SPEAKING: Choose and Give Reasons
In this part of the test, you will choose one of two options and give TWO reasons for your choice. You will be scored from 0-2. Your goal is to earn a 2!
SPEAKING: Rubric for Choose and Give Reasons
SPEAKING: Choose and Give Reasons For example: Would you prefer to go to a football game or to the circus? Give two reasons for your choice. (Think about it silently)
SPEAKING: Choose and Give Reasons Football game or the circus? Be careful NOT to give one reason expressed in different words. For example, don’t say “Football game, because it’s my favorite and it’s what I like most.” This is ONE reason expressed in two different ways. It’s okay to give a negative response. For example, if you chose “circus”, then you could say: “Circus, because I don’t enjoy watching football.” This implies that you prefer the circus over a football game.
SPEAKING: Choose and Give Reasons Let’s practice with a partner: Would you rather take a science class or a history class as an elective? Give two reasons for your choice.
SPEAKING: Choose and Give Reasons Let’s practice with a partner: Would you rather study by yourself for a test or study with a friend? Give two reasons for your choice.
SPEAKING: Choose and Give Reasons Let’s practice with a partner: Would you rather take your most difficult class the first period or the last period of the day? Give two reasons for your choice.
Speaking: Four-Picture Narrative In this part of the test, you will tell a story from a series of four pictures provided to you. Make sure you mention at ALL FOUR PICTURES and EVENTS!!! You will not earn the highest score if you SKIP an event. Make sure you give plenty of details and descriptions. Also, provide transition words. You will be scored from 0-4. Your goal is to get a 4!
Speaking: Rubric for Four-Picture Narrative
Speaking: Four-Picture Narrative Let’s practice with a partner:
Speaking: Four-Picture Narrative Did your partner: –Mention ALL FOUR EVENTS? –Give details and provide accurate descriptions. –Provide transition words such as (then, after, first, second, etc.)
Speaking: Four-Picture Narrative Let’s practice with a partner:
Speaking: Four-Picture Narrative Did your partner: –Mention ALL FOUR EVENTS? –Give details and provide accurate descriptions. –Provide transition words such as (then, after, first, second, etc.)
Listening: Following Oral Directions In this part of the test, you will choose 1 of 3 pictures that correspond to the oral description given. There is only ONE correct answer! Play very close attention to the pictures you are shown. Choose carefully.
Listening: Following Oral Directions Think-Pair-Share: Choose the picture where the triangle is around the smaller circle.
Listening: Following Oral Directions Think-Pair-Share: Choose the two lines that are parallel
Listening: Following Oral Directions Think-Pair-Share: Choose the sentence that shows words in quotation marks. 1.She said the test was “really easy.” 2.We should do it right now. 3.The project is due Monday, April 2.
Listening: Teacher Talk In this part of the test, you will LISTEN to several sentences of teacher announcements, instructions, or lecture and answer multiple choice general comprehension questions. There is only ONE correct answer! Play very close attention to what the purpose of the announcement, instruction, or lecture is. Pretend you are really the student and ask: “What does the teacher want?” OR “What is the teacher talking about?”
Listening: Teacher Talk Let’s practice. Listen to the teacher read Sample A Listening Script. Pay very close attention and be prepared to answer the following question: Who is this announcement for? 1.Students who didn’t take the quiz 2.Students who missed lunch 3.Students who stayed after school Friday
Listening: Teacher Talk Let’s practice. Listen to the teacher read Sample B Listening Script. Pay very close attention and be prepared to answer the following question: What do students who want to donate blood have to do? 1.Come with their parents. 2.Eat snacks first. 3.Be at least 16 years old.
Listening: Teacher Talk Let’s practice. Listen to the teacher read Sample C Listening Script. Pay very close attention and be prepared to answer the following question: What is this lecture about? 1.The characteristics of primates 2.Why primates live in zoos 3.Types of African wildlife
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Listening: Extended Listening In this part of the test, you will LISTEN to a mini lecture on an academic topic and answer three multiple choice comprehension questions. There is only ONE correct answer! Pay very close attention. Remember, you are being tested on LISTENING.
Listening: Extended Listening Let’s practice. Listen to the teacher read Sample D Listening Script. Pay very close attention and be prepared to answer the following 3 questions: What should you do during an earthquake? 1.Get off your bicycle. 2.Move objects off shelves. 3.Hold on to something.
Listening: Extended Listening What is the Richter scale? 1.A way to measure earthquakes 2.A way to predict earthquakes. A way to stay safe during an earthquake. Which of these statements is true? 1.People can always feel earthquakes. 2.Earthquakes sometimes make noise 3.Scientists know when the next big earthquake will happen.