AP Biology Review Session 3


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Presentation transcript:

AP Biology Review Session 3

INTERPHASE (cell growth and chromosome duplication) (DNA synthesis) G1 G2 Cytokinesis (division of cytoplasm) Mitosis (division of nucleus) Genetically Identical “daughter cells” MITOTIC PHASE (M)

Mitosis and development Haploid gametes (n = 23) n Egg cell n Sperm cell Meiosis Fertilization Multicellular diploid adults (2n = 46) Diploid zygote (2n = 46) 2n Mitosis and development

You should now be able to Identify the roles of cell division in living organisms Distinguish between events in interphase, mitosis, and cytokinesis Describe the movements of chromosomes in prophase, metaphase, anaphase, and telophase of mitosis  Define the following terms: checkpoint, chiasma, chromosome, chromatid, centromere, crossing over, homologous chromosome pair, nondisjunction, and spindle Copyright © 2009 Pearson Education, Inc.

You should now be able to Compare and contrast the processes of mitosis and meiosis Distinguish between terms in the following groups: haploid—diploid; sister chromatids—nonsister chromatids;deletion—duplication—inversion— translocation Describe how genetic variability is generated through meiosis and fertilization Identify factors that control cell division and describe how cancer cells escape these controls Copyright © 2009 Pearson Education, Inc.

inheritance when phenotype Genes located on alternative versions called chromosomes (a) at specific locations called if both same, genotype called if different, genotype called (b) (c) heterozygous expressed allele called unexpressed allele called (d) (e) inheritance when phenotype In between called (f)

You should now be able to Explain and apply Mendel’s laws of segregation and independent assortment  Distinguish between terms in the following groups: allele—gene; dominant—recessive; genotype— phenotype;  F1—F2; heterozygous—homozygous; incomplete dominance—codominance Explain the meaning of the terms locus, multiple alleles, pedigree, pleiotropy, polygenic inheritance Describe the difference in inheritance patterns for linked genes and explain how recombination can be used to estimate gene distances Describe how sex is inherited in humans and identify the pattern of inheritance observed for sex-linked genes  Solve genetics problems involving monohybrid and dihybrid crosses for autosomal and sex-linked traits, with variations on Mendel’s laws Copyright © 2009 Pearson Education, Inc.

Sugar- phosphate backbone Nitrogenous base Phosphate group Sugar Nucleotide DNA RNA C G A T C G A U Nitrogenous base Deoxy- ribose Sugar Ribose DNA Polynucleotide

Growing polypeptide Amino acid Large ribosomal subunit tRNA Anticodon mRNA Small ribosomal subunit Codons

use amino-acid-bearing is a polymer made from monomers called DNA (a) is performed by enzyme called (b) (c) (d) comes in three kinds called RNA (e) (f) molecules are components of use amino-acid-bearing molecules called (g) is performed by organelles called (h) one or more polymers made from monomers called Protein (i)

You should now be able to Compare and contrast the structures of DNA and RNA Describe how DNA replicates Explain how a protein is produced Distinguish between the functions of mRNA, tRNA, and rRNA in translation Determine DNA, RNA, and protein sequences when given any complementary sequence Distinguish between exons and introns and describe the steps in RNA processing that lead to a mature mRNA Explain the relationship between DNA genotype and the action of proteins in influencing phenotype Distinguish between the effects of base substitution and insertion or deletion mutations Copyright © 2009 Pearson Education, Inc.

You should now be able to Distinguish between lytic and lysogenic viral reproductive cycles and describe how RNA viruses are duplicated within a host cell Explain how an emerging virus can become a threat to human health Identify three methods of transfer for bacterial genes Distinguish between viroids and prions Describe the effects of transferring plasmids from donor to recipient cells Copyright © 2009 Pearson Education, Inc.

Genes are carried on ______. a. centrosomes b. chiasma c. nuclei d. chromosomes

Which of the following events occurs during prophase? a. chromosomes line up on the midline of the cell b. nucleoli reappear c. the mitotic spindle begins to form d. cytokinesis

Homologous chromosomes _________. a. carry the same gene sequence b. are a set of chromosomes that a cell receives from one parent c. do not include the sex chromosomes d. are formed when the chromosomes separated during anaphase

A duplicated chromosome consists of two sister _________. a. centromeres b. centrosomes c. chromatids d. chromatins

Which of the following events occurs during telophase? a. chromosomes align on the midline of the cell b. the cleavage furrow forms c. tetrads form d. centromeres divide

When is amniocentesis usually performed? a. during the third trimester b. between week 14 and week 20 of pregnancy c. prior to the fourth week of pregnancy d. after the birth of the child

Who is a monk known for his work on inheritance using garden peas? a. Charles Darwin b. E.O. Wilson c. Gregor Mendel d. Theodor Schleiden

An individual heterozygous for cystic fibrosis _______. a. is a carrier of cystic fibrosis b. cannot reproduce c. has cystic fibrosis d. cannot have children with cystic fibrosis

What is the genotype of an individual who is heterozygous for dimples? a. DD b. dd c. Dd d. dimples

What is the name given to the specific location of a gene on a chromosome? a. phenotype b. locus c. site d. allele

DNA and RNA are polymers of _______ monomers. a. carbohydrate b. nucleotide c. nucleic acid d. amino acid

What type of bond joins the bases of complimentary DNA strands? a. ionic b. covalent c. hydrophobic d. hydrogen

Which enzyme is responsible for RNA synthesis? a. RNA polymerase b. RNA ligase c. Rnase d. RNA gyrase

Any change in the nucleotide sequence of DNA is called a ____________. a. double helix b. intron c. prophase d. mutation

If adenine makes up 20% of the bases in a DNA helix, what percent of the bases is guanine?