Before watching the video write these questions down. What is weathering? How does this happen? What is erosion? How does this happen? Based on what you now know: How did the Santa Elena Canyon form? Explain.
Listen to the teacher for instructions. Please use the paper towel to prevent mess.
Weathering Mechanical Weathering Frost Wedging Chemical Weathering Oxidation Erosion Deposition WORDDefinition Your Definition Picture
Let’s make a book!
Examples of weathering With your table partner, discuss what is going on in these pictures. What is happening?
The type of weathering in which rocks and minerals break down into smaller pieces. Physical Weathering Factors Temperature Pressure
On page 164 What property of water leads to the weathering of rocks? Explain (Think about states of matter) What is frost wedging?
Read page 165 Give two examples of how pressure can help in the weathering process.
What is the difference between mechanical (physical) weathering and chemical weathering? Agents: Water Oxygen Carbon dioxide Acid precipitation
Water Good solvent Oxygen Oxidation Iron can combine with atm O2 (form new minerals) Carbon Dioxide Weak acid precipitation (CO2 + H2O) Dissolves certain rocks Acid Precipitation SO2, CO2, NO’s (Combine with O and H2O) <5.6 on pH scale Burning fuels
Happens very slowly Effects Climate Composition Surface area Topography
Temperature, precipitation, evaporation (Chemical) Cool Climates (physical) With your shoulder partner Why does cool climates not aid in chemical reactions? ▪ Think states of matter.
Different materials break down at different rates. Put a piece of paper out in a rain storm Put a piece of wood out in a rain storm Hardness
Increase in surface leads to an increase in chemical weathering. Smaller pieces = faster
What is topography? Level ground = Less weathering Slopes = More weathering.
Paragraph form: At least ½ page You will get extra credit for having more than ½ page. Use the four steps to writing. Explain how climate, composition, surface area, and topography speed up or slow down weathering.
Explain how the rate of reaction speeds up and slows down when it comes to weathering. MAKE SURE YOU USE EXAMPLES AND EXPLAIN