Angela Musca Institute for Educational Sciences Bucharest, Romania http//: QF Embodiment: first project meeting Budapest, February 21-23, 2007
Institute for Educational Sciences IES is the national institute for research and development in education “…IES aims to put forth the education policies and decisions by the scientific studies and data, to analyse needs and issues of the educational system in Romania, to participate in international research projects in the field of education”.
IES’s profile (1) affiliated to the Ministry of Education and Research, but is autonomous in its activity public organisation founded in 1990 basic activity financed by the public budget 5 areas of specialisation Curriculum, Theory of Education, Educational Management,Counselling and Lifelong Learning, Evaluation & Education Policy Analysis. a team of more than 60 researchers
IES’s profile (2) IES has three complementary roles: Some IES staff is involved in different training activities organised by other organisations as experts.
IES is organised in 5 departments IES Educational System Evaluation Curriculum Counseling and Lifelong Learning Educational Management Theory of Education
Counselling and Lifelong Learning Department Areas of expertise: career counselling and guidance ITC in career counselling adult counselling ethics and standards for vocational guidance compendium of career guidance methods ethical code and standards for career counseling needs analysis of lifelong counselling
Cooperation with international organizations European Commission (Leonardo, Socrates etc.) Council of Europe UNICEF World Bank European Training Foundation
Experience in international projects PLOTEUS - Portal for Learning Opportunities throughout the European Space ( GWO- Guide of the world of occupations ( MEVOC- Quality Manual for Educational and Vocational Counselling ( ICT Skills for guidance counselors ( GIRC- Guidance Innovation Relay Centres (