Context for Teaching Module A. Reconnecting to Skill Building  Reflect on the knowledge and skills learned in “Skill Building”  Write:  3 new concepts.


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Presentation transcript:

Context for Teaching Module A

Reconnecting to Skill Building  Reflect on the knowledge and skills learned in “Skill Building”  Write:  3 new concepts learned in the training  2 questions you still have  1 concern  Share at your table

CONTEXT FOR TEACHING Class, School, District, and Community Conversation Guides INITIAL ASSESSMENT OF TEACHING PRACTICE Teacher Preparation Information CA Standards for the Teaching Profession and Induction Standards-Based Informal Classroom Observation Assessment Toolbox / Reflective Conversation INQUIRY Inquiry Focus Action Plan Essential Component for Instruction Observation Analysis of Student Work Summative Assessment Reflection SUMMARY OF TEACHING PRACTICE Reflection on Teaching, Student and Personal Growth Future Considerations for Study FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT FOR CALIFORNIA TEACHERS (FACT) Return to Context for Teaching and Initial Assessment IIPIIP

A.Context for Teaching B.Initial Assessment of Teaching Practice C.Inquiry D.Summary of Teaching Practice You Are Here! You are here

PTRA Cycle

Module A: Context for Teaching Purpose:  This training will provide support providers with an understanding of the scope and sequence of the Context for Teaching module, as well as providing them the skills necessary to guide their participating teachers effectively through the process. Outcomes:  Support providers will be able to explain to participating teachers the purpose and sequence of the Context for Teaching module, and will be able to effectively guide their teachers through the process. Support providers will also have a clear understanding of the depth and complexity of the activities and will have the ability to help participating teachers make meaning of the module as it pertains to the participating teachers’ classroom practice.

Key Concepts What  Teachers will gain a greater understanding of the context for their teaching by analyzing their class, school, district, and community. How  Through information gathering, discussions, and reflections, the teacher will gain a greater understanding of his/her local context. 11

Key Concepts Why Context for Teaching connects to Induction Standards in various locations, providing the participating teachers with a greater understanding of how the Induction Standards are part of their everyday classroom practice.

Context for Teaching: Purpose  Read and highlight key points in the purpose paragraph of Context for Teaching.  Share insights

Teaching Without Context  View video clip  Table discussion  Generate a list of critical information teachers need to know regarding their class, school, district, and community as they begin teaching.

 Collecting and Reviewing Information  Conversation Guide: CSDC (A-7) Contextualizing and Extending  Conversation Guide: Induction Standards (A-7) Contextualizing and Extending Understanding the Big Picture: Three Steps

Connecting Big Picture to Documents Step One: Collecting and Reviewing Information Step Two: Conversation Guide: CSDC (A-7) Contextualizing and Extending Step Three: Conversation Guide: Induction Standards (A-7) Contextualizing and Extending

Checking for Understanding Using Post-it notes, write 1 or 2 questions regarding Context for Teaching. Place the Post-its on the designated chart

Initial Assessment of Teaching Practice Flowchart

Initial Assessment of Teaching Practice What  To make an Initial Assessment of their current teaching practice, participating teachers will consider prior experiences in their teaching preparation program. Why  The Initial Assessment will help guide the PT’s work in the first Inquiry and will serve as to measure growth over time.

Initial Assessment of Teaching Practice How  PTs will gather information about their Context for Teaching in Module A and complete an Initial Assessment of Teaching Practice in Module B. Both will be used as sources of information to determine focus areas for the first Inquiry.

Initial Assessment of Teaching Practice: Purpose Paragraph  Read and highlight key points in the purpose paragraph of the Initial Assessment of Teaching Practice Directions  Share Insights

Initial Assessment of Teaching Practice Concepts  Participating Teachers bring documentation (TPA/Portfolio, etc.) from their teacher preparation.  Information gathered during this module will be used to develop the Individual Induction Plan (IIP) for the Inquiry module.  This module wil be completed concurrently with the Context for Teaching module.

Understanding the Big Picture Step One: Teacher Preparation & Induction Comparison Step Two: Informal Observation and Discussion Step Three: Initial Self-Assessment Step Four: Reflective Conversation

Connecting Big Picture to Documents Step One:  Teacher Preparation & Induction Comparison  Teacher Preparation & Induction Alignment Chart B-1.1  Alignment Chart Discussion Guide B-1.2

Connecting Big Picture to Documentation Tools Step Two:  Know-Want to Know-Observe Chart (B-2)  Informal Classroom Observation Tools (B-3.1)  Post-Observation Reflection Tool (B-4)

Connecting Big Picture to Documentation Step Three: Preparation for Initial Assessment  Description of Practice (E-1)  Self-Assessment CSTP and Induction (E-2.1)

Connecting Big Picture to Documents Step Four:  Self-Assessment Reflective Conversation Record (E-3)

Checking for Understanding Using Post-its, write 1-2 questions you have regarding the Initial Assessment of Teaching Practice Module. Place the Post-its on the designated chart.

