Virsraksts STUDIES IN LATVIA Total number of students (2009/2010) public HEIs (6 Universities) 69% 15 private HEIs 25% 18 public colleges 3% 8 private colleges 3% Full time students 63% Part time students 37% Studies funded by public resources 27% Studies funded by private resources 73%
DOCUMENTS REGLAMENTING STUDY PROGRAMMES Laws Law on Higher Education Institutions, Law on Education, UL Charter Legal Acts of the Republic of Latvia Cabinet of Ministers regulations, e.g. Standards for Academic and Professional study programmes UL normative documents regulations of enrolment, on study programmes, procedures for approving study programmes, documents regulating study process
VirsrakstsMISSION UL provides opportunities for students to acquire the skills required for the labour market, gain a higher education and develop themselves through scientific and artistic creative work. UL promotes development of society and the state in Latvia. UL is an active participant in international academic life, facilitating cultural links, cooperation between branches of science and usage of knowledge.VISION In 2019 the UL is one of the leading research university in the Baltic Sea region and occupies a high place among the universities of Europe. (UL) UNIVERSITY OF LATVIA (UL)
Virsraksts UNIVERSITY OF LATVIA Physics Chemistry University of Latvia integrates diverse fields of research and studies with creative initiative to provide the higher education of European standard, to cultivate the Latvian language and traditions of cultural cooperation. Integration of Science and Studies
Virsraksts NUMBER OF STUDY PROGRAMMES IN UNIVERSITY OF LATVIA UndergraduateGraduateDoctoral Sciences Humanities Social sciences20219 Teacher education 771 Total :
Virsraksts UL BUDGET INCOME (2010, 50 M LVL in %) State budget donation for studies 22% Tuition fees 29% Services 4% Investment projects 1% Structural funds 7% Research Income 12% Independent research Institutes 25%
Virsraksts UL ACADEMIC STAFF (2010)
Virsraksts STAFF IN UL DEPARTMENTS RESEARCH GRANTS IN 2009 – 7,93 MLVL; PUBLISHED SCI PAPERS IN 2010– 95 (Web of Science ) UL DepartmentsStudentsPh.D. StudentsStaff Biology360*6352 Chemistry Computing Physics and Mathematics73980 Geography and Earth Sciences Medicine Linguistics and Literature History and Philosophy Theology Law Economics and Management Social Sciences Education, Psychology and Art
Virsraksts ACADEMIC STAFF IN LU INSTITUTES - AGENCIES 2011 LU INSTITUTES - AGENCIES Biology69 Mathematics and Computer Science101 Solid State Physics96 Polymer Mechanics30 Physics44 Latvian Language30 Latvian History36 Literature, Folclore and Art38 Phylosophy and Sociology26 RESEARCH GRANTS IN 2009 – 6,85 MLVL; PUBLISHED SCI PAPERS IN 2010– 152 (Web of Science )
Virsraksts ACADEMIC STAFF IN LU INSTITUTES 2011 LU INSTITUTES Astronomy12 Atomic Physics and Spectroscopy36 Geodesy and Geoinformatics12 Chemical Physics11 Microbiology and Biotechnology33 Experimental and Clinical Medicine9 Cardiology19 Social and Political Research5 Pedagogy6 Education Research4 Botanical Garden11 RESEARCH GRANTS IN RESEARCH GRANTS IN 2009 – 1,12 MLVL PUBLISHED SCI PAPERS 2010 – 25(Web of Science )
Virsraksts PRIORITY RESEARCH AREAS Modeling of the Processes and Materials; ICT; Environment and Health ; Socioeconomic Problems of Transition Societies; Lettonica (Cultural Identity, History, Baltic Languages) RESEARCH IN UL
Virsraksts HORIZONTAL PRIORITIES Doctoral studies and Doctoral Schools; Come – back grants; Development of research infrastructure ; Development of technology transfer activities; Communication of Science Research Assessment Exercise in 2012 RESEARCH IN UL
Virsraksts Doctoral Studies Dostoral theses defended – 2008, – 2009, , 85 – 2010, > >100 – 2011 Multidisciplinary Doctoral Studies Programmes 15 doctoral schools established 15 doctoral schools established, e.g., Biomedical Research and New Medicinal Technologies; Letonics and Intercultural Studies; Functional Materials and Nanotechnologies, etc.
Virsraksts INTERNATIONAL EXCHANGES 109 bilateral agreements in 37 countries Participation in 6 Erasmus Mundus projects: Erasmus Mundus Action 1 Joint Europen Master in International Migration and Social Cohesion: MISOCO Erasmus Mundus Action 2 Lot Western Balkan Countries: JoinEU-SEE; Lot Russia: Triple I; Lot Central Asia: CENTAURI; Lot Occupied Palestinian Territories: Lot 3b Lot SouthEastAsia: MOVER
Virsraksts STUDENT GUIDANCE (1) University of Latvia provides educational, career and psychological support, including dedicated support for students with special needs. Responsibility is shared between Student Service in Central Administration, Departments, Student Union and student organizations in the Departments. The main responsibilities of the Student Service: - Admission(recruitment, management of enrolment process etc.) - Educational counselling (counselling about study programme etc.) - Career guidance (individual and group counselling, online resources) - Psychological support (individual and group counselling) - Support for students with special needs (individual counselling, online resource development)
Virsraksts Counselling and support at the Departments: study programme secretary (adviser, counsellor), study programme director. Some Departments have established their own Student Office; Student Union and student organizations at the Departments – adaptation week for the first year students, coordinate culture and sport activities, participate in study programme quality assessment; provide communication between faculty leadership and students. Student Guidance (2)
Virsraksts STUDY ORGANIZATION Academic calendar Academic calendar (2 semesters - 20 weeks each and the summer semester) Full time and part time studies Enrolment in UL Enrolment in UL ( Exhibition “School”, centralized examinations, study guide) Process of registration - For studies ( parts A, B, C) - For courses Scholarships, credits, patron stipends Rotation Status of listener Status of listener (agreements with other higher education establisments, Riga Technical University contract) Further education
Virsraksts Locations of LU
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