they are both harmless till you stick them into your mouth and set them on fire.
Cooper Pest Solutions will utilize aerial lifts for a number of jobs. These include but are not limited to, Overwintering pest work Stinging insect work Bird work
Employees will participate in classroom training on aerial lift safety Employees will take and pass a quiz on same training. Employees will review Cooper specific training Employees will participate in field testing and successfully complete a field test.
Fall Protection Employees operating an aerial lift more then 10’ high will be secured with fall protection. All fall protective equipment will be inspected yearly in January and prior to every use. ANY defects in the fall protection equipment will prohibit its use. Torn, ripped, broken, or straps found under stress will result in removing said item from use and replaced.
Hard hats are required for all personnel working on or around the aerial equipment. Slip resistant, water resistant boots are required for all personnel working on or around the aerial equipment. Safety glasses or full face shields are required for any employee working on the equipment at heights of 10’ or more. When working for or around active stinging insect nests full bee gear is required. Operators will wear long pants and long sleeves at all times while operating the equipment. Tyvek suits are available at no cost to the employee and their use is encouraged.
Prior to starting any job there will be a tool box safety meeting with a service manager and all employees working on that job site. During this meeting the following topics and safety checks will be addressed. A full inspection of the equipment. The lift Tire inspection Integrity of the boom(s) Inspect for leaks and fluid levels. Insure all electronic safety features are operating. Emergency stop Grade warning. When the lift is taken off flat ground the operator should not be able to raise or extend the reach of the aerial lift. Aux power. The lift should be raised and then turned off and lowered off aux power both from the ground and from the platform. All controls function both on the ground and on the platform
The job site will be inspected for safety concerns and issues. All areas that the lift will be driven on will be inspected. Insure the ground is level. Identify speed bumps, pot holes, ramps for the disabled. Debris Standing water.
All our services are performed on buildings or other structures. These structures will be inspected prior to operations. Electrical hazards Insect and wildlife activity (hornet nests, squirrel or other mammals, and bird activity to name a few) Structural issues Foot traffic and entry ways around the structure. Vehicle traffic. Any areas with either foot or vehicle traffic will be coned off and monitored by the ground personnel.
Aerial lift Field training check list Employee______________________________________ date______________________ _____ Insured employee has completed in house training _____ inspected the lift for defects (Arm, leaks, cage, tires) _____ Reviewed lift specific operators manual _____ properly inspected & donned fall protection apparel _____ operated all functions of the lift from the ground controls _____ operated all functions of the lift from the cage controls _____ successfully lowered lift with aux controls from the cage. _____ successfully lowered lift with aux controls from the ground. _____ demonstrated ability to drive and operate lift _____ Walked job site and identified hazards. (listed on back of form) _____ inspected other equipment used on service (like power tools and sprayers) Please check off that the following safety equipment is present during service hard hat ___ slip resistant/water resistant foot wear___ fire ext. ___ safety glasses/goggles___ phone/communication device ___ air horn ___ long sleeve shirt or tyvek ___ long pants ___safety cones___ 1 st aid kit ___ flashlight___ spill control kit ___ I have reviewed the employees training and equipment and authorize that work may proceed. Signaturetitledate
During all services utilizing aerial reach equipment we require at least 2 trained employees on site with one always on the ground. Ariel equipment will NOT be used during inclement weather, this includes Rain Sleet Hail Snow High winds (max wind speed varies by lift) Ice Electrical storms or the threat of electrical storms
Employees are to immediately cease use of an aerial lift when it emits any unusual sounds, exhibits unusual motions, or fails to properly respond to controls. Cooper Pest Solutions prohibits employees from operating client owned or rented aerial lifts.
Equipment may be moved from one to building to another on industrial park or private roads. A Cooper vehicle will follow the equipment from site to site with lights and hazard signals on. No lift equipment will be driven on major roadways. Good communications between the operator and the ground employee is essential. All employees will carry communication equipment (walkie talkie or cell phones) In addition the ground and aerial lift operator will carry air horns for emergencies.
While power spraying it is important to keep the hose free of any entanglements. Trees, signs, vehicles, and other obstructions could all anchor the line and if the lift was moving…….
All repairs on aerial lifts must be performed by the vendor we rent the equipment from. Cooper employees are prohibited from disabling or tampering with any safety features/functions on the equipment.
The ground employee must go through the same training as the lift operator and demonstrate the ability to operate the equipment. Ground employees must demonstrate the ability to quickly lower an extended lift from the ground The ground employees main job is to protect the safety of the operator Watching for hazards and alerting the operator. Extracting the operator from heights down to the ground. Keeping vehicles and pedestrians away from the work site. For services utilizing a power sprayer the ground person will maintain hoses free and clear of entanglements. Escorting the lift from building to building.