Context for Teaching Step One: Collecting and Reviewing Information

 Collecting & Reviewing Information  Conversation Guide: CSDC (A-7) Contextualizing and Extending  Conversation Guide: Induction Standards (A-7) Contextualizing and Extending Reconnecting to the Big Picture You Are Here

Collecting and Reviewing Information Step One: Collecting and Reviewing Information  A-1: Class Profile  A-2: Classroom Layout  A-3: School and District Information/Resource  A-4: Home-School Communication  A-5: Site Orientation Checklist  A-6: Community Map

Collecting and Reviewing Information “Information Gathering Quiz” Getting to Know the Information on the Forms:  At tables number off 1-6  1’s begin at A-1, 2’s begin at A-2, etc.  Read and discuss the content and structure of the form  Using the Information Gathering Quiz match the forms from Column A with the type of information listed in Column B  Have a table group discussion regarding the forms

Collecting and Reviewing Information: Information Gathering FORMS: ITEMS: 1.A-1. Class Profilea) GATE b) Seating Chart Information 2.A-2. Classroom Layoutc) Evaluations d) Medical Conditions 3.A-3. School and District Info/Res.e) AVID f) API Scores 4.A-4. Home-School Communicationg) EL Information h) Counselor Contact Info 5.A-5. Site Orientation Checklisti) Teacher Internet Use Agreement 6.A-6 Community Map j) Contracted work hours …etc.

Collecting and Reviewing Information: Information Gathering Answer Key 1. A-1. Class Profile 2. a, d, g, k, m, 2. A-2. Classroom Layout 3. b 3. A-3. School and District Info/Resources 4. e, f, g, h, l, p 4. A-4. Home-School Communication 5. n 5. A-5. Site Orientation Checklist 6. c, i, j, m, o 6. A-6. Community Map 7. q

Collecting & Reviewing Sources of Information

Collecting & Reviewing Information: Understanding Resources “It’s All in the Cards!”  Locate Question Cards on table  Answer Cards have been distributed randomly around the room  One volunteer reads the first Question Card aloud  Participant with answer card stands and reads the answer  Participant with the answer then reads a Question Card from their table…

Collecting and Reviewing Information Partner Prompt:  What do you anticipate will be the most challenging aspect of collecting information?  How can support providers help make collecting information a meaningful experience?


Purpose  To identify the essential characteristics of formative assessment  To understand the role of formative assessment within the BTSA Induction Process.

Outcomes  Clarify the BTSA approach to formative assessment and its essential characteristics.  Invite participants to consider the role of formative assessment within a comprehensive system of support and assessment.  Invite participants to reflect upon what they already know about assessment strategies and the role of assessment within the context of good classroom teaching.

Formative Assessment The performance of a learner collected over time and compared to set criteria

Summative Assessment The performance of a learner summarized at one point in time, usually with a final conclusion drawn.

Formative Assessment for Teachers  Generates evidence for credentialing requirements (Induction Standards)  Focuses new teacher professional growth  Guides support provider work

Formative Assessment in BTSA Involves new teachers and support providers in continuous reflection and discussion of evidence in order to make professional judgments about their professional practice.

Formative Assessment in BTSA Includes all elements of thoughtful practice:  Inquiry  Reflection  Observation  Goal-setting

Why Formative Assessment?  To focus and direct the participating teacher’s growth  To guide the work of the support provider  To establish professional norms of inquiry into and reflection upon practice  To reinforce the key role of assessment in developing effective instructional practices

Summative Assessment for Teachers Formal evaluations made by site administrator

Communication between the Participating Teacher and the Support Provider is strictly confidential.

Scenarios  Triad groups role play scenarios involving confidentiality: Principal approaches SP and asks what is going on in the PTs classroom SP/PT/SA meet to discuss current progress in classroom management strategies

Read Article  “The Role of Formative Assessment in Induction Programs” by Kendall Stansbury  Highlight key points

Article Reflection  What new insights regarding formative assessment do you have from reading this article?  How/why is formative assessment valuable to the participating teacher?  Why would evidence-based support given to the participating teacher be more powerful than general support?  How could site administrators, foster a supportive relationship with support providers at sites?

Reflection  Using the “Round the Room and Back Again” strategy have participants debrief the importance of the activity.

Initial Assessment of Teaching Practice Teacher Preparation & Induction Comparison Step One Compare Teacher Preparation to Induction Standards

Reconnecting to the Big Picture Step One:Teacher Preparation & Induction Comparison Step Two: Informal Observation and Discussion Step Three:Initial Self-Assessment Step Four:Reflective Conversation You are here!

