Northern Ireland Civil Service and Carecall Working together for healthy, committed and motivated employees
Northern Ireland Civil Service and Carecall... Carecall provides you and your immediate family with an independent, confidential and professional counselling service. This is complementary to the Welfare Service and is a valuable additional service to support all staff.
here to listen... Many of us experience difficulties that cause us distress, either at work or at home. On other occasions talking to a professional counsellor can really help. Sometimes support from a colleague, friend or relative is enough.
here to help... Carecall counsellors are fully qualified and experienced in a wide range of issues. They have a sensitive and practical approach, no matter what difficulties you may be going through. Talking through issues can help you find new options and different perspectives.
here to help... Carecall can help you with problems such as: Alcohol and drug problems Anxiety or depression Bereavement Debt and legal issues Domestic violence Experience of a traumatic event Family worries Organisational change Personal relationship problems Pre-retirement planning Stress at work of at home
protecting your privacy... All aspects of work with your Carecall Counsellor are confidential. No information is disclosed that could potentially identify you as a user of the service. Only anonymous statistical information is fed back to senior management.
your choice... It is your choice to request support from the Carecall Service. Contacting Carecall can be the first step towards dealing with your problem. All you need to do is call the freephone number at any time of day or night, seven days a week.
your next move... Counselling is provided by both telephone and face to face sessions. A trained professional counsellor will be there to talk to you and to discover what you need. If required, they shall arrange a face to face appointment at a time and place that suits you.
help is at the other end of the phone hours a day, 7 days a week Immediate telephone counselling Arrange structured counselling Up to six one hour sessions Local discreet environments
Comments from users of the Carecall Service... “ Initially I had concerns about revealing my problems. However since embarking on this journey I have grown and moved on to live a fuller and happier life” “ I have really valued the sessions with my counsellor – I have become a much stronger person and have dealt successfully with a lot of issues at work that were causing stress in my life”