Review Climate Change
Weather vs Climate Weather is the daily atmospheric conditions including temperature and precipitation Climate is the average weather over at least 30 years
Climates Polar- cold and windy Temperate-moderate temperature and preicipitation Arid –warm and dryHumid warm and moist
Climate zones Equatorial Tropical grassland Hot dessert Mediterranean Maritime Tundra
Climatograph The amount of precipitation and the temperature throughout the year
Water cycle
Types of rain
Seasons The tilt and the rotation around the sun
Heat transfer methods Radiation, conduction, convection
Absorption of light black vs white Definition Albedo-the fraction of light that is reflected b y the surface of an object
Ocean current are cause by the hot water and the cold water at the poles starting a convection current. Revolving earth
Major influences on Climate Atmosphere, Hydrosphere land masses
Evidence of climate change ice cores, tree analysis (Dendrochronology),fossils, sediment analysis
Greenhouse Effect (natural and Anthropogenic)
Carbon cycle
greenhouse gases Methane Halocarbons Carbon dioxide
Indicators and effects of climate change Polar and glacial ice Rising sea level Health Weather Desertification Storm intensity and frequency
The oceans absorb carbon dioxide which turns into carbonic acid. This lowers the pH of the ocean killing the coral reefs. Ocean acidification
What can you do?????????
increase in temperature melting ice decrease in albedo increased absorption of sunlight by Earth’s surface increased evaporation cloud formation decreased absorption of sunlight By Earth’s surface increased absorption of IR radiation decrease in temperature increase In ice increase in albedo positive feedback loop positive feedback loop negative feedback loop
increase in temperature melting ice decrease in albedo increased absorption of sunlight by Earth’s surface increased evaporation cloud formation decreased absorption of sunlight By Earth’s surface increased absorption of IR radiation decrease in temperature increase In ice increase in albedo positive feedback loop positive feedback loop negative feedback loop
increase in temperature melting ice decrease in albedo increased absorption of sunlight by Earth’s surface increased evaporation cloud formation decreased absorption of sunlight By Earth’s surface increased absorption of IR radiation decrease in temperature increase In ice increase in albedo positive feedback loop positive feedback loop negative feedback loop