What do you know about climate? What do you want to know to understand climate?
Know Average weather over a long period of time Different in certain areas Can change Greenhouse gases? Variable Cold/hot/wet/dry Varies between places Warmer at equator, colder at poles
Need to Know Number of types What causes differences What is climate change How fast can it change Why isn’t it the same everywhere What affects it Does global warming affect climate change How do different places have different climates CO? NY v CA (both on coasts, but very different) How do we/can we affect climate Does pollution have anything to do with it The science behind it How it develops Can there be a huge climate shift Why doesn’t it change fast like weather How often does it change How do you determine climate over oceans How do we figure out past climates What does it do for use Why does it change in one spot Does Earth’s rotation around sun affect it Is it affected by global warming How is it measured How do you decide CO’s climate How does it change Can it change quickly Does it change and why How is it recorded When have there been major climate changes in history Is there another ice age coming soon How does altitude fit into climate
Definition – Climate vs. Weather Basic Components – Temperature – Precipitation Advanced – Type/timing of precipitation – # of days of sunshine – Wind speed and direction – # of days above freezing – Weather extremes
1. Direct Evidence: - Examples 2. Indirect Evidence: - Examples 3. Paleoclimate - Human records How do we know what climate was like?
CLIMATE CLUES….OCEANS Sediment What is it made of? Varying oxygen-18 levels High = _____ Low = _____
CLIMATE CLUES…OCEANS Coral Use sun to grow Each year = ring of growth Growth affected by Water temperature Cloudiness/depth of water Chemical composition of water Disease and algae blooms
Climate Clues…Rocks Uniformitarianism “The present is the key to the past” Processes now have not changed from those in the past Evidence Rock marks Soil types Sediment
CLIMATE CLUES…ICE What did the cores tell you about climate? How do they reveal climate? Trapped bubbles Layers Provide evidence of: Volcanic activity Temperature and precipitation Atmospheric composition 110,000 years
Climate Clues…Plants What conclusions could you draw about climate from the tree rings? Tree rings – Each year = ring of growthyear – Directly impacted by moisture available Thick ring = _______ Thin ring = _______ – Scars – 10,000 years Fossils Pollen