A passive solar home means a comfortable home that gets at least part of its heating, cooling, and lighting energy from the sun.
Passive solar design save energy by maximizing the homes natural heating. Passive solar building design very important role in reducing the greenhouse emissions in our society. Creating passive solar building to save energy & which voluntary comply with openings are also important compliments to passive heating & cooling.
Passive solar building design…These standards are much higher then houses built to most normal building. About 15% space heating in an ordinary home comes from solar energy passive solar houses are designed to let heat into the building during the winter…simple huge difference in comfort The building it self server as solar collector & storage device where as ordinary building not like that.
Active solar technologies are employed to converts into solar energy another more useful form of energy. This would normally be a conversion to heat or electrical energy. Active solar uses electrical or mechanical equipment for this conversion. Passive solar relies on the inherent thermo- dynamic properties of the system or materials to operate. They do not need external energy source.
An energy-plus-house produces more energy from renewable energy sources, over the course of a year, than it imports from external sources. This is achieved using a combination of micro generation technology and low-energy building techniques, such as: passive solar building design and careful site selection and placement. A reduction of modern conveniences can also contribute to energy savings, however many energy- plus houses are almost indistinguishable from a traditional home, preferring instead to use highly energy-efficient appliances, fixtures, etc., throughout the house
A zero-energy building(ZEB) or net energy (ZNE) building general term applied a building with zero net energy (ZNE) consumption and zero carbon emission annually. Reduce carbon emissions and reduce dependence on fossil fuels zero energy buildings remain uncommon even in developed countries, they are gaining importance and popularity.
No ZEB regulations or standards Existing Energy Conservation Program Existing Green Building Label System
Buildings are the Largest Energy Consumer in the U.S. 40% of primary energy, 72% of electricity, 55% of natural gas.
Money Savings (>$1,000s/year) Greater comfort. Better quality of life, more free time, more money. Less use, Less maintenance. Longer lasting heating and cooling equipment.
This house will save a projected $165,000 in fuel and energy cost. Over the next 20 years.
We are saw about how to save energy. In this way we are follow to reduce usage of electricity. It will be help us and also our Future generation.