Planning the year Peter Churn Unemployed locum MRCGP
Overview What you need to do Month by month guide Deadlines Tips as I go along Contacts Mark schemes etc
The Barrymore approach MRCGP written MRCGP MCQ MRCGP oral MRCGP videos Audit Summative assessment MCQ Trainer’s report Certification Pulse, GP, Doctor BMJ, BJGP DRC Finish on time…. Visits…. Out-of-hours…
Live the dream….. Work 3 ½ days a week All weekends off Every Wednesday off 70 hours on-call…..over the entire year!! (“….when I was a house officer…”) As long appt’s as you want MRCGP pass rate >80% “Oh my God….”
The hoops 1.Certification –VTR1/2’s 2.Summative assessment –Audit –MCQ –Videos –Trainer’s report 3.MRCGP –Written –MCQ –Videos –Oral
The hoops 3.MRCGP –Written –MCQ –Videos –Oral
February Skiing
March Lundy Island Cancel comic subscriptions… Hot Topics course –26/3/6 – Write down what you’re already doing!! –Tutorials –DRC feedback –PUNs/DENs –GPnotebook/mentor
April Audit –Start to think about audit topic Embarrassingly simple Avoid anything you are interested in Relevant - ?QOF criterion –Evidence (QOF, NICE, etc) –COGPED 8 Criteria Marking Schedule – – 10hrs, 3000 words – – Certification 1 –Join RCGP as associate, send in VTR2’s –Article 10 – RCGP certification unit –Article 11 – PMETB certification unit –Stamps, dates don’t overlap Apply summative assessment MCQ –Moira Linden; Apply Portsmouth MRCGP revision course –Carol White;
May Summative assessment MCQ –3/5/6, 6/9/6, 6/12/6 –Apply 1/12 before –DO NOT REVISE FOR!!!!.....(the 1 st time) FREE As many goes as you like –PEP CD’s –Minimum standard – passmark May 2005; 69% –School quiz – NO TALKING!!! Audit –1 st data collection
June Audit –2 nd data collection –Start writing-up Practice videoing and erase all evidence Study group????!!!!!! –Drink wine for best results (evidence-based)
July Audit –2 nd data collection –Write-up & send-in.. – –Declaration –3000 words & where to staple! Practice videoing and still erase all evidence Study group –Do not forget wine… MRCGP course (17-21 st /7/6) Apply MRCGP (deadline 29/8/6)
August Remember to apply MRCGP!!! (deadline still 29/8/6) Video, video, video…..(deadline 20/20/6) –Everyone - desensitisation –Not everyone is suitable – not your fault –First attendance –If you know it’s crap, don’t torture yourself by watching it again –15 min appts –Receptionists on side –Consent beforehand –Technical stuff Date/time Sound Examine off camera/lens cap No computer editing – you are not PIXAR –CHEAT WHENEVER POSSIBLE!!!!! Criterion on wall
September I will never video again….have started giving wife options MRCGP revision.. There is more to life than the MRCGP…
September MRCGP Written (24/10/6) 39% passmark (76.6%) Format –Constructs –Study group –Hot topics –NICE –BMJ –BJGP –How to read a paper Trisha Greenhalgh – Past papers with examiners comments!!! MRCGP MCQ (24/10/6) 66% passmark (80.8%) –PEP CD’s –Una Coles book –DVLA, warfarin, fitness to fly, etc
Black October Asking wife ‘what she think might be going on….’ MRCGP revision.. The MRCGP is my life –20/10/6 (video deadline) –24/10/6 (written, MCQ)
November “They think it’s all over....” MRCGP oral 76.4% passed Study group –27/11/06-3/12/06 –Concepts and Answers for the MRCGP Oral Exam Prashini Naidoo –GMC Good medical practice Booklets ex.asp
December “ is now” Trainer’ report Submit together with VTR 1 & application for CCT 6/52 before end-date Expect delays …then wait an extra week…
Contacts Summative assessment – –Moira Linden; RCGP certification – PMETB – HOT Topics course – – MRCGP course –Carol White;
Audit criteria 1.Reason for choice of audit Potential for change Relevant to the practice 2.Criterion/Criteria Chosen Relevant to audit subject and justifiable, eg. Current literature 3.Standards set Targets towards a standard with a suitable timescale 4.Preparation and Planning Evidence of teamwork and adequate discussion where appropriate 5.Data Collection (1) Results compared against standard 6.Change(s) to be evaluated Actual example described 7.Data Collection (2) Comparison with Data collection (1) and standard 8.Conclusions Summary of main issues learned
Video criteria PC1the doctor is seen to encourage the patient's contribution at appropriate points in the consultation PC2 (M)the doctor is seen to respond to signals (cues) that lead to a deeper understanding of the problem PC3the doctor uses appropriate psychological and social information to place the complaint(s) in context PC4the doctor explores the patient's health understanding PC5the doctor obtains sufficient information to include or exclude likely relevant significant conditions PC6the physical/mental examination chosen is likely to confirm or disprove hypotheses that could reasonably have been formed OR is designed to address a patient's concern PC7the doctor appears to make a clinically appropriate working diagnosis PC8the doctor explains the problem or diagnosis in appropriate language PC9 (M)the doctor's explanation incorporates some or all of the patient's health beliefs PC10 (M)the doctor specifically seeks to confirm the patient's understanding of the diagnosis PC11the management plan (including any prescription) is appropriate for the working diagnosis, reflecting a good understanding of modern accepted medical practice PC12the patient is given the opportunity to be involved in significant management decisions PC13 (M) the doctor takes steps to enhance concordance, by exploring and responding to the patient’s understanding of the treatment PC14the doctor specifies the appropriate conditions and interval for follow-up or review
Constructs Clinical Patient Self-management Agenda Decision Aids Benefits Education Death & Driving Support Groups Ideas, concerns & expectation Transcultural Doctor Risk management Up to date DEN’s Evidence-based Confidentiality/Consent Health promotion Open questions Prejudice Prescribing Empathy Record-keeping/Referrals Practice Protocol Register Audit Change management Training IT Contract/clinics Ease Wider Goldberg & Huxley’s filters to care Rationing Inverse care law Medicilisation Screening Health Inequalities Teamwork Ethical Consultation Prescribing