Lord of the Flies
Rules Who or what rules your life? Think about who and what governs your life and how this affects you. Task one List 3 of society’s rules or laws that directly affect you as an individual. Copy and complete the table in your books showing who created these rules, who enforces them and the advantages and disadvantages of them. Rule 1Rule 2Rule 3 Rule Who created it? Who enforces it? How is it enforced? Advantages Disadvantages
‘That is really what this book is about: if you don’t have rules, that is to say, if you don’t have laws, then you’re lost, you’re finished, you’re gone.’ William Golding Would you be ‘lost’ without the rules you have considered? Why? To what extent do rules help society to survive?
No Grown Ups! – While the cats away… Think of a time when you and your peers were in a setting where there was no adult supervision. How did the atmosphere change? Did your peers act differently? Were the rules still obeyed? Were new rules developed? Did certain people take charge? Did some people still want to follow the rules? What happened to people who broke the rules?
Decisions and influences Who influences your decision making? 1.Think about who or what influences you when you have an important decision to make. They may be friends, family or other authority figures. They may also be celebrities, advertisements etc. Don’t forget that decision-making can be influenced both positively and negatively. 2. Now think about something specific that you need to make a decision about. Consider who or what might influence this decision. Note down something they may say to influence your choice. 3.Think about how you influence people around you. How do you have a positive influence on people? 4.Is there any area where you may have a negative influence on people?
Leadership Consider the qualities and skills required to be a good leader. List the qualities in your books, give a brief reason for your choices.
Imagine you are the leader of a group, what would you do if… Someone questions your authority? Someone tries to compete against you as leader? People are picking on a member of the group you lead? Everyone in your group has been threatened and is scared (including you) and they are looking to you for guidance.
Scenario Midge is smaller than you, wears glasses, is a little chubby and needs an inhaler when she gets excited or anxious. You have known her for ages and were best friends at Primary. You are popular and have a lot of friends who tend to follow your lead. However, one of your group, who is also popular, has started questioning everything you say and you suspect she is talking about you behind your back. You know that to openly challenge her will divide your friends so you try to be friendly and hope she will see that you are a good person to know. Midge comes to you for help because she is being picked on by the other girl. Some of the others in your group are taking this girl’s lead and have also started to call Midge names. What would you do?