ECIPA soc. cons. a r.l. Tel. (+39) Fax. (+39) CNA Veneto Tel. (+39) Fax. (+39) Headquarters : Via della Pila 3b, int Venezia Marghera (VE) Something about us …
The National Confederation of Craftsmen and SMEs of Veneto Region, called CNA Veneto, represents small and micro size enterprises working in industrial and craftsmanship sector of Veneto Region. It mission is to support actively and to protect the interest of enterprise towards public bodies, union trade and other entrepreneurial associations. CNA Veneto who we are …
CNA, also, promotes and manages a system of service aimed to support and develop the growth of enterprises associated. To this purpose CNA Veneto has settle agencies, companies and structures which operate on a wide range of strategic factors: For credit services For training, research and innovation services
ECIPA soc. cons. a r.l. who we are … ECIPA ECIPA is the Service and Training Agency of CNA Veneto and Friuli Venezia Giulia, the regional representations of the National Confederation of Craftsmen and SMEs with more than SMEs in the two regions. ECIPA ECIPA, ISO 9001:2000 TQM certified and recently become the joint office of Veneto and Friuli Venezia Giulia regions. The central office is based in Venice, while the 37 local offices are located in the several districts of Veneto and Friuli Venezia Giulia.
The Veneto region, whose the economic sector is mostly made by Small and Medium Enterprises, is a manufacturing leader in several sectors such as haute couture, footwear, wood-furniture, plastic and agricultural equipment as well as food processing, light mechanics, home appliances and construction materials. The economic context of Friuli Venezia Giulia is mainly represented by SMEs of the following sectors: agriculture and fishing, trade and restaurant industry, facility services for companies, building construction, facility services for individuals. Regional context where we operates
ECIPA ECIPA deals mainly with vocational, cultural, technical and economic training of entrepreneurs and employees (on the average: 300 training courses per year for beneficiaries) as well as with regional, national and transnational projects and studies in order to foster innovation and business competitiveness of SMEs at local and international level. our field of interest
ECIPA ECIPA carries out the following activities at local and regional level: our activities ●training courses for entrepreneurs and managers of craft and small-sized enterprises ● professional qualification and follow-up courses for craftsmen and their employees ● training, assistance and counselling for the establishment of new enterprises ● training for CNA employees
ECIPA ECIPA provides the following services at local and regional level as well: ● planning and counselling service for national and international activities ● planning and counselling service to start-up a business ● planning and counselling service for young and female entrepreneurship ● information and counselling about initiatives promoted by the Ministry of Labour and the Ministry of Education
● assistance and counselling for project, content and administrative management ● organisation of conferences and workshops on VET topics and business experiences ● research activity with reference to the craftsmanship and SMEs area ● trainers’ training tailored to the craft and SME system ● planning and implementation of qualifying professional courses in the framework of the Italian rules ● support to individuals and SMEs in order to benefit from the active labour market policies, ESF opportunities, apprenticeship funds, training vouchers, professional funds, EU funds.
Some of the implemented activities impacted significantly at local level and contributed to spread: ● the use of nanotechnology in companies of the mechanical sector, ● “green the wood industry” through the use of micro- materials and eco-friendly glues (GlueGoesGreen), ●implement an interactive supply chain in the agriculture and food processing (FAAI), with the set up of a web site for the final product
ECIPA, aiming to be one step ahead of the SMEs demands, made a SAAS system to support and facilitate rules management and sharing of works, experiences and information. This service is therefore focused on: our software kit as a service system (SAAS) online learning and working platform waste traceabilityhealth and occupational safety
ECIPA At European level ECIPA deals with several projects, as following: ● international development of SMEs, implicit knowledge and learning due to experience (Leonardo da Vinci), ● integration of senior Europeans through transfer and exploitation of family traditions (Grundtvig), the project aims to strengthen the aged people in the family life through the recovery of family traditions
● training of VET trainers in Veneto and Slovenia: TASBOR ( ) It aimed at laying down the basis for co-operation between EU border regions. To do so, it acted on the vocational training institutions component by strengthening their ability to respond to the needs of the changing labour market. As a consequence, it should benefit the vulnerable groups (VGs) in the affected sectors through a better understanding of market requirements and conditions
● development and support of cross-border businesses between Italy and Slovenia to foster SMEs competitiveness through innovation, internationalisation, collaborative entrepreneurship, knowledge and technological transfer (ICON) ● research, data collection and definition of useful information in order to look for harmonization of rules and procedures in the field of health and dietary education, occupational safety, environmental problems, fiscal issues and mobility so as to make easier cross-border businesses for entrepreneurs (TRANSARMON)
ECIPA For the definition and implementation of VET courses, ECIPA cooperates with: our policy maker partners ● policy and decision makers of national authorities such as the Ministry of Labour and Social Security, the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Transport, ● decision makers of the regional authority, more in details with the VET and Labour department of the Veneto Region, ● sectorial international partners such as Entrepreneurial Organisations and Training Centres of EU Member States.
ECIPA soc. cons. a r.l. Tel. (+39) Fax. (+39) CNA Veneto Tel. (+39) Fax. (+39) Headquarters: Via della Pila 3b, int Venezia Marghera (VE)