The Department of Student Services Presentation to new students
Student Services at Loughborough University Careers and Employability Centre Centre for Faith and Spirituality (including the Christian Chaplaincy) Confide – Harassment Support and Advice Network Counselling and Disability Service(including Mental Health Support and Study Support Service) Student Accommodation Centre Student Support Centre (English Language and Student Advice Support Teams) Medical Centre Wardens/Subwardens Department of Student Services
Department of Student Services Careers and Employability Centre Get Advice Careers information, advice and guidance Careers website or call to book an appointment Develop Skills ‘Direct Your Career’ - careers skills workshops Loughborough Employability Award scheme Meet Employers Recruitment Fairs and employer presentations Get Experience Lots of help to find high quality placements See ‘Careers Online’ database of opportunities for local, part-time jobs
Department of Student Services Centre for Faith and Spirituality Facilities – places to pray, meditate, express faith or to meet; includes University Chapel, Muslim Prayer Room and other rooms available to faith societies Events – opportunities to explore, express and develop faith informally and also through organised activities Chaplains – provide confidential help and support with spiritual, ethical and moral concerns and a listening ear to anyone; also provide links between faith groups on campus as well as in and around Loughborough
Department of Student Services Counselling and Disability Service The Counselling Service offer an opportunity to talk and reflect with a professionally trained person who is outside your immediate situation and will not judge you. You can talk about any personal, social or emotional concern which may or may not be affecting your work or studies. The Counselling Service offers both face to face and online counselling. Various workshops are run throughout the academic year. See the website for more details. Counselling Service
Department of Student Services Counselling and Disability Service Provides advice and support to disabled students (which include sensory impairments, physical disabilities, medical conditions, Asperger Syndrome and specific learning differences such as dyslexia) Liaise with your department to help meet your individual needs Screening and Assessment for dyslexia Help in applying for Disabled Students’ Allowance Drop in sessions no need for an appointment, daily 12.30pm until 1.30pm (2.30pm on Wednesdays) Disability Office
Department of Student Services Counselling and Disability Service Mental Health Support Team Provide practical support to students who experience high levels of emotional burden or mental health difficulties by: Assessing needs Making practical arrangements Helping develop self-help strategies Liaising within the University, with other people or organisations to ensure all sources of support are used effectively Helping apply for Disabled Students’ Allowance
Department of Student Services Student Support Centre Effective, targeted language support for native and non-native speakers of English Classes and workshops in study skills and English for academic purposes Wide range of independent learning resources available on Learn English Language Support Service Better writing = better marks!
Department of Student Services Counselling and Disability Service DSA Assessment Centre If you still require an assessment of needs in relation to funding from the Disabled Student Allowance, you can book this at our Assessment Centre. Help with this can be provided by the Disability Office at their daily drop in, or call the Assessment Centre direct on CDS Workshops Various workshops are run throughout the academic year.
Department of Student Services Student Support Centre Student Advice & Support Service Professional and friendly advice on: Student finance and money Housing issues International students issues Other issues (e.g. council tax, consumer issues, employment)
Department of Student Services Medical Centre The Medical Centre provides A variety of clinics to meet student needs including contraception, and sexual health Treatment for minor injuries and illness Please contact the Medical Centre or visit the website to complete a registration form as soon as possible Telephone:
Department of Student Services CAMPUS LIVING Student Accommodation Centre Meeting your needs for Accommodation on and off campus Halls of Residence Private rented accommodation in town
Department of Student Services Wardens Service Pastoral support and welfare First point of contact for University queries Live amongst students in halls Provides: