THETFORD WEATHERIZATION OUTREACH CAMPAIGN 2012 Upper Valley Energy Committee Roundtable May 24, 2012
SERG HEAT Campaign Mission Increase home weatherization in VT and NH Communities Field test and identify effectiveness of various Community Based Social Marketing measures at stimulating action Improve and replicate in other communities
Identify and Partner with Local Project Champion Thetford Energy Committee TEC – official town energy committee, formed in 2002 and well known, respected in town Successful track record of local energy projects
Setting Thetford Project Goal Match VT Climate Change Goal of reducing energy use by 25% in 25% of VT homes by Ask Listers for # of homes in town & divide by Ask EVT and Community Action Agency for # of homes already weatherized in town 3. Deduct #2 from #1 4. Divide #3 by # years to 2020 Thetford needs triple to 36 the number of homes being weatherized every year.
Expand Organizing Team Meet with and explain program to wide diversity of community & neighborhood groups Recruit past project volunteers and weatherization participants Announce via list serve and s Ended up with 50 volunteers
Develop Local Brand Recognition Thetford HEAT (Home Energy Action Team) logo used on tote bags, t-shirts, letterhead, and flyers to make program easily identifiable and develop a sense of community effort.
Publicize Broadly Letter to every home in town Town listserv notices Thetford Elementary School and Thetford Academy newsletters Town Newsletter s to SERG, TEC and project sponsor lists Flyers/Posters Letters, News Article, Transaction Ad and Calendar Announcements in Valley News
Initiative #1 Thetford Home Weatherization Incentive Program – THWIP $24,000 Federal Stimulus grant to provide financial incentives matching the up to $2,500 per home from Efficiency Vermont for home weatherization Launched in July, participants completed work by February, See complete program registration details at
THWIP Results Average projected energy savings per participant 26.42% Average projected annual energy cost savings per participant $914 Projected annual energy cost savings for all participants$15,538 Total cost of jobs (local economic stimulation) $160,669 Average years to return of investment through savings with THWIP & EVT incentives 6.62 Average annual return on investment with THWIP & EVT incentives 14%
Initiative #2: Door2Door Outreach Goals Deliver weatherization information and resources to all 1,100 Thetford homes Educate homeowners about weatherization benefits and options Encourage homeowners to take action
Initiative #2: Door2Door Materials Simple messaging: “Save Energy – Save Money – Increase Home Comfort” Free CFL and discount coupons from EVT Available Resources & Programs Local Case Studies Home Heating Efficiency Calculator Energy Saving Tips Home Weatherization Survey
Door2Door Results Visited 650 Homes (60% of Thetford homes) Mailed info packets to remaining 350 homes Collected energy use surveys on 240 homes – 134 included BTU/sq ft, a simple measure of relative home efficiency Installed 158 free CFLs Collected 125 addresses for easy ongoing contact
Initiative #3: 150 Attendees 16 vendors Demonstrations Button Up Workshop Weatherization Skits Door Prizes including free home energy assessment Thetford Home Energy Expo
Initiative #4: A day-long hands-on training in Do-It- Yourself home weatherization produced by and available through Central Vermont Community Action Council 11 attendees
Initiative #5: Open Home Tour Open community visits to 2 homes that had gone through the Home Performance and DIY programs open to public for viewing About 2 dozen homeowners participated Produced by and available through Efficiency Vermont
Next Steps in Thetford: Ongoing Education and Tracking Results To date, 29 Thetford homes have been weatherized since July 2011 Entered homeowner information into database Targeting outreach toward homes with high BTU/sf Developing simple case studies being on completed jobs Continue providing energy-saving information and opportunities to homeowners. Preparing to launch PACE education outreach Asking participants to report on weatherization improvements installed, energy savings attained and what measures made them take action every year for 3 years.
Next Steps for SERG Continue assisting Thetford Developing “How to Guide” Developing workshop to be delivered regionally throughout Vermont Will work with other towns to improve and replicate
Project Time and Funding More than 500 SERG organizing hours – would be less in future More than 500 Thetford HEAT volunteer hours $26,300 in grants, including $5,500 in local business sponsorships SERG would like to thank High Meadows Fund, Efficiency Vermont, Granite United Way, VECAN, Clean Air-Cool Planet and Ben & Jerry’s Foundation for their support as well as all the Thetford HEAT volunteers and sponsors for their generous contributions of time and money!
Thank you! 2012 Upper Valley Energy Committee Roundtable May 24, 2012