 Read the directions for Step One; Teacher Preparation & Induction Conversation Teacher Preparation & Induction Conversation  Table talk: Discuss the Intent of Step One

Teacher Preparation & Induction Conversation  Review “Teacher Preparation & Induction Alignment Chart” (B-1.1)  Note connections between knowledge and skills in teacher preparation programs and knowledge and skills in Induction.

Teacher Prep / Induction Conversation Card Sort Activity  As a table group (or with a partner), divide the scenarios into two groups:  Teacher Preparation  Induction  Use the “Teacher Preparation & Induction Alignment Chart” (B-1.1) as a resource during the activity.  Hint: There are an equal number of scenarios in each group (Teacher Preparation and Induction)

Becoming Familiar with the Alignment Chart Discussion Guide (B-1.2)  Refer to the Alignment Chart Discussion Guide  Review the questions on the Alignment Chart Discussion Guide B-1.2 (1 and 2)  Discuss with a partner how you would answer questions 1 and 2 based on your own classroom practice.

Becoming Familiar with the Alignment Chart Conversation Guide Use the Teacher Preparation and Induction Alignment Chart (B-1.1) to discuss question # 3 on the Alignment Chart Discussion Guide (B-1.2)

Understanding Evidence vs. Opinion Skill Building 14

Purpose  Differentiate between evidence and opinion  Align evidence collection to the California Standards for the Teaching Profession and Induction Standards  To demonstrate the value and power of observation of a teacher’s classroom practice

Outcomes  Participants will gain an understanding about the usage of evidence during an observation  Participants will deepen their understanding of the California Standards for the Teaching Profession and the Induction Standards  To develop the support provider’s skill in collecting observation evidence

Evidence vs. Opinion  Observable  Not influenced by observer’s perspective  Free of evaluative words  No conclusions drawn  Makes inferences  Depends on observer’s perspective  Includes evaluative words  Draws conclusions

Types of Observation Evidence  Verbatim scripting - teacher or student  Observed behavior - teacher or student  Numeric information  Observed aspect of the environment  Teacher movement in the room  Seating chart  Start/stop times for activities and transition

Observation Evidence  With a partner read the statements and determine whether they are examples of evidence or of opinion.  Rewrite the statements that are written as opinion to read as evidence

Practice Collect evidence of the PT’s teaching practice for CSTP 2: Creating and Maintaining an Effective Environment

In what ways will gathering evidence enhance PT/SP relationships and provide PTs with information that will guide their teaching practice? Think … write … share…

Sources of Evidence  Lesson Plans  Observations  Student Work  Reflection - Written and Conversation

Standards The dictionary defines “standards” as: An acknowledged measure of comparison for quantitative or qualitative value; criterion; norm  Think about some of the things you believe teachers should know or be able to do  List each skill on a separate post-it

For our purposes, we further define the CSTP as: Describing what a teacher should know and be able to do Partner activity:  Use the CSTP mat and place your post-its on an appropriate standard

Four Ways to Use the CSTP 1. To provide a common language to talk about classroom practice 2. To help identify areas of strength and areas of professional growth 3. To guide the design of professional development 4. To link teacher preparation with induction and on-going professional development

Professional Commitment CSTP 1-5 Engaging Managing Knowing Planning Assessing CSTP 6 Developing as a Professional Educator

Think … write … share… In what ways will gathering evidence related to the CSTP enhance SPs ability to support a new teacher with information that will guide their teaching practice

Induction Standards Reflection  What do you know about documenting evidence for Induction Standards that will help you support your Participating Teacher? Reflect… Write…. Share….

Initial Assessment of Teaching Practice Step 2 Informal Classroom Observation

Reconnecting to the Big Picture Step One:Teacher Preparation & Induction Comparison Step Two: Informal Observation and Discussion Step Three: Initial Self-Assessment Step Four: Reflective Conversation You are here!

Read the directions for Step Two: Informal Classroom Observation (B-3.1) Table Talk: Discuss the intent of an informal classroom observation Informal Classroom Observation

K-W-O Chart (B-2.0)  Review the K-W-O Chart  Note:  What I already Know about my classroom practice  What I Want to know about my classroom practice  What I would like my support provider to Observe when (s)he visits my classroom

Informal Classroom Observation  Prompt:  Discuss with a partner the benefits of completing the  K-W-O Chart for the Participating Teacher: Support Provider:

Informal Classroom Observation Pre-Observation Conversation  Work with a partner to list the items a support provider might discuss with a participating teacher during the pre- observation conference.

