Family Times Daily Questions Prior Knowledge Fact and Opinion Vocabulary Context Clues Predictions Guided Comprehension Compare and Contrast Author's Viewpoint/Bias.


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Presentation transcript:

Family Times Daily Questions Prior Knowledge Fact and Opinion Vocabulary Context Clues Predictions Guided Comprehension Compare and Contrast Author's Viewpoint/Bias Independent Readers Why some Animals are Considered Bad and Scary Additional Resources Language Skills

Study Skills: Genre: Expository Nonfiction Vocabulary Strategy: Context Clues Comprehension Skill: Fact and Opinion Comprehension Strategy: Ask Questions

Language Skills Daily Fix It Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Practice Book Page 33 Page 34 Page 35 Page 36 Spelling Strategies for Spelling Page 33 Page 34 Page 35 Page 36 Transparency: Main and Helping Verbs Writing Workshop Reading Writing Connection Writer’s Craft Writing Prompt Editing/Revising Checklist

Language Skills Language Skills

Language Skills Language Skills Day 1 Daily Fix It 1.Wild animals is having a hard time living with humens. Wild animals are having a hard time living with humans. 2.Many has becomed endangered. Many have become endangered.

Language Skills Language Skills Day 2 Daily Fix It 1.The scouts is clening up the river. The scouts are cleaning up the river. 2.This be a good way to hep animals. This is a good way to help animals.

Language Skills Language Skills Day 3 Daily Fix It 1.We shuld plant trees to replace the wons we cut down. We should plant trees to replace the ones we cut down. 2.Loss of trees increases the level, of carbon dioxide in the air? Loss of trees increases the level of carbon dioxide in the air.

Day 4 Daily Fix It 1.We once had a beagel named obiwan. We once had a beagle named Obiwan. 2.That dog aten more than i did. That dog ate more than I did. Language Skills Language Skills

Day 5 Daily Fix It 1.Jane goodall has spent she life educating the world about animals. Jane Goodall has spent her life educating the world about animals. 2.She is a great exampel of how to treat Wildlife. She is a great example of how to treat wildlife. Language Skills Language Skills

Language Skills Language Skills

Language Skills Language Skills

Language Skills Language Skills

Language Skills Language Skills

Language Skills Language Skills Spelling Strategy Problem Parts We are have words that are hard for us to spell. Step 1: Ask yourself: Which part of the word gives me a problem? Step 2: Underline the problem part. Step 3: Picture the word. Focus on the problem part.

Language Skills Language Skills

Language Skills Language Skills

Language Skills Language Skills

Language Skills Language Skills

Language Skills Language Skills

Language Skills Language Skills

Language Skills Language Skills Writing Prompt Write your own rules for ways to conserve or save resources at home or school. Write each rule as a command. Then write a paragraph for each rule explaining why it should be followed.

Language Skills Language Skills Editing/Revising Checklist Do my rules and explanations accomplish my purpose? Have I used main and helping verbs effectively? Have I spelled words with final syllables –en, -an, -el, -le, and –il correctly?

Question of the Week: What can people do to protect wild animals? What examples from her life does Jane Goodall give to illustrate the first three suggestions? How has Jane Goodall's lifelong work with chimpanzees affected her thinking? Is it harder to help animals that seem bad or scary? Explain. Daily Questions:

Activate Prior Knowledge

Fact and Opinion A statement of fact can be proved true or false. A statement of opinion tells what someone thinks or feels. Statements of opinion often contain words that make judgments, such as interesting or beautiful. A single sentence might contain both a statement of fact and a statement of opinion. Can it be proved true or false? If yes, FACT statement If no, OPINION If yes and no, BOTH

Strategy: Ask Questions Good readers ask themselves questions. As you read statements, ask yourself, “Is this a statement of fact? If so, how do I know whether it’s true or false? Or is it a statement of opinion? Is the author trying to convince me of something?”

1.Make a graphic organizer. As you read “Chimps,” write three sentences in the correct boxes: a statement of fact, a statement of opinion, and one with both. 2. Using a graphic organizer, find another statement of opinion. Write about why it is a statement of opinion, whether or not you agree with it, and why.

Vocabulary List Environment Contribute Conservation Enthusiastic Investigation Introduce Vocabulary Call out the following vocabulary words that go with the vocabulary words. Which word has to do with the temperature outside? Which word describes a way to assist? Which word has to do with a quest for information? Which word describes feeling excited? Which word has to do with preventing pollution?

Environment condition of the air, water, soil, etc.

Conservation Preservation from harm or decay; protection from loss or from being used up

Contribute To help bring about

eagerly interested Enthusiastic

a careful search Investigation

More Words to Know: humane not cruel or brutal; kind Loggers people whose work is cutting down trees tapeworms long, flat worms that live as a parasite in the intestines of humans and animals

Practice Lesson Vocabulary What does your environment include? Name a kind of conservation, and give a suggestion for practicing it. What makes you enthusiastic? Animal shelter volunteers contribute their time. A crime investigation attempts to solve a mystery. An inspirational speech is a boring speech. True or False

Vocabulary Strategy (pg. 210) Context Clues As you read, you will find unfamiliar words. See if you can use context to figure out the meaning of a new word. Context means the words and sentences near the unfamiliar word. 1.Reread the sentence with the unfamiliar word. The author may include a synonym or other context clue to the word’s meaning. 2. If you need more help, read the surrounding sentences. You may spot examples or explanations that give you clues to the word’s meaning. 3. Add up the clues and decide on the meaning of the word. 4. Check to see that this meaning makes sense in the sentence.

