DNA What does it
DNA http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XuUpnAz5y1g
Animal Cell
The difference between: DNA, Chromosomes and Genes. DNA is a long continuous strand of genetic information. Genes are segments of DNA which control the inheritance of specific characteristics/trait. Chromosomes are long tightly coiled strands of condensed DNA and protein. A trick to help remember: DNA is like a long piece of string. Genes are the knots in the string. Chromosomes are a big coilof knots.
Another way to think of it
How can 2 meters of genetic code fit into a body cell? http://learn.genetics.utah.edu/content/begin/cells/scale/ Who wants to be a volunteer! If you were to uncoil a chromosome you would find over 2m of DNA.
DNA to Chromosome http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5UoKYGKxxMI&feature=fvsr
What does DNA look like? DNA is structured like a ladder that has been twisted. This twisted shape is called a double helix.
What does DNA look like? DNA is made up of blocks called nucleotides. Each nucleotide is made up of a phosphate, a sugar and a base. The nucleotides are named after the bases that they are made of, Adenine, Thymine, Guanine, and Cytosine. A always pairs with T. C always pairs with G. A trick to help remember AT the Cricket Ground. AT is a word. CG look similar.
DNA game. http://www. nobelprize Type “Nobel Prize DNA game” into Google. Click the first link Play the game People with high scores will win a prize! The game will let you make mistakes, so remember... A-T C-G
One step further Nucleotide Backbone (made of sugar and phosphate the vertical part of the ladder) Base pairs (the horizontal rungs) made of AT – CG. Nucleotides the building blocks of DNA are which consist of a phosphate, a sugar and a base. Nucleotide
Check your knowledge challenge... 1) Where is DNA located? 2 )What is the difference between DNA a gene and a chromosome? 3 )Describe the structure of DNA. 4 )What is a nucleotide? How many are there? What are they named? 5 )Which base pairs match up?
Mix and Match A) Made of DNA and proteins coiled tightly together. 2 - Genes 1 -DNA 3 -Chromosomes 4 - Alleles B) Genetic material found in every living cell. It is a chemical compound that carries genes and it is how we store genetic information in our cells C) Variations of genes, ie blue eyes, green eyes, tall, short. D) Sections of DNA that control the inheritance of certain characteristics. Ie- nose shape, ear lobe type, eye colour, pea plant height or colour.
Punnet square game Remember Revision of last lesson Type punnet square game into Google Select the fourth link http://www.mhhe.com/b iosci/genbio/virtual_labs/ BL_05/BL_05.html Remember A dominant trait is always represented by a capital letter. A recessive trait is represented by a small letter.
Next lesson Chromosomes!
Chromosomes! Every living thing has its own number of chromosomes in each body cell, normally occurring in matched pairs. Every human cell, (whether located in your eyeball or your arm, your kidney or your blood) will have 23 chromosome pairs or 46 chromosomes in total.
What do other animals have? Do larger organisms have more chromosomes? What organism has the largest number of chromosomes? Species Number of chromosomes per cell Kingfisher (bird) Elephant Fruit fly Human Chimp Dog Snail Onion
Species Number of chromosomes per cell Kingfisher (bird) 132 Elephant 56 Fruit fly 8 Human 46 Chimp 48 Dog 78 Snail 52 Organism with the least Ant Myrmecia pilosula 2 Species Number of chromosomes per cell Onion 16 Sugar cane 80 Wheat 42 Organism with the most Adders Tongue Fern Ophioglossum reticulatum 1260