Introduction and Overview of NPDES Regulations for PIPE Programs Dan Bogoevski Ohio EPA Northeast District Office
What is a PIPE Program? Required by NPDES permit for regulated MS4s On-going strategic program to educate the community about storm water pollution and involve them in its implementation
NPDES Permit Requirements Public Education (MCM #1) – Must include at least 5 themes or messages over the 5-year permit term At least 1 theme or message must target the development community – Must use more than one mechanism to deliver messages – Must reach at least 50% of your population over the 5-year permit term Population within your urbanized area (UA)
NPDES Permit Requirements Public Involvement (MCM #2) – Must include 5 public involvement activities over the 5-year permit term
Focus Must Be on Storm Water Identify a storm water pollution issue – Focus on changing behaviors or raising awareness On Point Not as Good
Focus on Storm Water Better
Focus on Storm Water When it Rains….It Drains! Best?
Ohio EPA Recommendations Education activities which require active participation by the public are preferred – Stream clean-ups, storm drain stenciling, adopt-a-road programs, citizen workgroups Address issues pertinent to your community – Provide bi-lingual materials if appropriate Work regionally so that messages are consistent across communities and costs are lower for all
Ohio EPA Recommendations Develop an education strategy document – Planning is key to a cost-effective program Themes or Messages Audiences – Citizens, Municipal Staff, Businesses, or Institutions in your community Mechanisms – Select to reach the desired targeted audience Measurable Goals – Develop a broad 5-year plan at the beginning of each NPDES permit cycle – Develop a detailed plan annually
Example Strategy Message: Pick Up Poop! – Encourage proper disposal of pet waste Target Audience – Dog owners Mechanisms and Goals Distribute brochures with 100% of dog licenses Create poster and yard signs that shows connection between pet waste and storm water pollution if it is not properly disposed Place posters on all pooper-scooper stations in all city parks Supply pet shops with yard signs and ask them to include one with purchases of dog supplies
Example: NEORSD Public Service announcements on WCPN Newspaper ads Website – Encourages citizen to submit photo of their pet – Link to order posters, yard signs, doggie bandanas – You Tube videos
Message High Points Kirby Date
Message High Points Tell people what you want them to DO Someone like them, or someone they’ll like (does the talking) Focus on positive outcomes: health, families, saving money, choice, and quality Simplify, and repeat: Develop 3 or 4 strong statements, and use them over and over – one at a time Remember white space! (readability)
Tell People What You Want Them to DO
Someone Like Them, or Someone They’ll Like
Focus on positive outcomes: health, family, saving money, quality, choice
Simplify and Repeat
Remember White Space
Annual Reporting If you rely on a third party to provide some or all of your PIPE program, attach signed copy of current MOU.
Annual Reporting
Resources for PIPE Programs Educational Material – US EPA Educational Materials – Ohio EPA video info at – US EPA Webcasts Using Outreach and Public Involvement to Meet Your Phase 2 Goals Social Marketing: A Tool for More Effective Stormwater Education and Outreach Programs
For More Information Websites USEPA Ohio EPA Ohio EPA Contacts NE District Office Dan Bogoevski (330) Chris Moody (330) (Ashtabula, Mahoning, Medina & Trumbull) Phil Rhodes (330) (Summit & Stark) Central Office Jason Fyffe (614) Anthony Robinson (614)