Our Session Today YOUR WISHES: EXPRESSING YOUR HEALTH CARE DECISIONS Other Topics in the Program: Your Health Your Financial Security Your Home & Community
2 Today, We’ll Explore: What an advance directive is and why you might want one How to pick a health agent and how to act as someone else’s agent How to create advance directives Strategies for organizing documents
3 Living Will – Outlines the treatments you would or would not want if you are unable to make medical decisions Durable Power of Attorney for Health Care or Health Care Proxy – Someone you appoint who can make medical decisions for you if you are unable to do so An Advance Directive Includes:
4 More than 70% of Americans have not completed advance directives. Almost three out of four doctors whose patients had an advance directive didn’t know about it. You should keep your advance directive in a safe deposit box. Your advance directives are good in any state. You should update your advance directives as your personal circumstances change. True or False Quiz
5 True or False Quiz Answers More than 70% of Americans have not completed advance directives. Almost three out of four doctors whose patients had an advance directive didn’t know about it. The best place to keep your advance directive is in a place where someone can get to it at any time, not in a safe deposit box. Varies by state, so it’s important to check. Update your advance directives as your personal circumstances change.
6 Why Have an Advance Directive? Assures someone will speak for you who knows you and understands your wishes Helps family make difficult decisions, possibly helps alleviate their guilt or anxiety May help bring your family together at a difficult time Allows you to follow your personal and religious beliefs
7 What Can a Health Care Agent Do? Your agent: Can talk with your doctors about your changing medical condition and authorize treatment or have it withdrawn as circumstances change Can interpret your living will in situations that were not foreseen Can advocate for you
8 Who Should You Select as Your Health Care Agent? A family member or friend who you trust and can be there for you now and well into the future Someone comfortable talking with health care professionals Someone who can be assertive and get needed answers about your treatment Someone comfortable conversing about end-of-life care A person who will follow your wishes even if they are not similar to his/her own Someone who meets your state’s criteria
9 What to Discuss as an Agent or with Your Agent What aspects of your life give it the most meaning? How do your religious or spiritual beliefs impact your decisions? What is your attitude towards death? Would you prefer to die at home if possible? Do you have any fears about treatments? Are there certain treatments you would want or would refuse? Under what conditions? Would you consider treatments on a trial basis?
10 Steps in Creating an Advance Directive
11 Decade Death of an Agent Divorce/Marriage Diagnosis/Decline Discord Distance Think About These Reasons for Review
12 Family Conflicts
13 Share how you organize Fill out “Important Documents at Your Fingertips” Tell your loved ones How Organized Are Your Important Papers?
14 Your Next Steps for Completing Your Long-Term Care Plan Commit to talking with family or friends about your values and what is important to you Complete an advance directive form Fill out the “Important Documents at Your Fingertips” form and tell people how to find it
15 Thank You What is of value to you now? What will be helpful to you in the future? What questions do you have?