Plants Conservation of Plant Wildlife, Spread of Disease, Sustainable Farming Practice
Is this natural?
Conservation of Plant Wildlife The Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) provides financial and technical support to eligible farmers, allowing them to let their land grow naturally
Highland Park, St. Paul 1950’s
Dutch Elm Disease -Caused by a fungus -Destroys Elm trees -Introduced in the 60’s -Allegedly brought here by somebody traveling here from Illinois
How can we prevent the spread of diseases such as Dutch Elm?
Sustainable farming Problems in our farming world: -We have a ton of people to feed!! -Our topsoil is being eroded away at incredibly alarming rates -Non-sustainable farming practice is causing farmers to use chemicals that are harmful to the rest of the ecosystem (we knew this)
On your own: -Read pages in the book -Answer the review questions on page There will be a quiz tomorrow on Animals and plants