81 Informal Classroom Observation Possible Answers for the Pre-Conference: 1.Set a time for the observation and share how evidence will be used 2.Review Context for Teaching student information forms 3.Share the observation form(s) and revisit the KWO chart from Step 1

Informal Classroom Observation 4.Discuss the purpose of the observation and its location in the scope and sequence of the Initial Assessment of Teaching Practice (Module B). 5.Discuss where you should sit during the observation. 6.Discuss how/if you will be introduced to students.

Informal Classroom Observation Observation  Refer to Informal Classroom Observation Tool B-3.1  Find a Partner  Identify the types of information documented on the form.

Informal Classroom Observation Observation Practice  Using Informal Classroom Observation Tool B-3.1, prepare to observe a lesson  Remember to record all “evidence” observed during the lesson using: CSTP Induction Standards

Informal Classroom Observation Practice Observation De-Brief  Partners: Share samples of evidence collected for the CSTP elements and Induction Standards  Did you have anything written that might be an opinion? If so, how could it be written as evidence?  What if there is no evidence for a standard?

Informal Classroom Observation Post-Observation Discussion Role-Play  Find a Partner (Take your observation notes and Post Observation Reflection B-4 with you)  Decide who will be the support provider and who will be the participating teacher.  Using the actual notes gathered during the practice observation, role play the conversation you would have with the participating teacher to determine key insights that might be recorded on the Post Observation Reflection tool, B-4.

Context for Teaching Step Two: Contextualizing & Extending Information

Mind Map

 Collecting & Reviewing Information  Conversation Guide: CSDC (A-7) Contextualizing and Extending  Conversation Guide: Induction Standards (A-7) Contextualizing and Extending Reconnecting to the Big Picture You Are Here

Contextualizing and Extending CSDC Information  Read the discussion prompts on the Conversation Guide: CSDC (A-7)  Highlight the key words from each prompt  Select a prompt that you believe will lead to a powerful conversation with participating teachers  Share your choice, and the reasoning behind your choice, with your table group

Conversation Guide: CSDC Contextualizing and Extending Step Two: Discussion: Use the prompts on the guide Reflecting and Applying (bottom of page): Participating Teachers record how the information gleaned from the conversation can be used to address the needs of students

Fishbowl Activity: Number off within table groups Observe a mock conversation 1’s: Stems used by the support provider 2’s: Questions/statements used by the support provider (clarifying, paraphrasing, or mediational) 3’s: Stances taken by the support provider (coaching, collaborating, consulting) Debrief the conversation in table groups Practicing Support Provider Skills

Reconnecting to the Big Picture  Collecting & Reviewing Information  Conversation Guide: CSDC (A-7) Contextualizing and Extending  Conversation Guide: Induction Standards (A-7) Contextualizing and Extending You Are Here

Contextualizing and Extending Induction Standard Information Step Three:  Read the discussion prompts on the Conversation Guide: Induction Standards (A-7)  Highlight the key words from each prompt  Discuss one prompt that you believe will lead to a powerful conversation with participating teachers

Practicing Support Provider Skills Windows and Mirrors  Form triad groups. Choose an Induction Standard Conversation Guide (e.g. pedagogy, equity and diversity)  Windows: Imagine you are observing a SP/PT conversation about “Reflecting and Applying,” what would you see and hear?  Mirrors: Imagine you are in a special, mirrored meeting room where you can observe your reflection, as you hold a SP/PT conversation about Reflecting and Applying. What would you want to keep in mind?

Context For Teaching Conclusion  Collecting & Reviewing Information  Conversation Guide: CSDC (A-7) Contextualizing and Extending  Conversation Guide: Induction Standards (A-7) Contextualizing and Extending

Mind Map  Model “Mapping key concepts”  Participants continue individually  Participants share with someone at another table  Add new thoughts/ideas

Reconnecting FACT  Context for Teaching  Initial Assessment of Teaching Practice  Inquiry  Summary of Teaching Practice

Step 3 Initial Self-Assessment

Reconnecting to the Big Picture Step One:Teacher Preparation & Induction Comparison Step Two:Informal Observation and Discussion Step Three: Initial Assessment Step Four: Reflective Conversation You are here!

 Read the directions and highlight the key ideas for Step 3: Initial Assessment Completion  Share key ideas Marking the Self-Assessment

 Review the Assessment Tool criteria (Description of Practice E-1)  This tool (or alternative) will be used as a guide for marking the Initial Self- Assessment column

Marking the Initial Assessment (E-2) Practice Marking E-2 (Induction Standards)  Working with a partner review the completed Post-Observation Reflection (B-4).  Together read Induction Standard on E-2.1 (English Learners)  Based on the Post-Observation Reflection a PT would answer the questions found at the bottom of E-2.1  What type of evidence would you have in this observation to answer the question regarding the PTs strengths and challenges related to teaching practice?  What additional evidence might you use to help the PT describe how they are applying the Induction Standard (English Learners) to their classroom practice.