Training T T T T S S Student Trainers Session 3 Moral Boundaries
The Purpose of TST is to Train Student Trainers! Q: What are we trying to accomplish? A: Train Christian Student Leaders
1. Student Led Prayer
2. How are You Doing? Session 3:
How Many New Names Did You Add to Your List this week? How many do you now have on your list? Share how you met the new names you added. Tell Your Story and Your Bridge to the Gospel. 3. Accountability for Session #3 Share some things you journaled this week Which Chapters of the Bible are you now studying ? Tell how you truly feel about spending time reading the Bible. Recite Acts 1:8 Q: What are some things you have given up to make time to study your Bible, pray, and journal daily?
4. Vision Casting: Attitude
The Greatest Barrier to success is the Fear of Failure! Our Attitudes Determine our Effectiveness; “I Can” or “I Can’t” – Which is Yours? Jesus’ Commission provides us with a Can Do Attitude.
5. Discipleship Lesson A moral code is a system of morality (according to a particular philosophy, religion, culture, etc.) and a moral is any one practice or teaching within a moral code.philosophyreligionculture An example of a moral code is the Golden Rule which states that, "One should treat others as one would like others to treat oneself."Golden Rule Moral Boundaries
Christianity is about Proper Relationships: Our Relationship to God Our Relationship to Other People It is Very Easy to Confuse Relationships with Legalistic Rules
The Ten Commandments are the basis for many of society’s Moral Relationships: 1.Do not have any gods before me 2.Do not make for yourself a graven image 3.Do not take the name of the Lord your God in vain 4.Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy 5.Honor your father and mother 6.Do not kill 7.Do no commit adultery 8.Do not steal 9.Do not bear false witness against your neighbor 10.Do not covet your neighbor’s wife or possessions God Others
Examples of Morals: Keep your promises Do not cheat Treat others as you want to be treated Do not have sex before marriage Do not gossip Tell the truth Do not vandalize property Have courage Be trustworthyDo not judge Be dependableRespect others Be forgivingKeep your self control Have integrity Be accountable and take responsibility Have patience Be loyal Have respect for yourself Be tolerant of differences Seek justice Have humility Serve mankind Be generous
Girls follow the Adult Lady Facilitator into another room for the rest of Discipleship Lesson #3. Boys remain here for the rest of Discipleship Lesson #3.
God Created the Universe, He owns it, and He established the rules for its proper operation Satan is our Spiritual Enemy and he perverts God’s Holy Rules For Example: Sex before marriage God’s Rule for a Fulfilled Life is to prefer Others over Self Satan Perverts God’s Rule by tempting us to Enjoy Instant Selfish Gratification
We live in a Culture of Lies: 1. Everybody is having sex. 2. You can’t live without sex. 3. Sex is a natural part of a loving relationship. 4. Sex is a natural part of growing up. 5. Sex outside of marriage would cease to be a problem if teens would just wear condoms. 6. Sex makes life better.
How Far is Too Far? Where Should I Draw the Line? 1. The further you go, the faster you go! 2. The further you go, the further you want to go! 3. The further you go, the harder it is to go back! 4. Where you draw the line determines a lot.
God Created Males and Females for Intimate Marriage. Satan’s Perversion is, “Why Wait Till Marriage?” Christians are Instructed to Establish Boundaries Beyond Which they will not go.
For Young Men: Men focus on the physical aspect of their relationship with women Sexual experience now does not translate into sexual fulfillment later. The very opposite is true. The best thing a young man can do now to ensure a good relationship with his future wife is learn how to honor and respect the women God has already put in his life: His Mom, Sister, Classmates
For Young Women: Women focus on the relational side of things even when there is only a fragile, temporary relationship in place. A teenage girl looks for assurance of commitment once things start to heat up physically As the physical involvement increases, she wants more and more reassurance from her boyfriend that he really cares for her.
Girls will rejoin the Boys for the conclusion of our Third TST Session
6. Goal Setting and Prayer for Session 3 Boys Perform a Good Deed for a Girl Student Continue Daily Bible Study, Prayers and Meditation. Pray for the Names on your List Pray for your classmates Tell Your Story to a student on your list Memorize Philippines 4:13 Girls Perform a Good Deed for a Boy Student
Assure the CORE that they will be asked to share the results of their goals at next week’s meeting. Pray a prayer of commissioning for each TST member. Our Next TST Session will Continue our teaching on Moral Boundaries