Results of the Nutrition Sub-Cluster capacity mapping
Partners UNICEF ACF FAR IMC KHORS LRASD PIN RAF WFP SC Ukrainian frontiers (did not fill in the template) Other partners are currently being identified
Complementary food basket potential partners Donetska Oblast UNICEF and WFP RAF FAR PIN Luganska Oblast UNICEF and WFP RAF FAR KHORS & LRASD only if funding is provided
Ways forward with CF CF basket content developed Meeting with interested partners (Donetska and Luhanska Oblasts to identify) – Who will be doing what and where – Common approach to fundraising – Addressing needs of non-BF children 0-5 months old
IYCF counselling potential partners Donetska Oblast UNICEF FAR IMC SC Luganska Oblast UNICEF ACF FAR KHORS & LRASD only if funding is provided
Ways forward with IYCF counselling Development and adaptation of training package (UNICEF, May-June 2015) Capacity building of NGOs on IYCF counselling for partners (UNICEF/Molochnie reki, starting June- July ) Capacity building of health care workers through national and oblast health authorities (UNICEF/others?, starting June-July 2015) Counselling in collective centers Establish counselling at food distribution points