Genre: Expository Nonfiction Expository Nonfiction explains a person, a thing, or an idea. As you read, notice how the author gives both facts and opinions based on those facts.

How does Jane Goodall feel about wild animals?

Preview and Predict Preview text features that signal important information, such as numbered subheads and large type. Use lesson vocabulary words as they discuss about what they expect to learn.

Guided Comprehension: Reread the headnote on pg What is the author’s purpose for writing? Explain whether the statement “tape-worms are simply too revolting to love” is a fact or opinion. Suppose you ask the author why she did not get hurt by an animal during all her years in the forest. What might she say? Why were other scientists shocked when the author gave names to the chimpanzees that she was studying? In what way does the author see animals and people as alike? How do the photos help support Jane goodall’s belief that animals are thinking feeling individuals.

Guided Comprehension Continued: How could you use a context clue to help figure out the meaning of the word migrating. Have you read any other books about animals doing amazing things? Reread the last two sentences of suggestion 6 on pg Do they state a fact or an opinion? How do you know? How can you use suffixes to tell what the words production and inspirational mean? Define the meaning of the word bear in the second sentence of suggestion 8. How can you use Goodall’s suggestions in your own life to help save wildlife?

Compare and Contrast (TM 217) Comparisons tell how things are alike. Sometimes comparisons are stated indirectly, or implied. In that case, the reader must detect the comparison. Read about Goodall’s dog. The way Rusty acts is being compared to the way a human might act. Compare Rusty’s behavior when he is scolded for something he knows is wrong and something he doesn’t know is wrong.

Author’s Viewpoint/Bias An author’s viewpoint is the way an author looks at the subject he or she is writing about. Biased writing is writing that shows an author’s strong feeling for or against something. You can learn about an author’s viewpoint by asking yourself questions about the author’s beliefs and assumptions as you read. You can determine whether writing is biased by evaluating the evidence that an author gives to support her or her viewpoint. Discuss Jane Goodall’s viewpoint as expressed in suggestion 10 on pg Talk about the optimistic tone of the paragraph which provides a clue that her view is that the environment can be preserved. Reread suggestion 7 on pg Write a paragraph that expresses the author’s viewpoint on the suggestion given.

SUMMARY The growth of human populations often results in greater demand for limited natural resources and the clearing of land to meet people’s needs. The author explains how this trend contributes to the alarming loss of animal habitats such as forests, prairies, and coral reefs, and results in steeply declining animal populations. The author also presents stories of how people across America are fighting back by working to save animal habitats. COMPREHENSION QUESTIONS PAGE 3 What are some examples of animal habitats around the world? PAGES 3 AND 7 How does the destruction ofhabitats hurt animals? PAGE 14 Is the author stating a fact or opinion when she writes that the humpback whale’s “fame comes from the dazzling leaps and displays that it makes”? PAGE 23 How can you tell that the author wants to persuade readers to help animals?

SUMMARY Though animal extinction is a part of nature, human actions can cause animals to become extinct faster than they naturally would. The author explains how this happens and what people have done to prevent giant pandas, manatees, and other endangered animals from suffering this fate. COMPREHENSION QUESTIONS PAGE 5 What are endangered species? PAGE 6 What U.S. law protects endangered species? PAGES 8–11 What is the main reason why the giant panda, spotted owl, and Karner blue butterfly are all endangered or threatened? PAGE 16 Is the author stating a fact or opinion when she writes that “Peregrine falcons became endangered because of a chemical in the environment”?

SUMMARY Many animals are in danger of extinction due to overhunting, pollution, and other human actions. The author explains what people are doing today to ensure that California condors, Bengal tigers, and other endangered animals will not disappear from Earth forever. COMPREHENSION QUESTIONS PAGE 5 Why do some species of animals and plants become extinct? PAGE 8 How does the Endangered Species Act help certain animals? PAGE 16 How does the saving of wild lands help save animals? PAGE 21 Is the author stating a fact or opinion when she writes that endangered animals are “some of nature’s most beautiful and amazing creatures”?

What do you think the selection will be about? Cartoon animals are used to illustrate the article instead of photographs. What does that suggest to you about the article? What additional questions are you asking yourself? How can you tell the author’s opinion? Reading Across Texts Look over Jane Goodall’s 10 points. What is another point that could be added to that list, based on “Why Some Animals Are Considered Bad or Scary”? Write your point #11 and explain it.

Additional Resources Context Clues Tutorial: Fact and Opinion Fact/Opinion Quizlet Jane Goodall's 10 Way to Help Save Wildlife context clues 2 brainpop video Verb Quiz Helping Verbs Helping Verb Rules