GUIDANCE AN INTRODUCTION Lecture by M/s Nandini Lecturer D.A.V College for Girls Yamuna Nagar Haryana.
WHAT IS GUIDANCE GUIDANCE involves personal help given by someone … does not solve the problems for the person but helps him to solve them. the focus is the individual not the problem ;its purpose is to promote the growth of the individual in self direction- JONES
GUIDANCE is assistance made available by personally qualified and adequately trained men /women to an individual of any age to help him manage his own lif e activities,to develop his own point of view, make his own decisions and carry his own burdens -CROW AND CROW
NATURE It involves assistance to those who need help It focusses on the individual and not the problem It leads to identification of ability and potential of the person seeking help It promotes self development and self direction It helps the individual to progress towards success It develops the individuals ability to take decisions and plan It fosters problem solving skills Its a continuous process
Assumptions Assistance is a universal need and is needed throughout life and in different settings Human nature is basically good Each individual is unique and has a strong urge to achieve in life and has the potentialities to do so All individuals deserve respect and have dignity All individuals need freedom of choice to take their own decisions and the need should be respected by others All individuls have capabilities to adjust and can change their behaviour for this purpose It is a collective responsibility of home , school, society to help the individual realize his potential
Individual Goals of guidance Self realization Self direction Self acceptance Self understanding Self Inner resources Problems Needs situation Family School Peer group community G U I D A N C E PROCESS Individual
Objectives of guidance Self understanding Objectives of guidance Adustment to environment orientation Development of potentialities abilities and capabilities By MATHEWSON
GUIDANCE AND COUNSELLING Both focus on rendering help Both require a trained professional but Guidance focusses on utilization of one’s potential and counselling is concerned with change in personality i.e. therapy is its goal
Guidance focuses on psychology of development and individual differences and counselling focuses on psychopathology and psychology of adjustment Both involve information giving but counselling is therapeutic Broadly guidance services are provided in education sector whereas counselling services extend to various fields like hospitals and industry
counselling and includes Counselling as one of its services Guidance is broader than counselling and includes Counselling as one of its services (TOLBERT,1959)
Basic Principles Guidance aiming at desirable adjustment in an area must take into account the all round development of the individual Individual differences must be recognized and considered while providing guidance services Function of guidancevis to 1)formulate and accept worthwhile and attainable goals if behaviour2)apply these objectives in the conduct of his affairs Guidance should be seen as a continous process needed fron young childhood to adolescent It should be extended to to all persons of all ages
Guidance services pertain to an individuals physical and mental heath interferes with his adjustment to home , school , vocational social aspects of life Specific guidance problems of any age level should be referred to trained professional in that are only specific to that area only
Need for guidance Personal need Social need Educational need National International need
Individual’s need for guidance development Emotional/social /adjustment problems School problems Home problems Economic problems Special needs Educational/vocational Sex problems
Social need for guidance Use of human resources Better family life Good citizenship Employment of women Bridging gap between school and home
Educational need for guidance Curriculum choice Co-curricular activities choice Adjustment in school Guidance for physically /mentally challenged Awareness of courses and trainings
National need for guidance Democratic citizenship Feeling& resolving national problems Feeling of oneness
International need for guidance Ecological imbalance Environmental pollution Population explosion General health/nutrition problems Eradication of diseases like aids, cancer etc
Scope of guidance Area/ Educational Vocational Person Stages of life Childhood Adolescence Adulthood Old age Section of society Family Women Orphans Married people Gifted/creative Patientss special persons Economiocally backward Sc/st
Guidance services in school Orientation of students Pupil appraisal Educational and career infornmation placement Reseach and evaluation counselling referral
Appraisal self understandsing Guidance process Focus Appraisal self understandsing Adjustment development Stages of education Elementary Secondary Senior -secondary Dimensions EducationalCareer Personal-social Content Method technique
Educational guidance It facilitates active involvement of the child in the learning process It enables individual to acquire skills for learning It motivates the child to ttain maximum scholastic development as per his potentialities
Vocational guidance It is the process of helping a person to develop and accept an integrated and adequate picture of himself and of his role in the world of work…… It includes assistance in Career planning, decision making and adjustment
Personal guidance Here, the focus is on personal/social needs of an individual which can be developmental and adjustive
Guidance Group Individual techniques Class talks Group discussion Career exhibition Career weeks Group counselling role play Career talks Career conference Films
Organization of a guidance program Deternmining the need To know the common problems shared by the group Questionnaires, checklists can be used Detremining that group guidance is the most appropriate Group guidance should work for everyone Stress mgt.,career day are eg’s Determining the characteristics of the group Size, homogenity of the group length and number of sessions are decided
Establishing the group Characteristics of the group are identified Members may be selected who may volunteer ,format purpose are conveyed by thev leader Monitoring the ongoing activity Counsellor facilitates the group by keeping them on track Counselors role depends on his/her theoretical orientation Evaluating outcomes Goal should be stated in clear objective& measurable terms Criteria for measuring goal achievement must be identified and stated for evaluation
Thus ,guidance is needed by all, by young and old and through its developmental, preventive and curative focus it can be of help for all types of problems