials: Assignment Book: HW: Study for Thursday’s Graphing Quiz Pen/Pencil Science Notebook-SQ3R Ch. 1, section 1 Text book, pg. 16. (we are reviewing)
September 26, 2014 Learning Goals and Thinking Skills: You will be able to: T-3. Organize, apply, produce, and communicate knowledge accurately and creatively. Learning Objectives: You should be able to: *Give examples of how people and other living things use water. * Identify how earth’s water is distributed among salt and fresh water sources. Learning Goals: To make personal water use changes that will save our water. Relevance: Why would an entire 6 th grade unit be dedicated to studying water?
SQ3R Ch. 1, Section 1 How is Water Important? *How Do People Use Water? write question Water and Living Things write question Water on Earth write question Answer Question (after we read)
Water Conservation videos Why waste today when you can save for tomorrow. Water Conservation Commercial: Don’t Waste Water: Save Water: ~~~~~~~~~ Home water saving tips: Energy Conservation for kids:
Water Use Report: How Much Water Do I Use? Purpose: The purpose of this lab is to: Identify the many uses of water in our daily lives. Determine the amount of water that is used in various activities. Explain that our water supply is limited. Background Info: How much water do you use everyday in your home? Would you be surprised to learn that according to the USGS the average American uses between gallons (approx liters) of water per day? Do you think people in other parts of the world use more or less water than Americans? Well, this collaborative project will help you find out the answers to these questions. By collecting data on water usage from people around the world you will be able to see how your water use compares to others and determine what you might do to use less water.according to the USGS
Water Use Report: How Much Water Do I Use? Research: Use the following water conservation sheet and find 10 facts about water use (ways to save water, organizations that are trying to save water, etc…) Hypothesis: (after collecting water use data). Choose one or two of the water conservation ideas that you can use at your house and make a hypothesis about the amount of water you could save by making changes. Experiment: Part 1- Fill out the Water Use chart for one week. Part 2- Fill out the Water Use chart after making changes in your water use practices. Analysis: TBA Conclusion: TBA
September 29, 2014 Materials: Assignment Book: HW Ch. 1, section 2 Notes and Vocab. Progress Reports signed and due tomorrow. Progress Reports to be signed today Pen/Pencil Science Notebook-SQ3R Ch. 1, section 1 Text book, pg. 16. (we are reviewing) Ch. 1 packet- you will be working on HW while progress reports are being filled out.
September 29, 2014 Learning Goals and Thinking Skills: You will be able to: T-3. Organize, apply, produce, and communicate knowledge accurately and creatively. Learning Objectives: You should be able to: *Give examples of how people and other living things use water. * Identify how earth’s water is distributed among salt and fresh water sources. Learning Goals: To make personal water use changes that will save our water. Relevance: Why would an entire 6 th grade unit be dedicated to studying water?
SQ3R Ch. 1, Section 1 How is Water Important? *How Do People Use Water? write question Water and Living Things write question Water on Earth write question Answer Question (after we read)
Water Conservation videos Why waste today when you can save for tomorrow. Water Conservation Commercial: Don’t Waste Water: Save Water: ~~~~~~~~~ Home water saving tips: Energy Conservation for kids:
Water Use Lab: How Much Water Do I Use? Purpose: The purpose of this lab is to: Identify the many uses of water in our daily lives. Determine the amount of water that is used in various activities. Explain that our water supply is limited.
Background Info: How much water do you use everyday in your home? Would you be surprised to learn that according to the USGS the average American uses between gallons (approx liters) of water per day? Do you think people in other parts of the world use more or less water than Americans? Well, this collaborative project will help you find out the answers to these questions. By collecting data on water usage from people around the world you will be able to see how your water use compares to others and determine what you might do to use less water.according to the USGS
Water Use Report: How Much Water Do I Use? Research: Use the following water conservation sheet and find 10 facts about water use (ways to save water, organizations that are trying to save water, etc…) Write them under Research!
Water Use Report: How Much Water Do I Use? Hypothesis: (after collecting water use data). Choose one or two of the water conservation ideas that you can use at your house and make a hypothesis about the amount of water you could save by making changes. Experiment: Part 1- Fill out the Water Use chart for one week. Part 2- Fill out the Water Use chart after making changes in your water use practices. Analysis: TBA Conclusion: TBA
September 30, 2014 Materials: Progress Report Pen/Pencil Science Notebook- pd. 5- Research section of Water Use Lab. All pds.- skip 2 full pages after Water Use Lab. We are taking R and R Notes Text book, pg. 16. (you will need it) Ch. 1 packet- p. 6- R and R
R & R Notes R and R stands for “Review and Reinforce” It comes after: SQ3R, Activities, Videos, Labs R and R is my turn (your name) to: Demonstrate my understanding of the content Use all of the available resources given to me to articulate the correct answers To see if there sections that we need to re-read and go over together as a class.
September 30, 2014 Learning Goals and Thinking Skills: You will be able to: T-3. Organize, apply, produce, and communicate knowledge accurately and creatively. Learning Objectives: You should be able to: *Give examples of how people and other living things use water. * Identify how earth’s water is distributed among salt and fresh water sources. Learning Goals: To make personal water use changes that will save our water. Relevance: Why would an entire 6 th grade unit be dedicated to studying water?
September 30, 2014 Learning Goals and Thinking Skills: You will be able to: T-3. Organize, apply, produce, and communicate knowledge accurately and creatively. Learning Objectives: You should be able to: *describe the physical and chemical properties of water. *explain how water dissolves other polar substances *identify three states in which water exists on Earth. Learning Goals: To make personal water use changes that will save our water. Relevance: What can you tell me about water?
SQ3R Section 2 Properties of Water- Sept. 30, 2014 *1. Water’s Unique Structure -Question *2. Surface Tension -Question *3. Capillary Action -Question *4. Water, the Universal Solvent -Question *5. Changing State -Question *6. Why Ice Floats -Question *7. Specific Heat -Question Answer Question
October 1, 2014 Materials: Progress Report if you have note turned it in. Pen/Pencil Science Notebook- Graphing Notes Blue Graphing Practice Sheet
October 1, 2014 Essential Skills: C-5: Demonstrate Understanding of Concepts Learning Goals: Line graphs and Bar Graphs Learning Objectives: Students should be able to: 1. To know the difference between a line graph and bar graph. 2. To know how to create a correct graph with appropriate titles. Relevance: Graphs are used often in Science. Why?
October 2, 2014 Materials: Pen/Pencil Everything else is put away.
Today October 2, 2014 Graphing Quiz Independent and Silent When finished: Complete S and Q of SQ3R Ch. 1, section 2. Work on